Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kacee graduated

Yes, Kacee graduated from Junior High. This whole graduating ceremony thing from junior high is baffling to me. I never had a graduation ceremony when leaving 8th grade. We just left and were excited to be going to high school.
So, Kurt and I are feeling a little older today. But, very proud. Kacee received an award that all the teachers voted on who should receive it. One girl and one boy received this award. Along with the award was a gift card to Staples. She's not sure what they were thinking when they came up with that part of it. She would have rather of had cash. I told her not to complain, she can use it to buy supplies for the next school year and save me some money.
We are so proud of her. She is a great student. She just amazes us everyday at what she excels in.
Way to go Kacee. We love you!!! xoxoxoxox

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eric's Court of Honor

It was Eric's first court of Honor in the ward. He was excited and nervous. He was helping with the flag ceremony and getting awards. He received his First Aide merit badge, Tenderfoot, and 2nd class. He had to get instruction from his scout leader so he didn't poke me. (I don't think they forget how to pin their mom's. They get lots of practice at it in cub scouts.) He was so cute about it and did a great job. And, he didn't poke me. I'm so proud of you Eric. You are doing such a great job in scouts. Keep up the good work.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kacee, Eric and Verrado Track!

These were long, hot afternoons.
We just loved watching Eric running against the big 7th and 8th graders. This was his first season. He always tried his hardest and that is what counts. He always would say, " I did my best".
Kacee couldn't decided if she wanted to do track again this year. She really was missing her friend and track buddy from last year - Lexi. I had to remind her that she lived on the other side of town. She finally decided to run and I was so excited. I just love to watch track. I had a great PE teacher in 7th grade that got me interested in running hurdles and ran them every spring till my Junior year.
Kacee had a great season. She ran the hurdles, 100m, long jump, and triple jump. She did so good. She made the semi finals, and alternate for the finals in long jump. This was the first year their school had a track team and the girls team took 1st at the finals. We were so proud of them.
Eric's good friend Colby Clifford ran also. So the other perk to the season was to be able to spend the time watching the kids run with such good friends and company. We all had many laughs and drinks from sonic. What could be better?!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! Today has been a great day. We did the whole Easter Bunny thing this morning, then quickly got ready for the day. Kurt's brother Eric blessed their new baby Mara in their home this morning. What a great way to start the day. And the blessing he gave was beautiful. Our kids were so excited to see their cousins, even if it was a short visit. Then we left to drive back over to our ward.

This was the first Sunday, of many, that we got to sit without Kurt. He has been called to be the 1st counselor in the Bishopric. So, now I'm a single parent again. I need to remember to have patience with my kids. But, I always feel like we're being watched and we are not perfect.

Anyways, I got to teach YW's today. I was asked to teach an Easter lesson. So, I decided to teach about the last 8 days of Christ's life. My good friend Heidi had given this lesson when we were serving in YW's together in SR1. It was such a neat lesson. Hopefully the girls liked it. I felt a little rushed, but it all turned out good.

So, the day is coming to a close and I was sitting and thinking about all the things that have happened and blessed our family since last Easter. I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows each of us. And blesses my family each and every day. And for our Savior Jesus Christ. What a specialy gift he has given each of us. I can't imagine the pain he must have felt that night in the garden and he knelt and prayed for each of us.

In our last stake we had the priveledge to attend a fireside given by Mark Mabry , "Reflections of Christ". It was on display at the Mesa, Arizona Temple's Visitor Center. It is a fireside I will never forget. So I thought it would be fitting to watch some of the pictures he took.

(if you have music linked, you will want to mute it.)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday to Emmalee!

Happy Birthday to you!
Emmalee, I can't believe it was 10yrs ago
that you came into our lives.We knew you were suppose
to come and bless our lives. Your birth will be one
that will never be forgotten. Your Grandma McCune
still talks about it.Your first week here on this earth
was spent living in a motor home in front of Grandma &
Papa Jensen's house in Las Vegas. We were getting ready
to move to Provo, Utah so that Dad could go to school at BYU. You were such a sweet little baby and you are even sweeter now.
Today has been a little crazy with the track meet. Thanks for waiting for
us to celebrate your birthday and being patient.
Thank you for being such a good little helper.
I know I can always count on you.
Happy 10th Birthday, We love you so much!

Monday, March 30, 2009


When I think about the memories from growing up in a little town called Lompoc, California, one that comes to mind is the Air show at Vandenberg Airforce Base. It was one of the most amazing things I saw as a child and still to this day is just as beautiful. So, one of the perks of living on the West side of Phoenix is being able to see the Thunderbirds from our backyard. On Friday night we watched fireworks being shot out of the backend of a Mig. (I think that was what kind of a plane it was) That was so cool. Then on Saturday we took the kids up to Luke Airforce Base for the show. I felt like a little girl again. The planes are so amazing, I can't imagine flying something so big and powerful. What amazing men and women the pilots are. Then the real treat came. The THUNDERBIRDS!!!
They are so beautiful to watch up in the sky. Eric, Emmalee, and Katie werejust glued to the sky the whole time. Watching the kids with eyes so big is so much fun. It is one of the joys of being a mom. We looked and looked for the Jobe family, but never saw them. Next year time we'll have to call and meet up with them.

Eric, Sarah and family came out and met us there. The cousins were so excited to see each other. It was fun to watch the 3 boys run around from plane to plane. Kurt took a video of the Thunderbirds flying over us. What a sight to see.

She is finally 8 and it's Baptism Day

Katie is the newest member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And, Katie's day could not have been any more perfect. We sure did miss all the family and friends that weren't able to make it. But want to say thank you to all those that came and supported Katie in her decision to be baptized. It was a beautiful day.

It was a weekend full of many events. Katie's baptism, our sweet Bishop was released and a new Bishopric was called - Kurt was called to be the 1st counselor in the Bishopric, and Kacee received her Young Women's medalion. Needless to say we were all exhausted by Sunday night. But what a great weekend. Full of precious memories.