
Thursday, July 12, 2012

The last 3 months!

So, we are still ALIVE!! ;) I just haven't had a lot of time to sit down for an extended period of time to write... hmmm... wonder why!?!? lol. I wanted to just give an answer to the question, "How is everyone doing in the transition?" and a little more on our sweet, beautiful Ethiopian princess' personality now that we know her so much better! We can't believe it has been over 3 months since we have been home with our precious new addition! She has adjusted VERY nicely, and I'm not just saying that to keep people from being scared of adoption... I would not sugar coat it if it were the opposite! People need to know that it can be very hard, especially bringing home a toddler or older child. BUT she has slept amazingly well since the beginning (no jet lag at all), she has bonded with Daddy, and let him put her down to sleep after only about a month! She follows the boys EVERYWHERE (not just me!:) and knows how to play with cars like no girl I have ever seen at the tender age of 23 months. hee hee... She is stubborn for sure, and sometimes it's the battle of the wills at our house! :) She is VERY expressive and vocal, and if she is awake, you will hear her in some way whether it is "chatting", singing, whining, screaming, etc. Our house is NOT quiet, unless she is asleep and the boys are too or watching something. She struggled with food for a few months but is eating nicely now again. No one would ever know that because she has always had and still has a cute toddler belly! :) BrynnLee's favorite food is spaghetti, hands down! She is also extremely bright and knows that if she eats *this*, she will get *this*. ;) Also, her language is developing faster than I ever imagined! She has SO many words now, but still even uses some Amharic, which I love. She can say many things like: Mommy, Daddy, "Books" (Brooks), "Bayen" (Brayden), Mimi, Nana, up, down, Ni-night, "ouf" (ouch), "oopy-dayee" (oopsie-daysie), "tank you" (thank you), "peas" (please), and even some words that we don't love so much: NO! :-/, "sop it" (stop it). She even recently started speaking in sentences... "I WANT UP!" (I heard this one morning when she was waiting for someone to get her out of bed! :) Another one recently is, "I need towel!" So, it is incredible how fast she's getting it! I think she may speak more English words than both of our boys at this age!! Girls... ;) Her favorite "toy" is a little plastic stool that we keep in the bathroom, although recently it is rarely in the bathroom where it should be! She carries it around all the time, using it to climb or reach for things she NEEDS! :) She LOVES Max and Coco now (has come a LOOONG way from being violently afraid of animals!). She is still not a HUGE fan of stuffed animals but will tolerate them, and has warmed up to baby dolls. She LOVES the water, always has! BrynnLee Ferehiwot is FULL of life and personality, crazy affectionate, makes anyone smile that's near, and is an extremely happy girl (if she is fed and not tired - ha!)! We are SO blessed to have her in our life and thank God for her life everyday! Our boys are learning every day how to be great big brothers to this little princess... it is kind of hard to constantly have to be aware of what you leave out or what things are too small for her to play with or too large for her to eat. Brooks sometimes may get annoyed with her screaming or getting in the way of his Play, but he is very patient and usually kind. I know he likes it when she comes up out of no where and just hugs him. Melt my heart! Brayden has had more of a hard time, not being the baby anymore. We have to be careful to show him extra love and attention, because he gets really upset and jealous. He is the one having the hardest time, but honestly he is having more good moments than bad, which is GREAT progress for which we are thankful! Prayers are appreciated for us, as we need wisdom and patience during this time of his emotional adjustment. Thank you! God has been so good, and we are ridiculously blessed with so many friends surrounding us with support and I know some are even still praying... thank you.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Our Journey (PART II) ... Home Sweet Home !!

Arriving home was so sweet... we were DOG TIRED, as you can tell from the pictures ;), but it was pure sweetness to be united with our boys and be all together for the very first time. God brought such a peace to my heart knowing that she is ours, we are home, we are together, and this was the first day of our journey as a family of five. Yes, we had been through quite a long process, a long journey getting to this point, but truly the journey begins now... Here are some very special pics that our sweet friend Penny Rogers took upon arrival... Thank you Penny!!
Our beyond amazing friend, Melissa B., made our welcome home so special by decorating our porch and giving the boys lots of attention for becoming big brothers to a new sister!! Love you Melissa... YOU are always blessing us with your kindness and generosity!
Just hangin' out at home...
EASTER weekend!
I promise they actually WERE excited about the neighbors' annual Easter Egg hunt... promise! ;)
Our awesome and wonderful nephew David...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Jones Adoption Journey - Ethiopia Trip2 (PART I)

