Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Morgan!

I can't believe how fast time flies, my baby is already two! I'm usually due to have a baby when my youngest turns two, but I'm glad to say that I'm not, so now I can enjoy life a little bit more and not be as crazy.
Morgan turned 2 on April 8th, and we had a little family party for her since people were in town for the weddings. She loved being the center of attention as she always does.
What a cheesy little grin!
I wanted her to dig into this big cupcake and make a mess, but she would not have that. She just sat there and let me take some pictures, it was cute!

Jordyn took some cute pictures of Morgan when she turned 1, so I had to take the opportunity to post some on here. We sure love our sweet little inncocent Morgan. She always brightens our day with a big hug and kisses. She absolutely loves her big sis, and Henry when he is being nice to her. Morgan has definetly been my happiest little toddler, although she sure can be a little stinker when she wants to be, but who can't, right?
After I had Morgan and we discovered that she had red hair, we could not pick a name for her. It was more difficult knowing her hair was red. (does it fit, can people mock it, etc) Finally we picked Morgan after searching the internet and books, and took her home.
Katelyn and Henry were so excited to have a new baby around, but we still had to teach them how to be soft and gentle. Now Katelyn can change Morgans diaper, dress her and put her in the car. She doesn't even need me anymore, jks!
We sure love having her be a part of our family!
Out of all the gifts she had to open she loved this little doll bottle that made music, let's take the rest of them back!

It was so cute to watch her open all her gifts, we got her a little tikes doll house and she was pretty excited about it. (All that Jason says is, we got her too much and where the heck are we going to put all these toys, what a pooper)
She had plenty of help opening her presents from Katelyn and Henry, as well as her cousins. I think that they were all more excited than she was.

She was pretty intrigued with that candle as you can see.

Let's dig in!!!


Ok, so this first picture is not of a wedding, but I had to put it somewhere and it was around all the weddings. April 6th we got a big snow storm and my kids were so excited to go out and play in it. I had just put all the boots and snow stuff away. I moved away from Canada for a reason people, jks! It was all melted by the end of the day.
Grandpas Wedding!
My cute Grandpa met a wonderful lady(Colene) and they got married on April 2nd. It is so neat to see two people be so happy and to know that they will have one another for a while until they pass on. My kids are so excited because Grandma Colene has red hair, so now Morgan has a twin. Too funny!
My mom, sisters, and I all had to sing 'The Rose' at the wedding, and we didn't find out until about 5 minutes before we sang. People said that it sounded good, so we must not have done too bad of a job.
It was also neat to see my Grandmas siblings come and support my Grandpa. My Grandmas sister looks just like her so it was sad to see her in a way, because it reminded us of my Grandma. It was a neat day though.
Sorry, not the best picture!
Jesse and Jordyns Wedding!

We were all dressed up so we couldn't miss a chance at getting at least one family picture!
We were all excited for this day to arrive. My brother Jesse and Jordyn have known each other for a while, but have dated the last 2 years. Our family absolutely loves Jordyn and is so happy for them. It was a very neat day to see them get married in the Salt Lake Temple for time and all eternity. He is the last sibling to get married in our family, so it was neat that we were all able to be there with them. Here is the cute couple.

April 9th, 2010
My brother is such a goof, what a redneck picture, eh?
When Jordyn sees how many pictures he actually did this in,
she's going to wring his neck!
(he has some false teeth he slipped out, happened from a hunting accident)

The Folsom Family
(sorry it's so far away)

My sisters, and sister in laws!

The kids loved seeing the Conference Center because they had just watched general conference on T.V. and got to see the prophet, so it was neat for them to be able to see where it was at.

Waiting outside the temple!
(My cute cousins with my kids!)

The kids were really excited to see inside the Conference Center!
They couldn't believe how big it actually was!


My kids look forward to painting Easter eggs every year. They are very intrigued with it as you can see below. This was my favorite picture, check Morgans face out. Jason and I just laughed, she was trying so hard to fit right in and be a big kid. It was way too cute to not post. The kids were so proud of all their hard work and designs.
I couldn't for the life of me get a decent picture of all three kids this year, so this is the best your going to get.
We did a little easter egg hunt for the kids and they had a lot of fun looking and gathering eggs. I don't know who has more fun, them or me watching them do it. Good times!

When we were younger we'd always go find a big hill to roll our easter eggs down and see who could get theirs the farthest without it breaking. Then you would get the boys(Weston Gibb) who would just chuck it so far you couldn't see where it went.
We didn't find a huge hill, but big enough for my small kids to enjoy it and have fun making a new tradition for our little family. Of course daddy had to do the guy thing and chuck his pretty far. It was a fun little Family Home Evening activity for us to enjoy!

Katelyns 6th Birthday!!!

