Showing posts with label Home Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home Life. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Note About My Dad

In Loving Memory
Garis Buttars
Husband, Father, Brother, Friend
July 4, 1948 _ March 12, 2009

Garis was born to Cleo and Lillian Buttars in Rupert, Idaho on July 4, 1948. Garis was the third born of five children. His mother always said he was the most affectionate of her sons. He couldn’t pass her in the kitchen without giving her a hug. He loved to eat; especially his mom’s mashed potatoes and gravy, but got very tired of chicken. He had a soft spot for animals, both big and small.
Growing up on a farm taught him the value of hard work. Cleo agreed to buy each son a car with the agreement they would work the farm with him for a year. Even though Garis didn’t want to work on the farm Cleo still signed with Garis to buy a 1962 T-Bird. He graduated working at the gas station, but still helped out on the farm when his parents were out of town.
Garis worked hard starting out in factories working long and hard to better the life of his family. He worked for Simplot’s, the Sugar Factory and Del Monte. He eventually learned enough on his own about electrical work that he left Del Monte after 10 years and went to work as an electrician. He self studied to pass the boards for his Journeyman's license in ID. The test for UT was much harder and he knew if he didn’t pass they would require 18 months of school for the license. He passed. When work wasn’t good he would travel and live in man camps always making sure to provide for his family. While away and his evenings free he took up pipe welding. His desire to have is own business grew and he built a shop in the backyard and built beautiful custom horse trailers.
After following his kids to Arizona, he continued his work in the electrical trades. He took business and bookkeeping courses and gained his Arizona contractor’s license. His dream and G.B.’s Electrical Services, Inc., were born. There wasn’t anything Garis couldn’t build or fix. Anything he set his mind to he was able to accomplish. Hard work and dedication were his trademarks.
While he would never admit it, Garis was an artist. He made beautiful belt buckles and gun handles out of steel and carved intricate nature scenes in ivory with tiny chisels and hammers utilizing a powerful magnifying glass. They were popular in gift shops throughout Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Sun Valley, Idaho. He was especially good at pencil sketches. He taught himself to play the guitar during the late 70’s and was quite good. After an injury to his left hand, he was unable to play for many years. After a recent surgery he discovered E-bay, bought himself a Dobro slide guitar and once again started to play. He loved camping, hunting, fishing, motorcycles, water-skiing, wine, cooking and photography. He enjoyed hobbies throughout his life. He was an avid reader and taught himself virtually every skill or hobby that interested him.

His life was blessed with 5 children: Christopher “Shane” Buttars, Kalispell, MT, Rachele Lee Funk, Goodyear, AZ, Krista Jean King, James “Mason” Buttars, and Lyndsee Marie Buttars, Avondale, AZ. He has 7 grandchildren. He is survived by his children, grandchildren, wife—Paula Buttars, brothers—Dennis and Jeff Buttars and sister—CleAnne Dunn.

We are thankful to have known such a wonderful man. The family wishes to thank you for your support and friendship. He would have wished us to continue to make our dreams a reality and discover our talents and interests.
We do not know what lies ahead or what the coming days will bring. We live in a world of uncertainty. For some there will be great accomplishments, for some disappointment. For some, much gladness, health and good living and for others perhaps sorrow and sickness. We do not know. Whatever the future holds the Redeemer of the world stands as the anchor of our lives, the rock of our salvation, our strength, and our comfort. Let Him always be the focus of our faith and hope and forever our joy will be.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall Means Pumpkin!

I love pumpkin in just about any variety. Combine pumpkin in a simple recipe and it's a must share!

Here is the recipe in 2 variations:

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

1 Box Carrot or Spice Cake Mix -Dry
1 Small Can Pumpkin
1 Cup Chocolate Chips

Mix well, spoon into Pam sprayed muffin tin or use paper liners. Bake at 350' for about 15 minutes. Use a toothpick to test doneness.

For a healthier version, omit chocolate chips. . . yeah right! LOL!!! You can also add nuts or raisins or a combination of all 3.

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Sheet Cake

2 Boxes Carrot or Spice Cake Mix - Dry
1 Large Can Pumpkin
2+ C Chocolate Chips

Mix well, spread in sheet cake pan sprayed with pam. Bake at 350' for about 15 minutes, use a toothpick to test doneness.

When baked, mix 1 brick cream cheese, 1 bag powdered sugar, a splash of vanilla and enough milk to mix with an electric mixer to creamy. Spread on warm cake. Enjoy warm or cold! You can half the recipe and make a 9X13 as well.

I recently took the cake to a homeschool potluck and the sheet was devoured. I guess that means it's good! And to think they were so impressed that I brought something homemade! SHHHH! I won't tell if you don't!

