Monday, July 14, 2014

To those that still blog............You are awesome and it gives me something to read! Everyone should start doing it again, maybe I would if more did!

;-) I am like most of my other friends that do not blog....SORRY! ;-)

Update.... we are alive, we added two cute feet to our family, and doing well!

This is our cute new baby girl! She came into the world after a day of contractions, 3 1/2 hours pushing, and a very complicated c-section due to a 5 inch, 14 oz. fibroid that she had to share womb with.  We love her!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Summer 2012

In no specific order, This is our awesome summer! I didn't realize how awesome it was until I looked over the gazillion pictures. So in no specific order....

We partied with the Beach Boys at The Stadium of fire.

Hung out with Family

Ran the Ragnar and din't get injured this year! Ya!

Got smothered by the blanket monster!

Watched my husband in all his awesomeness!

Moved to an awesome new home close to Utah Lake....results of the new wild life experience

Survived the wild fires, but loved the sunsets

Played and relaxed at the beach.

Partied  at Disneyland! Best trip yet, and I got to go into the castle!

Rode solo on the teacups! Who gets to do that?

Rode splash mountain and kind of succeeded looking at the camera....kind of.
Not much better in this one... My stomach just doesn't want me to look up when I go down   big hill.

Got to talk to Mater a little bit in the new Radiator springs

Saw Lightening McQueen

And pet a goat.

At our school retreat, we got to go on a zipline.

Found a lot of golfballs in our "backyard" with nieces and nephews.

and found them in very odd places.
What a great summer!

Monday, June 04, 2012

Embarrassed because of Weight Gain!

Yes, It has been FOREVER since I last blogged.  We have done a gazillion things since the last post, but haven't taken pictures, or if we did I dont' want to post them because of a huge weight gain, No I am NOT pregnant, just getting fat. I have finally decided to post the weight gain and get through that embarrassment! But first,  I really haven't taken any pictures  o f what we have been up to.  I just went though all of the pictures, and there aren't any recent! I guess visit my sisters blogs, I make appearances on theirs more than my own.  So what have we been doing?

  • Katie just started summer break and has a lot of plans for her summer!
  • Michael is still working with his dad in investing.
  • Katie has started classes to get her Masters Degree.
  • Michael has been religiously watching the NBA Playoffs.
  • We both took a country swing class and loved it!
  • Katie is planning on running the RAGNAR once again this year.
  • Michael signed up to do the Tough Mudder race in October.
  • We visited Mike's Grandma and she called us both stupid for doing those races. ;-)
  • Katie has started "healing" the world with essential oils.
  • Michael thinks she is going to be a crazy woman when she gets older because of them!
  • We are moving around July 15th! We don't know where we just have to get away from the very very loud and obnoxious dogs, trash can, and doors being slammed.
  •  We have a spot of property. Okay we really don't own it, but it is for sale and we really really really do want it.  It is right by Utah Lake. Look at the view we would have from our back yard! No Joke! The other side has Timp! Who could complain about that?

Okay now for the fat pictures because I know  you have ALL been DYING to see them! Ha

For field day my school rented Sumo suits and I was one of the teachers that got picked to do it! It was so fun hearing the school chant "Jorgensen" over and over again! I felt bad for the other teacher who had only been there for this year, I think her class was the only one chanting her name.  There are benefits of having taught most of the school.  I was thinking about it and I am probably the teacher that has actually taught most of these kids since I had 50 of them in kindergarten for 2 years, then additional 25 for two years. you do the math! It was Awesome

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Digi Scrapping Q& A Plus more pictures

Here is more of my digital scrapbooking! I just have to say I love it! I have recently been asked quite a few questions about digi scrapbooking! So there is a little Q & A after the pictures and feel free if there are more questions! Don't forget to click on them to see them bigger!


Q- Will I keep the "old style"?

A-    Of course I will! I love making things with my hands, but I want to catch up with all of my old pictures that need to be done. This way is a lot faster since I do not have to wait for pictures to be printed, and it is super fast because they have templates all ready to go!

Q- Which program do I use?

A- Close To my Hearts Studioj.   I may be a little biased because I sell with Close To My Heart, but from what I have heard around other people, it has everything I want!  It has the great products from Close To My Heart,  I don't have to download the program because it is based online, which means I can access it anywhere there is the Internet.  If I was visiting my sisters house and I wanted her pictures scrapbooked, I would just have to log in, and do it. It would save my work from anywhere! I love that they also give me the option of buying the digital image, printing it out, or doing both!

Q- How much is it?

A- It all depends on what you want?  They have different package to choose from. You can actually get on it for FREE to try out, but you can't print it off. It would be a great way preview the program.  You can choose to become a member and have monthly fee's which differ depending on how long of a member ship you have.    The best way to see the prices is to visit  HERE CLICK HERE
   When I first thought of signing up I was thinking it was super expensive, but then I started thinking of the money I would use to develop pictures, paper, embellishments, and time, plus you can get the free page protectors too! It is well worth it! Especially when you get different sizes of pictures like the 8x10 sizes! woot woot

Q- How are they printed?