ONE month, ONE week, ONE day... THAT is how long we have been home and together as a family of FIVE!! It's really unbelievable and doesn't seem like that long, although we have had days that seem like they would never end! ;) ha! In case you are wondering, she is doing REALLY well. God has truly surprised us with the ease of transition, as we were prepared for the WORST and it to be extremely difficult for a while! She slept through the night the first night, and has had great naps since the day she arrived. Our biggest issue now is she's not eating great... whereas early on she'd eat almost anything (besides meat). Our oldest child is really proving to be a sweet big brother and I can see his love for her growing all the time. Our youngest son has had the most difficulty getting used to sharing mommy and daddy, and his toys for that matter. Some days are better than others, but it is evident he is going through a lot of emotions he has never really experienced before. We covet your prayers for him, and that he would grow to love his new sister, treat her with kindness and bond more everyday. Please also pray for me and Kent as we need continued wisdom in discipline, management of a 3 kiddo household and learn how to make each child feel valued and special even more. Thank you! Here are a few pics from the time in Ethiopia upon placement, and our arrival home: First moments together upon placement... Anbes is the busy bee who works for Gladney, does everything including deliver our princess, and is wonderful, helpful, and always on the phone! ;)
Tired from waking and in shock about what's happening!!
She napped well that first day! I learned she sleeps with her eyes 1/2 open, and LOVES her thumb! :)
First bath (well, my first bath with her ;)... she LOVES it!!
Visited friends at another guest house on Day 2...
We hope these 2 will be friends forever! They were in the same Toddler house together, and this family also lives in the DFW area! :) Funny pic... and no, he didn't bonk her on the head. lol
Sweet first moments with Daddy!!
The largest Greek Orthodox Church in Africa ... beautiful.
F's crib in the Care Center...
The day before we left, we said our goodbyes to the wonderful caregivers and special mothers that F had in her year and 1/2 at these care centers. It was a sweet, memorable time, but emotional for all. She did NOT want me after going to back to see them, which tells me she loved them very much and they loved her well!
Special mother her first year...
We also experienced a wonderful, traditional Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony, and our littles enjoyed the festivities as well! Aren't their ET outfits so beautiful!?
Bonding progress!! :)
Sooooo tired and ready to be home...
FIRST time she let Daddy hold her while sleeping ... WOW! (The last 2 hours of travel :-/ )
Sleeping babies.
Airport Arrival ... To be contd. in PART II !

Monday, March 19, 2012



FINALLY, the time has come to place our sweet, beautiful, chosen Fer-Fer with her forever family! I am just beyond ecstatic, and hardly have words to express my love for her and JOY that we will bring her home in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS! I am heading to Ethiopia on Wednesday afternoon and arrive in Addis Thursday night. She will be placed with me on Friday!!!! :) Kent will be arriving on Tuesday night to join us, and she gets to meet her awesome DADDY!!! I can't wait! We arrive back in Dallas on Sunday, April 1st. (oh, and pray for our Embassy appt. to go smoothly!:)

There were times during this wait that we thought it would NEVER end and this day seemed SO far away, but God has had us in His comforting arms this whole time, and He will continue to as well. His timing is perfect, although many times frustrating. ;) I wouldn't trust my life with any other!

Many times people may think, "Oh good, she is home! The hard part is over!" When in actuality, much of the time the HARD part usually BEGINS when they arrive home (especially for toddlers and older adoptive children)!! Being torn away from all she has known and loved, away from those precious caretakers and friends, and all she is used to, face with new faces, new walls, new language, new everything... is OVERWHELMING to say the least, and she will grieve in her own way for a little while.
Because of this, if you pray for us, PLEASE pray these things:

* She bonds quickly to mommy and daddy while in country, and feels as peace in our arms and in our care.

* A smooth, problem-free, calm plane ride back! :) Please Lord!

* Eats well, and has NO health issues, esp. while in ET.

* The boys to respond with loving, gentle, gracious attitudes/hearts upon her transitioning to our family.

* Mommy and Daddy to be sensitive to all of our kiddos' needs and have wisdom throughout!

Thank you!!

Therefore I will give thanks to You, O LORD, among the nations, and I will sing praises to Your name ... 2 Sam 22:50.

In God, whose word I praise, in God I have put my trust; I shall not be afraid what can mere man do to me ... Psalm 56:4.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Adoption Update!

Last month, I was truly blessed by so many friends and family that threw us a BEAUTIFUL shower for our up-n-coming arrival of our sweet girl! It was one of the sweetest, most beautiful showers I have been a part of ... of course it helped that it was close to my heart too! ;) We are beyond blessed and grateful for the loved ones God has placed in our lives! Words are simply not enough to express my heart... my cup overflows!

Well, we have received news that the U.S. Embassy has requested a birth mother interview (which is very normal for relinquishments) for Wed. March 14 at 1pm. That's next week! Please pray for NO discrepancies so the case is NOT sent to Kenya for further review, and for us to have PEACE and STRENGTH throughout no matter what the future holds! If all goes smoothly, we could be traveling within a few weeks! (Lord willin'... as Kent likes to say!)

Lastly, we have some adorable updated pics that are a beautiful blessing each time we receive one!! Can't wait to kiss those cheeks and belly and roll my fingers through those curls! ;) Oh, and she is growing nicely, talking more, and using "Mama" and "Dada" discriminately now!

Okay, now check out this cutie pie...