Friday, October 19, 2007

A Fair Day

So maybe it was better than fair, but we were at the AZ State Fair! Our day started with lots of lines. Lines to get in (on free Homeschoolers Day), lines for free rides (the kids each earned 3 free rides for reading and writing about 3 books), lines at the petting zoo (which really had a Zebu), lines for the bathroom after waiting in the previous lines and then of course, lines for Cotton Candy! The best part of the day (aside from watching W & W eat their very first bag of cotton candy --yes they each got their own) was having 3 of the 4 of my kids picked to participate in the Mad Science Show. Of course Walker wasn't too happy about being the one who didn't get his turn, but I'm sure the ride on the very huge slide made up for it! The worst part of the day was that W & W were not tall enough to ride on almost any ride. We went on the slide and resorted going back to it for a second run only to find out that they weren't tall enough and the carny didn't care that I had proof on my camera that they had already gone before! Walker especially didn't understand and was reduced to a puddle wailing "stop saying that, mom! I am big enough! Stop saying that!!!" I was really frustrated, but sad for him too! I also have to complain (slightly) that nearly NONE of the carnies spoke English and that many of the rides were being explained in Spanish. On top of that all the signs said "DO NOT PLAY OR RIDE UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE RULES. IF YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, ASK THE ATTENDANT." Good luck with that!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Did You Remember to Wash Your Hands?

Picture this . . .Last Thursday night, me and the kids head to the store for a little time out of the house and oh, yes, the all important milk, bread, egg, cheese and produce run. . . 2 hours and $225 later I spy a pizza shop across the way. Since it is now almost 8PM and less than 1/2 hour to bedtime for my youngest. I suggest we head on over for some pizza. Did my kids complain? Of course not! Out comes the hand sanitizer and we all "wash up." We waited a reasonable amount of time at the table before my kids, one by one of course, headed off to the restroom. Thankfully my oldest DD takes them so I don't have to leave the others unattended. As they return I ask the standard "Did you wash your hands?" Which of course they answer was, in each case , yes. We eat. We get ready to leave when up jumps Wyatt. He darts over to the bloody shooting, not fit for humanity video game and picks up the gun. Kicking and screaming we leave the pizza shop at 9:30 PM. We go home, I carry in , undress and change 3 of my 4 adorable children and place them in bed without brushing their teeth (nor washing their hands.) Friday 6PM. . . I hear "Mom! I pooped!" Loudly repeated three times from the far bathroom. My twins are 4, but I don't let them wipe themselves yet and they are fiercely trained on this issue. This also ensure that they WASH THEIR HANDS!!! When I arrive in the bathroom, I discover a toilet stained with spatter, splashes and such all over the seat, the lid and the floor. . . you guessed it! DIARRHEA! So for the next 4 hours I am wiping a rather ooey bottom almost regularly. Fast forward to breakfast. I make oatmeal. Wyatt LOVES oatmeal. After one full bowl and half of his brother's unfinished cereal, I hear (again from the far bathroom) "Mom, I Puked!" While I'm cleaning this lovely mess I hear from the farther bathroom "Mom! I pooped!" This is now the 2nd twin, same mess as last night, but 12 hours later. Onto the afternoon and Walker has a fever. We stay home from church on Sunday. I feel a little guilty as other than pretty regular diarrhea trips in the bathroom, my kids seem okay. Fast forward to Monday. J & M both start on diarrhea. Then Tuesday, both girls have fevers, can't study or do their school work (we do school at home). The diarrhea continues with all 4 kids and Jessica also pukes blueberries all over the bathroom floor, not once, but twice. She didn't see the need to try and make it to the toilet (which her 4 year old brothers figured out all by themselves.) So by Wednesday I have 4 sick kids and DIARRHEA!!! By Thursday I have a temp of 104' and can't move myself from my bed. I hurt in places I didn't know you could hurt. I mean, come on, a toothache from the flu? Sharp, dreadful pains in the balls of my feet, sweeping pains from my head to my feet (and even my toenails) is not normal! This was ridiculous! I managed to teach Jessica 4 of her subjects and she seemed to feel much better. I crawled into bed at 2pm and other than a bit of moaning and pleading with my kids to just watch a movie and not burn the house down, I didn't move. I got out of bed this morning at 7:00 AM, thinking "FINALLY! We're all better!" Not 2 steps to the bathroom and I almost collapsed. Not better yet. . . and guess what? Jessica almost didn't move today either. She's been in bed next to me all day while I've attempted to work with Mikensee on the subjects she's now behind in from my laptop. Now this is really interesting, I know, but what does this have to do with washing your hands? You weren't paying attention, were you? Wyatt actually touched that filthy video game with his hands and not that the filth on the screen wasn't enough, he brought this nasty little bug home. Guess what? I didn't wash his hands!!! Now I suppose we could have gotten this over week long bug from somewhere else, like say the shopping cart. BUT, I did use a cart wipe and I also used hand sanitizer at the grocery store. Let this be a lesson to you all!!! Did you remember to wash your hands???
On the upside, the grocery's I bought last week are still safely in the refrigerator!