Showing posts with label Blog Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Challenge. Show all posts

Thursday, November 6, 2008

If God Brings You To It . . .

He will bring you through it. Gratitude. Naturally in November our thoughts to thankfulness. It's easy to be thankful for the blessing we see, but not always so easy when they don't appear in things that seem to be trials.

I keep a gratitude journal and when I get around to it I add to my gratitude blog. (If you click you'll see it is woefully behind.) I've seen several worthy bloggers posting 27 days of Thanksgiving and other equally named thankfulness posts, but the reason for my post can be found here. Erin is an amazing gal. She and I are "virtual friends" and if you spend a minute at her blog you'll know why I think so much of her. Please take the next 15 minutes and read her post, view the videos and then join me in looking for the blessings in your life; even if the blessings are disguised in things as difficult as missing all of your arms and legs.

May this be the month where our hearts and attitudes are turned in great ways to ones that Heavenly Father can use for His good.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

PTI Challenge, Past Due

But hopefully worth the post date!

I signed up to do the PTI Bloghop, but my blog wasn't chosen this month (random selection process), so I didn't worry about completing them in time for the hop, but I loved my idea so I had to make it come to life! The challenge was to use a contact sheet of samples of the newest PTI BT papers. Basically 1.5 inch square samples downloaded and printed on your choice of materials. Here is what I made using this contact sheet:

Monday, August 20, 2007

Luck in 2's Challenge

Your challenge -- create a scrapbook page, journal entry or blog entry answering the following questions:

1. Two everyday things I can't live without: Water and Light
2. Two of my favorite songs: Traveling Soldier and Jesus Take the Wheel (also, Christmas music, any kind!)
3. Two things I want to do before I die: Be so good at something, it gives others goose-bumps and overcome my "bad" habits.
4. Two things I worry about: Failing my Children, Failing Myself
5. Two stores I shop at: Costco and Old Navy
6. Two things that scare me: Not being able to protect my kids, losing my family
7. Two snacks I could eat everyday: Ice-Cream and French Fry's (yes, together!)
8. Two people I would be lost without: My Mom and My Husband
9. Two nicknames I've been given: Shelly Belly and Buttars Butt (my maiden name is Buttars!)
10. Next two places I want to go on vacation: Colorado, Someplace Tropical (on a cruise!)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tagged Again! SEvEn rANdoM ThINgS!

Fabulously talented (and now I found out also incredibly interesting), Tresa, has tagged me for 7 more random things to know about me.

Okay, so I'm really having to stretch here. . .

The Osmond's (Marie pictured above) are my cousins. . . And, we used to actually see them at family reunions. . . And she sang at my Uncle Rex's funeral. . . And we were invited to her first wedding. . . And she picked me out of a crowd at the Idaho State Fair in 1989-90 (can't remember for sure which year!) My family participated in a talent show with the Osmond's in attendance when we were kids doing "I need some Pepper," -- A ridiculous spoof on needing toilet paper in an outhouse. And I have a picture of Donny with my Grandmother not long before she passed away. . . Okay, that's 7! Whew!!! That wasn't so tough!

So now, the following 7 of you are tagged: Lois, Jenn, Elaine, Tori, Kari, Tara, and Kim

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Color Quote Contest Extended

Okay, so 1 entry doesn't quite cut a "contest!" I've extended the deadline Until August 30th and I need 5 entries (minimum!) Please see Color Quote below and get busy on your submission!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Quote to Create On - Color to Inspire!

It's no secret that I love Big Picture Scrapbooking - especially their color and quote section. . . Well over there this week they probably have the quote, that if I could, I would use to motivate everyone in this world to scrapbook.
Make visible what, without you,
might perhaps have never been seen.
― Robert Bresson
Isn't that just the awesome! So I hope today (or whenever you read this) you will think on this quote for a minute about some ideas you've got swirling around in your head and get them out there. . . Make visible, what, without you would never be seen!
So, here's a little challenge. . . using one of the color combos in the cute photo above from
Little Miss Matched get something out of your head, into paper and email it to me (! Put "Color Quote" in your subject line. If I get some action on this little challenge I'll make a slide show, post it and pick my fave for a little prize from me. . . If the winning entry is a scrapbook page I will award a bigger prize! Oh, and the deadline is August 13th--winner announced no later than August 15th!
Make it a great day!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday Challenge

I saw this posted over at Random Thoughts and thought I'd forward the challenge. . . So post yours here or put on your own blog if you are ready to take the challenge!

1. I WANT to be so good at something it gives people goose-bumps.

2. I HAVE everything I NEED!

3. I WISH I could do all that I visualize I can do.

4. I HATE that there is never enough time to do all I want to do.

5. I MISS the changes of the season (but not the long cold winter!)

6. I HEAR my inner self trying to talk me into be better than I am.

7. I WONDER if I will ever feel totally comfortable in my own skin.

8. I REGRET letting myself down.

9. I AM NOT sure what I want to be when I grow up!

10. I DANCE with my kids at the end of their movies with good songs!

11. I SING the songs that speak to me!

12. I CRY easily and it used to bother me, but not anymore!

13. I AM NOT ALWAYS happy with who I am.

14. I MAKE WITH MY HANDS gifts for those who mean the most to me.

15. I WRITE to leave memories in my children.

16. I CONFUSE my identical twin boys sometimes!

17. I NEED good friends, close family and my faith.

18. I SHOULD spend more time doing and less time thinking about it!

19. I START too many things at a time.

20. I FINISH cleaning before I allow myself to play.

Friday, July 6, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

Lois at Gingerbreadaholic tagged me and here are the seven things about me! I don't know enough bloggers yet to tag seven more, but I'll still play along!

1. I have 4 children - ages 10 DD, 6 DD, Twin 4 YODS (identical)

2. I am a Close To My Heart Consultant and love teaching and creating new things.

3. My favorite holiday is Christmas, but I love the SUMMER!!!

4. I spent the 4th of July with the Governor of our State (not that I'm a fan, but hey, it's still neat to be in the circle of ITS)!
5. I love ice-cream and french fry's. . . especially together!
6. I teach water aerobics for fun!
7. I am related to the Osmond's - they are my 2nd Cousins!