Shane’s good friend, since he was a young boy, lives in the fabulous city of San Diego. We are sad to say that we don’t visit him and his wife often enough. But we took the opportunity to get-a-way this last weekend for a quick, not long enough trip to San Diego. We picked the perfect weekend, the weather was just right, lots to do, and great company. We were able to spend time with good friends, hit the beach, sight see, and eat awesome food. What more could you want in a weekend, well the 5 pounds I ate of food to magically disappear would be nice. But we can’t always get what we want.
We were able to visit Old Town in San Diego and visit the Mormon Battalion. If you have never been, I recommend that you go. I even got to be the demonstration solider. What a sight I really was. I can’t even imagine carrying all they did and having the little amount of food, water, and storage for personal belongs. Seriously take a look at the gun, it’s pretty much my same height and weighed between 10 and 15 pounds.
We also went to the Tide Pools at Point Loma and the boys enjoyed playing with the sea life. Shane didn’t learn his lesson with the first crab when he grabbed on to his finger so tight he said it felt like he had slammed it in the door. OUCH!!! Us girls pointed out all the sea life, enjoyed the breeze/ocean view, and stayed far away from grabbing anything.