Sunday, June 5, 2011

;]:}:):\:| MaNy FaCeS ;]:}:):\:|

I love Lily's personality, she is spunky, she picks up Michael Jackson moves in one night, she scowls (a lot), she is a cheeser, her eyes look just like an anime characters when she smiles, she screams at the top of her lungs when she is bored, she smacks the dog every chance she gets no matter how many times we say 'be soft', she brings you her toys and walks away and if you set it down she will get it and bring it back to you, she laughs when I am cleaning the poop out of the tub while she is standing on the side of the tub naked trying to reach in and 'play' in it too! Life would be dull without her! We love our Lily.



Monday, May 2, 2011

First of many

Lily's first birthday party!
What a day it was! She was spoiled with all the gifts she got. It was nice to have our families there and we even had Beth and Marty (Tom's parents in Ohio) on Skype for presents and cake :). She was so good for the whole party but after cake was ready for a nap. She picked away at her cake and ate it so gingerly it was very cute. Thanks to our family for a great party!

Wish we would've taken more pictures..I'm not a party planner, putter-onner person (my poor daughter). I get a bit nutty. She was so fun tho, we are really lucky to have her in our lives she has been such a joy.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1 week till 1

Lily has grown so much and we have grown so much having her. I can't believe almost a year ago we didn't have her in our lives yet. She has quite the personality, I think we might be in trouble ;)

She is WALKING now...I keep trying to get it on video but she is quite the ham when the camera comes out. She forgets all about the totally awesome toy that I put out for her to walk to and is just interested in the camera.

She is a great eater, she seemed to go thru spurts (probably because of teething mainly) with liking food and not but now she loves everything...I rarely have to spoon feed her (except for her yogurt and applesauce) anymore. Her favorite foods are green beans, broccoli, bananas, cantaloupe, yogurt, and pasta with any kind of pasta sauce.

She is very loud when she wants to be, we were at Jessica's orchestra concert the other day and she saw a boy in the aisle looking for his family and she stared at him for a minute and when that didn't get his attention she screamed at him! :) Or when I'm shopping at the store when she gets bored she just babbles loudly. I can't wait till she can actually talk, I think she has a lot to say :)

It's really exciting that she is almost one but its really sad too, I miss that teeny tiny little person I brought home from the hospital. It's hard to believe she was so little. I'm so excited for Kalli's baby in July, it'll be nice to hold a little one again...

We are so lucky to have such a supportive loving family whom we can gush about our Lily or talk to when we need help or advice. Even those who are so far away have been a huge support to us. We love our family and friends and so are happy that Lily can always know that there are so many people around her that love her.

Here are some recent pics of Lily, some we took yesterday even. Love, The Jindras




Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Lily is growing up so fast! Almost 1 year old!!! She has been such a joy in our lives. She has quite the personality. She has taken a few steps now...walking looks like its right around the corner. She is quite the traveler, she has been to 6 states already, vegas three or more times, camping twice, a ten hour (south dakota) and a fourteen hour (California) straight car ride, Zions, and Yellowstone. Not to mention the great times we've had with friends and family here! Here are a few, of millions of pictures from our experiences.

Camping in Moab

First plane ride

California! First time on the beach


Well i figured my blog needed some updating...I'm not very good at this blogging thing :) Hopefully I can be better someday :)
With love, The Jindras

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It's been so long since I have blogged. I probably should give it up I'm so terrible at it. You'd think that this newly formed "staying at home" business would give me a perfect excuse to have loads of blog posts. I must say I stay pretty busy considering I don't have a full time 'job', my job is my little girl and boy is she the best job I could ever have.

We have definately been enjoying our summer...on the fourth we did kid friendly fireworks (i say kid friendly but i'm pretty sure Kai got burned more than once, poor guy) Sparklers and Snaps! Kai and Eli had so much fun throwing the snaps and staring at the sparkling stick they held in their hands.

We went to Thanksgiving Points fireworks and they were BORING!!! The fourth is my favorite holiday and needless to say fireworks being the highlight and i was sorely dissapointed. (good thing AF made up for my missing fireworks shortly after with fireworks concluding Steel Days, they were awe-some) The kids went on a lot of the kid rides at the carnival..Jessica went with me on the ferris wheel and was so scared she got blisters on her hands JR and I rode the ring one it was pretty fun but I gotta say once you've been to Cedar Point (in Ohio) nothing compares...not even Lagoon, it's sorta ruined it for me :)

We are awesome

Tiffany came to visit her last night here before Peru!

Brady graduated from Cornell and so Brooke and Brady moved in with my mom for a little while! We are so lucky to have them back. Her boys are so stinkin cute!

They ran in the kids 1/2 mile and got first and second place!!! HOORAY! I just love these boys!!

It's nice to have us all so close by. I love my sisters!

And my sweet little one...she is getting so big. Almost 3 months next week. At her two month checkup she was in the 95% weight 90% height and 25% head circumference :)!! She is such a good baby..she sleeps so well at night only waking once in the night and she is so happy and smiling when she's awake. She's found her voice and talks to us all the time she even giggled for the first time the other day at my brother and sister inlaws dog Nebo and our dog Skylar playing. It has been such a fun experience being a mom I absolutely love it!
Thats all for now. I'm so tired, that's probably another reason I don't blog I usually only get a chance to get online at night and I prefer to sleep :)