A- As you look at the prices, you can choose to have CTMH Print them for you (which I totally recommend) or you can get the JPG file and I guess go somewhere else.  CTMH uses a certain paper, and when you get it, it looks like one huge picture! I love it. is the website! If you are a little bit interested you should just go try it because you will love it! And don't forget to have me be your consultant when you sign up! Then I can congratulate you on your new adventure!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Digital Scrapbooking and life I guess.

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I have loved doing the digital scrapbooking. I love doing it by hand to, but this was so easy! I finally printed them off, and also got the IMG download too so I could post them online. I was nervous about the prints, but they look fantastic. Just like huge pictures of what I created! Fell in love with all over again! So worth the money!

We are still alive and doing well. Nothing to exciting happening at the Jorgensen house! I did quite facebook back in september, and have been off since... well you can do the math! Am I proud? Yes I am. My sister said I would go back, and honestly I am.  There are so many things I am missing out on, but I don't think I'll be so addicted to it and have it be such a time waster! If it does, I'm out again! You should try it, even if it is just for a little while. Oh and I'll be deleting/blocking a lot of the people I am "friends" with that just are fluffy time wasters too! Hopefully it won't be any of you!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Quick Update- Mostly Disney 1/2Our

My Dr. Seuss Room for this year! Sadly I might have to take down the trees because the safety commissioner  thinks they could be a fire hazard. The whole school is filled with paper, the whole school is a fire hazard! 

 If you have been following the blog/facebook/ or something else, you probably know that we signed up way back at the beginning of the year to run a half marthon.  Long story short,  Michael and I both injured ourselves in June and we hoped we could do it. Well, we took the plunge and tried. We succeeded and feel GREAT!!

Our Toy Story Themed hotel room. Don't you love the Aliens just staring at you? 

Our view from the hotel. We could see the Fireworks at night. It was nice to have a hotel so close to the parks.

The day we picked up our running bibs 10733 and 10734. There were only 14000 people running with us. We didn't get any pictures of the race itself, well we did but it was on our phone and those were horrible pictures. We also bought a few from the photographers, but they weren't digital and we don't have them yet. 

 The race started at 6:00 but we had to wake up around 4:00 to eat and be at the starting line on time. It was so much fun!   We got to our corral on time with the other 14000 people, it was super crowded.  They started the race with Micky, Minnie, Goofy, Donald and Daisy cheering us on. The first 2 miles was going around Californa Theme Park. This is when my knee started to give me problems. It hurt to run on it. Michael told me to go to medical, but I didn't want to because they would pull me out and I HAD to finish (I did have 25 third graders expecting a medal).  I was able to speed walk, so that exactly what I did for the other 11.1 miles.

We entered Disneyland Park and went through  all the lands with all the characters cheering us on that belonged to the land (like Tomorrowland had Buzz Lightyear, Critterpark had Winnie the Pooh etc.)

We made it through the park and got to run behind the scenes of the park too! After that we were running through Aneheim. All along the way there were high school marching bands, cheerleaders and other groups of performers cheering us. It was really fun because our bibs had our names on them so the groups would cheer us on by name!

About Mile 9 We got to run around the bases and be on the Jumbo tron at Angels Stadium. We finished the race after running through California park with more Characters cheering us on (like Phineus and Ferb)

The best part was seeing the finish line and being able to High Five Mickey and Goofy!  oh and being done too!  We made it with 12 minutes to spare. Not to bad for our first 1/2 marathon, and being injured!

After the race we went and iced off then went right back to Disneyland where I forgot the Camera!  Whoops!  We had a hopper pass so we went home after about 2-3 hours and took a 2-3 hour nap. We were exhausted!  When we woke up we headed back to the park and I remembered my camera!

When I went to Disneyland with my family years ago, the Fantasmic show was new. We got to watch it again and This was still my favorite part. Probably because most of the characters were on it.

The Castle
My first time EVER on Splash Mountain! I always have that face when going downhill, so there isn't anything new for me here, but I love Michaels face! He says it is like that because it was dark and he couldn't remember how far down it was. As Our P.T. said when we showed this to him "That is definitely true terror".  Well I would give credit to  Mike, but looking at the  other picture..... I don't think it was because of the dark ;-)

This one was in the middle of the day the next day. THey look about the same don't you think?
We loved riding this through Main Street. It was nice to not have to walk.

First time on the Matterhorn

Going through Monstro the whale from Pinocchio, you can see his teeth.

The Coolest Mouse EVER!!

Love Peter Pan!

Love the Chimney Sweeps

Love This Mouse!

Love his expression! ;-)

We went to the World of Color in California Theme Park. It was amazing!

Buzz and Woody being displayed though the mist! Pretty cool!

GREAT EXPERIENCE!!  Coast to Coast 2013, here I come!