Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Beginning

I decided that since I am getting married in 2 painfully slow long months that I should join the blogging world like every other young cute married couple. So yes I am jumping on the bandwagon. I guess for those of you that want to know the story here it goes. Shane and I met in the typical Mormon way, church. I happened to be speaking in church the Sunday he randomly showed up with a friend, and my eyes instantly recognized him from the good old days. I couldn't take my eyes off of him all through sacrament meeting making me nervous as all get out to speak. We did not say a single thing to each other on that day but I went home to find a random guy had requested me on Facebook (sad I know). It was the gentlemen that was with him at church and I all I could do was ask about Shane. Finally, I sent him a message via the Internet and we began talking immediately. I looked forward every day to getting a message from the hunk with blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. Long story short we started seeing each other about a week later and have been glued together ever since. He took me skydiving a week after we started dating for my birthday, which was awesome. I will admit I was scared to death but loved every minute of it. We dated about 3 months when we got engaged in Feb. Now 5 months later we will be getting married on the 18th of July in the Las Vegas Temple. I can't wait to marry my best friend. =)