Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm trying, I promise!

I'm trying to get some posts done but my life is extremely hectic at the moment! I started working at the Cache Children's Justice Center,Lucas started preschool and hockey, and Kevin has been working and taking a class for work at Bridgerland. If I can get my act together I'll hopefully have  a couple of posts up this week.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Two weeks ago I took Em to the eye doctor.  I had noticed her left eye wasn't focusing very well and was worried she had lazy eye.  The doctor confirmed my suspicions.  She has lazy eye in her left eye and is really, really far sighted.  Her right eye is a +4.25 and her left eye is a +6.25.  We caught it extremely early which is really good! The sooner lazy eye starts to get corrected the better long term vision she will have.  For right now the doctor prescribed her glasses and eventually she will have a patch.  We got her glasses today!! I was really worried that she would pull at them and not leave them on, but she has loved them! She keeps them on and doesn't really but them at all. She looks so adorable in her glasses!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Emily: 16 Month Checkup

Monday Emily went in for her 15th month checkup, but since it happened at 16 months we'll call it that!  Here are her stats:

Weight: 18.6 lbs, 1%
Height: 29 inches, 7%
Head: 46 1/2 cm, 62%
Favorite comforts: Binky, Mom, and Dad

Apparently she had a big head compared to the rest of her! She has the most beautiful curly hair, I love it! Every where we go people always comment on her beautiful hair.  I'm so nervous to even think of cutting it that it probably won't happen until it absolutely can't go any longer. Emily is still rear facing because she is such a peanut, but she hasn't really fought us about being rear facing like Lucas.  He wanted to see everything out the car window at this age and Emily hasn't seemed to care, so she'll stay that way for quite awhile longer.  I think we'll try and keep her rear facing until she is two just because of how small she is. Emily is really learning to talk! She says 10+ words and most of them you can understand.  She says mom, dad, one, two, cheese, milk, hi, bye, and lots of other things.  It is so adorable to here her say "one, two, three"! She also signs more, please, and milk.  She isn't a picky eater.   The only things we've found that she really doesn't like is broccoli, and raw tomatoes.  She loves peanut butter and bananas! Really she'll eat any fruit that you put in front of her, but bananas are her favorite.  She has a sweet tooth! If you leave candy within her reach you can expect it to be gone in less than a second.  When we were moving a bag of Lucas' Easter candy was left where she could get it and she down as much as she possibly could before being found; she was covered in chocolate! (Unfortunately my camera was lost at that point in the mess of packing, so I don't have a pic :( )  She is such a fast little girl! She figured out walking near the end of May and has just taken off.  She has started to carry a doll around and it is so cute to watch her give the baby hugs and kisses.  She is really stubborn!  If she wants something she goes after it and if she isn't happy you will definitely know.  She hasn't really started throwing tantrums, but she does let you know how she feels.  We love having her in our family and she is such a joy!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Overload, Lots of Stuff, Catch Up ... Whatever You Want to Call A Long Break From Blogging

Ok so our life has been a little hectic the past couple of months, but finally things are starting to feel like they are settling down.  Since I last posted we've moved twice, Kevin and I went to Florida, Lucas graduated preschool at Wee Friends and started and finished summer preschool at the local university lab, the kids have seen the doctor four times in one month, and a lot of other stuff!

At the beginning of April we bought a house in Smithfield!! However, the seller needed the house until the end of May, so we moved in with my mom at the end of April.  We put all of our stuff in storage that we didn't absolutely need and spent the month of May at my mom's.  We finally  we're able to close the Tuesday before Memorial day on our house.  We got keys on Wednesday and started moving stuff in on that evening! It actually didn't take that long to unload the storage unit and have everything moved into the house.  Kevin's parents came and helped us unload everything.  At the moment the only room not completely unpacked yet is the office, which will happen with time :).

We love the neighborhood where we live! It's a dead end street so there is hardly an traffic at all.  There are several kids who live on our street and three or four of them are right close to Lucas in age.  The little girls who are between 8 and 10 have loved getting to know Emily and watching her when we are outside working in the yard.  The ward we live in is awesome!  We didn't know it at the time we bought our house but we already knew 4 families that live in our ward, so that made transitioning to this ward easier.  We've loved getting to know everyone we live around and in our ward.