March 28th
Wow, six years ago I was getting ready to have my first baby! That doesn't seem that long ago, but a lot has happened since then.
Of course Katelyn was so excited for her birthday to be here, so I wanted to make it extra special for her. She wasn't too excited about it being on a Sunday, but I told her it would be great. Since we don't have church until 1pm it gave us plenty of time to give her breakfast in bed(which she was so extremely excited about), and to open all of her presents and still have plenty of time to play with them.
Katelyn is about 4-5 months old here with her cousin Aubree. Out of all of our kids she has definetly lived in the most places and been in the most states(Jason keeps track). When she was just 2 months old we drove from Boston to Hill Spring, Alberta Canada, to Las Vegas within about a week or less. She was a real trooper and still is to this day. We lived with my sister for the summer while Jason worked. She got spoiled by all of her bigger cousins who wanted to play with her all the time.
After 45 hrs of labor we were so excited to welcome our adorable little dark haired(none of which stayed) girl into this world. What a wonderful experience it was, we were so excited and a bit scared at the same time. She has just been such a joy to have in our lives though!
Until Katelyn was one, she got to share a bedroom with mom and dad in our one bedroom apartment(yeah, I'll never do that again). Between baby, daddy snoring, and hearing everyone come into the building we decided to upgrade to a 2-bedroom apartment. So yet another move across town we did. But it was so much better and fun for us to be closer to friends.
Now that Katelyn is 6 I can greatfully say that she definetly not sharing a room with us anymore, although she often tries to sneak into bed with us, which we allow once in a while if I'm too tired to send her back to her own bed.
Katelyn is absolutely inlove with dolls right now, especially the 'American Girl dolls,' and since I loved dolls so much when I was younger I wanted to spoil her and see her happy. Well she was very happy as you can see. We got her Ruthie(Kits best friend) because she already had Kit. She had no idea that she was getting her.
No, all of this isn't from us, my sisters and I all get the neices and nephews birthday gifts and it is so fun to see the kids open them and get excited, so Katelyn got tons from her Grandparents and cousins. She had a great birthday!
After church we had Grandma and Grandpa come over for dinner and cake. Katelyn got to pick what we were having, so we had Ribs. Grandpa said that he wanted to come over all the time. We are so blessed to have Nancy and Norm live so close to us, they support us in so many ways, and always try to make it to Katelyns dance events and soccer games. They are the best!

Katelyn is very girly and loves to do anything that I do. So I had a girly afternoon with her and watched a girl movie while we did face masks, paraffin wax(shown above), painted nails and made smoothies. We did all of this with her dolls close by, she absolutely loved every minute of it, it was great!
The funniest moment of the day was just before this picture and before she decided to hold her hair back. She was trying to blow the candle out and you guessed it, her hair caught on 'FIRE,' Nancy was yelling at Jason to grab her hair and everything was crazy for a moment, it was hilarious. I was being the photographer on the other side of the table just laughing. It was a good thing she didn't have too much hair product on or else it could've been a lot worse.
Well, it was a great day for Katelyn and we are glad that she had fun and got to have a special day all to herself. We love Katelyn so much and appreciate the hard worker that she is and the caring big sister that she is as well. We could'nt have asked for a better first child, she really is that great.
Happy Birthday Katelyn!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

March Madness!

This has been a pretty busy month for us, but since it is finally over, I can blog about a few things that we have been up to.
First of all, you read that I had a birthday so I just wanted to fill you in on a couple things. I ended up taking the IPod Nano back to the store because Jason told me it was either that or a NEW CAR!!! And do you think that I'm crazy to turn that one down. We actually have been looking for one for a while and knew what we wanted but couldn't find the exact one with everything that we were looking for. So a week or so after my birthday Jason had been searching the internet and 'whoola.' We were looking for a Nissan Armada and this dealer had an Infinity QX56 with a few more miles for the same price. It had everything that we wanted and a great color that we loved. They said that it was like the Armada, but on steroids.
So we traded the pilot in, which they gave us more for it than we thought they would so we were pretty excited about it.
So Happy Birthday to Me!!! What a great husband I have! (Sorry I don't have a picture of it, I will try and put one on here)
Morgan eating popcicles with her little friend Adam! They are the best, they are the 'slow melting, mini popcicles,' you've gotta try them for the wee ones!
Katelyn was soooo excited for wacky day at school. Not many kids would actually go to school dressed weird, but she was a real trooper. She has on her tights from her witch costume, and miss matched clothes, with about 4 pony tails all over her head.
What a WACKY looking girl! She absolutely loves school!

My big girl!
After Katelyn got all ready, she asked me if she looked decent, too cute!
We had my sister in law take a few family pictures of us, but she hasn't been able to edit them yet so here are a few that I took with my own camera. The kids were great and we found a fun place for them to run around, it was great, but a bit chilly.
My stylish little man!
He wasn't as brave as Morgan when it came to the jumping part, but I thought this picture was cute with my two boys!
We just have so much fun with Morgan, she is always so happy and fun to be around. What a great trooper!
Morgan is such a good little cuddler and kisser! And she sure loves her daddy!

I got to watch my nephews while my sister in law had surgery, I had them all day and they were soooo good. Henry loved playing with his cousins and having a great ol time.

Katelyn and our cute little neighbor Elizabeth that just got baptized. She is also a great helper with Morgan and just loves to play with her.

Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

It's fun to have these random little holidays to celebrate with the kids. They have so much fun with them, so I've tried to make it special by making little traditions out of them. We started the day with green eggs and pancakes. The kids weren't too sure about the eggs, but they sure loved the pancakes.
Then of course we had to wear green all day, but daddy wasn't as much fun so he got pinched by the kids quite a bit. Katelyn had a soccer game and since daddy is the coach, she told everyone on the team to pinch him because he wasn't wearing any green. Maybe next year he will choose more wisely as to what he is going to wear on St. Patricks Day! The kids have been enjoying the swingset and outdoor toys now that it is a bit warmer.
It's so nice to have a happy child, but what kids aren't happy when there is food in front of them!

This doesn't happen very often(Henry actually looking at the camera)!