Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pictures of our Home

Spring? Break

Happy Spring Break?? This is what we woke up to this morning. We couldn't believe all the snow!! Our poor trees branches were so heavy with snow and blossoms.

I am so sorry that I have been such a lazy blogger. I will try to keep up. There has been so much going on I didn't make time to update our blog.

Well, my due date was yesterday and no baby yet. That is ok. I have always chosen to be induced and this pregnancy I decided to not be induced. I thought it would be fun to see what my body does when it goes into labor. So far I feel great, I have no signs that I am aware of that I will have the baby soon. My doctor is on vacation for spring break till the 21st so if I don't have the baby before then , than I will be induced that day. We have been working alot on our house trying to fit all of us into a 1100 square foot home without feeling so cluttered. I am finally done!!! It feels so much better. Josh finished our kitchen and i will post pictures, I wish we would have taken better before pictures of it. We have them on video camera, but I am not sure how to add that to the blog. Thank you Josh for working so hard last week. There are a few more things to do but nothing major. I will try to keep these posts more updated. I hope you all had a great Easter!

Monday, December 8, 2008

The HUGE Compromise...

For those of you who know me, know that I am not an animal lover at all. You would also be very surprised to know that we now own a cute little puppy named Pixie! Joshs cousins breed american bulldogs. They asked us if we would co-own this female puppy with them. Co-owning means that we have the dog live with us and we take care of her , but they help do all the training with her and they teach us what to do. We help to get her ready to go to the dog shows where she has to make champion within the first year. Then when she is almost two years old, she can start to have babies. Then when pixie has puppies, they take the puppies and sell them and we split the profit. Josh has wanted a dog forever, but I would never agree to it. When pixie came along, I couldn't believe that I was actually considering it, and yes it took me weeks to decide. Pixie comes with benefits that most dogs don't come with so I figured if we were ever going to get a dog, this would have to be the one. So we did it. Ya know, she is actually growing on me. She is really cute and very well behaved. She has been great. Who knew that somewhere in my heart a puppy could find a place? Within the next two months she will double in size, so she won't look like a puppy for long. I have never had a pet growing up except for a stray cat we took in named sammy. We hardly ever saw him. I definitly have never been used to having an animal and I actually have had a fear of dogs for a while. So, she is really good for our family. I just wanted to introduce her to ya all out there and let you know whats been going on in our family.

Rachel finally lost it!

Rachel lost her first tooth the day before thanksgiving. It was hanging on for a few days and she was starting to have a hard time eating, but she didn't want anyone to touch it. So she wiggled and wiggled her tooth so much everyday and then it just fell out. She had been waiting for this moment for a long time. She wrote the tooth fairy a note asking if she could keep her tooth because she wanted to show her friends at school after thanksgiving break. So the tooth fairy wrote her back and said it would be okay if she kept it. She was so excited!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Last year we started the tradition that on Thanksgiving we make fun little turkeys, and whatever creative minds can dream of, out of gum drops, toothpicks, marshmallows, and candy corns. It has turned out to be very fun for the kids (and adults). These are just a few of the many creations. We hope all of you had a wonderful thanksgiving with lots of pumpkin pie.

Its a.....

GIRL!!! Yes we are expecting another girl. We had the ultrasound the day before Thanksgiving. We are very excited!

Go Josh!

Josh recieved his black belt on Nov. 19th. He has been working very hard towards it for the last three years. We are very proud of him and thank you to all of you who have supported him so much along the way.
He had to start out by doing 100 pushups and then go on to fight 10 different guys in 30 minutes. He did very well and walked away very sore for the next few days.
For those of you who don't know, he works with Jon Rochette and they teach control principles for women, a self defense class for women in the community. They also have been training their fellow employees at the police department. Jon has also been training Josh for his black belt and he is an amazing mentor, example, and friend. Way to go Josh!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Meet Rachels friend Alexis...

Rachel suprised me the other day when she came into the room with her new friend Alexis. I had to do a double take. isn't this picture hilarious! Alex and Rachel thought they were pretty funny so they went to a few of their friends houses to introduce them to Rachels new friend Alexis.
Rachel has been dressing up Alex as a girl since he was very little and he thinks its pretty funny, but this time after about 20 minutes, and his friends seeing him dressed as a girl, he couldn't change fast enough. I think this is what he will be for halloween next year. He could definitely pull off the wig and pass for a girl at first glance. Anyway I just had to share this with you. I loved it and thought you would also get a big kick out of it.

haylee fell asleep

We were outside playing a few days ago and Rachel came running up to me telling me that Haylee had fallen asleep on our neighbors trampoline. So I had to take a picture. She was so cute all cuddled up in her blanket. When we tried to gently take her off the tramp to come home she woke up a little staticy.

Haylee is 2!!

Haylee turned 2 on November 7th. We had her family party on the monday night before. Almost all of these pictures are from that evening. Sorry they are kind of scattered.

Haylee has been my sweet little angel. I have really had so much fun enjoying her. I think because she was my third I was more relaxed and I didn't want her to grow up fast.

She is such a fun little girl. Something you may not know about her is that she is a tease. She teases her older brother and sister to the point they are running to me and saying that Haylee won't stop teasing them and Haylee will just be laughing and laughing. She has such a fun personality and a tender heart. She is very caring. She loves hugs. She loves to read. I will miss all the time we spend together when the new baby comes. I love her so much and I am so grateful that I am her mom.

Thank you to all the family that came to her party and supported her. She is so blessed to have you all in her life.

After aunt april gave her the bag with suckers in it she wasn't interested in anything else but having one. We were trying to make her wait......

She kind of got upset and didn't really care about any of the other presents. Thank you to everyone for being so understanding of her new 2 year old attitude.

We had brownies and icecream. She was so cute because she blew out the candles so fast but none of the cameras were ready so we relit them and had her do it again. The second time she could not blow them out.

She kept trying and trying and then her dad helped her by lifting the plate closer to her mouth.
She is so cute!

I tried writing happy 2 haylee with m&ms on her brownies, but when they were cooking they sunk
into the batter of course! Oh well. they were
still really yummy.

We need more room for our big families. Thank you so much for coming. We love all you guys. Happy 2nd Birthday Princess Haylee!!!