Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Hunting

trophyelkAs many of you know I married into the Huntsman family, which means I married a man that LOVES to hunt, fish, hike, and do anything outdoors. But that is nothing new to me since I grew up with a dad, brothers, grandpa, uncles, and cousins who lived for it just like Shane. Yesterday, Shane calls me and says guess who scored a elk tag this season? Me being retarded said, “Who?” He just laughs and says apparently I did. And all I can think is man this is coming back to bite me right in the big ol’ butt.

I have always told him that I was not a fan of hanging animal heads in a house. If you have a office in our house one day, go for it. I just don’t want it hanging in our living room to scare our future children, etc. Plus honestly a big deer head doesn’t really match much decor that I see in a house of ours.Well about a month ago we were visiting some of Shane’s family up in Utah. His uncle and cousin got very nice big elk last season and had the heads hanging proudly on the walls of their homes. I am not going to lie that looked pretty darn sweet hanging on the wall. Anyways, I told Shane that weekend that if he could ever shoot something that big and nice looking, we could totally get it all fixed up to hang in our house. Guess the  Nevada Department of Wildlife showed me this year. So, there is a very good possibility that we could be having one of these hanging in our home. How funny would that be to walk into our tiny one bedroom apartment and have this huge Elk plastered on the wall. Pretty sure it may take up the whole stinkin’ wall.

But honestly I couldn’t be happier for him because I know this is a HUGE deal to get a tag like this. He got the perfect area and even the late hunt. Which doesn’t mean a lot to me and probably doesn’t mean a lot to you either. So happy hunting this fall in the Huntsman house. (That means I’ll be spending lots of weekends alone as he finds that oh so perfect trophy elk!)

I guess as long as my house doesn’t look like the one below, I’ll be ok! Eddie Smith home

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Is this it?

Well, we have an interview with the Bishop tonight… the first one since we have been married. For those of you that need a reminder, that’s 10 months as newlyweds WITHOUT a calling. I think that may almost be unheard of. It seems like most young couple barely get a chance to breath in the new ward when they get shoved into nursery or primary. But somehow we have slipped under the radar and got away with it. Kind of hoping it may just be a get to know you interview since we have a new bishop but I have a feeling it’s going to be more than that. Will this end tonight? Stay tuned! Ahhhhh….

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Summer Is Right Around The Corner…

Summer is seriously almost here and I can’t tell you how excited I am about that. But at the same time we already have so much planned for this summer I have a feeling it is going to just fly by. We have weddings, family reunions, camping trips, California for baseball games/beach time, and lots of time at the lake. It should be a fun-filled summer, but busy as all get out.

Recently, Shane and I have had the chance to already start our summer wakeboarding trips out to Lake Mead. We went 2 weekends in a row, and I must say I am officially feeling a little more comfortable out there on the board. The first time I ever went wakeboarding was 2 summers ago. So this year I decided to give it a shot again and I have gotten up quite a few times, made it out of the wake once and feel ASAP! I think I’ll stick to just right behind the boat. HAHA But of course Shane is freaking pro status over here just jumping the wake and making it look like no big deal at all. One day I will be just as good as him, IF I can get myself to go out of the wake again. So here are a few picture of us wakeboarding. . One day I’ll post those. Oh and PS don’t mind the oh so hideous/serious facially expressions of mine! =)