The week after we moved in with my mom Kevin and I vacationed in Florida!  Unfortunately I have no pictures of Kevin and I to prove we actually were in Miami, just of the sunrise and those are on Kevin's phone.  It rained the first two days we were there, but then cleared up and we were able to enjoy the sun!  Our hotel was right on the beach and had an awesome view of the ocean.  We actually had an ocean view room, but ended up changing rooms due to a flooding issue because of all the rain Miami had been receiving.  But we ended up in a room with a balcony that was fun and enjoyable for the last two days we were there.  We ate a ton of good food while we were there and had a  fun time walking around and seeing different things.

Unfortunately Lucas wasn't able to go to his preschool graduation.  He woke up that morning running a 102 degree fever!  I don't even think he realized he was supposed to go to preschool that day which worked in my favor because he had been so excited to go to graduation.  We were sad to have him miss graduation and not get to say goodbye to all his little friends, but obviously I wasn't going to send him.  He loved going to Wee Friends Preschool and they have absolutely wonderful teachers!

(I promise I did comb his hair everyday for school, I don't know what happened here!)

However I was a slacker and didn't get him signed up in time for this coming school year so we sat on pins and needles for a while until we heard back from the university or Wee Friends. While we were in Miami we got a call saying Lucas got excepted in to the lap preschool at the university, so two weeks before graduating from Wee Friends Preschool he started up there.  He absolutely loved going there.  They have lots of different play areas and it is more of a directed play type learning.  He loved having the choice of what to do and not being forced into one thing.  He absolutely loved it there! Last week we got a call saying that he has been accepted at the lab preschool for fall, spring, and summer semester for this next school year.  He is sad to not be going back to Wee Friends but thrilled to be going to the lab.

Other Fun Things
In May my mom had a joint birthday party to celebrate all the grand kids who have summer birthdays.  The kids had a ton of fun! We had a pinata and bubbles and all sorts of goodies.  They all got to decorate their own cupcakes and ended up so loaded on frosting! 

Lucas and Kevin got to go fishing for the first time this year at the beginning of June.  They went to Twin Lakes with Grandpa Tony.  Lucas caught the first fish and then later he caught the biggest catch of the day, he had so much fun!  For the 4th of July Lucas was asked to ride the hockey float at the Hyrum Parade.  He loved it!  

We've been able to hang out with a lot of friends we don't get to see very often in the past couple of weeks and have loved getting to spend time with them.  

Here are some cute pictures of the kids:

I have a ton of pictures that I'll maybe post later from the last little bit of the kids but that's basically our life for the past 2 1/2 months.  If you stuck around and read this whole thing, you are awesome!  We leave for the Oregon Coast and to visit family this weekend and won't be back until the 29th! Hope you all are enjoying your summer and doing lots of fun things!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dance, Dance Baby!

This is Emily dancing:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


We are moving!!! On May 24 we will official become residents of Smithfield in a lovely 4 bedroom, 3 bath home.  I am so excited!!!

Obviously our furnishings are not in the photos, that is the current owners.  I really thought we weren't going to get this house after the first counter offer, but surprise surprise we did! Yea!  However, the downside we will technically be moving twice.  We are scheduled to move out of our current place at the end of the month. So we are moving in with my mom for about a month before moving to our new house! At least I won't have to pack twice because everything will be staying packed while we are at my moms. I'm so excited!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Happy Birthday to Emily and Lucas!!

We celebrated Emily and Lucas' birthday on Wednesday and had a blast!  I can't believe all that has happened since Lucas and Emily have been born.  We've had so many good experiences as parents (like herehere, and here), some not so good (like this marker experience).  We are so blessed to have two beautiful children!

We opened presents with the kids and then we went to Olive Garden with family and friends.  

Not only was it Lucas and Emily's birthday, but it was also my little sister Jessie's birthday.  We had a ton of fun eating, singing happy birthday, and hanging out with friends and family.  Thanks to all who went with us! We had a family party on Saturday, more to come on that later!