I recently celebrated my 23rd birthday back on November 5th. Wow 23 sounds weird to say. Not quite sure how I feel about this new age. But I guess I better get used to it because the number only keeps going up.
I had a fabulous birthday weekend with both families and Shane. Yes weekend, if you don’t know me that well I pretty much celebrate my birthday all weekend long. HAHA On my actually birthday Shane and I went to my favorite place… Yard House. Can I just tell you they have the best Mac ‘N’ cheese in the whole world. It’s delicious to say the least. On Friday night Shane and I went to see Craig Morgan in concert. The poor guy was sicker than a dog but he still put on a fabulous performance. We quickly ran to buy his CD’s after the concert was over. Saturday my family all went out to dinner, minus Jessica and the kids, to Ricardo’s. We were easily entertained by the Hispanic Neil Diamond. Sunday we celebrated with the Huntsman’s. My sister in law Tiffany’s birthday was the 7th so we celebrated our birthday’s together. I am very blessed for the two wonderful families and husband I have. Thanks everyone!