Monday, January 30, 2012


I apologize for being MIA for the last 4 months! We have been crazy busy... as you will see by this post! I will try to keep it short and sweet... ha!

Delaney in the pumpkin patch...
Carving her first pumpkin with DeeDee...

Our neighborhood as a parade with a firetruck leading the kiddos around the block.  It was sooo cute seeing all the costumes and a great way to kick off trick or treating!!

A great loss-
Unfortunately, the morning after trick or treating we received some heart breaking news and immediately jumped on a plane to Oklahoma to morn the loss of one of the greatest men I have ever met.  Drew's Grandpa Jack was truly the definition of a loving, family man.  As Christians are very lucky to have God by our side but I think many would agree that God now has one of the best angels by His. We all love you so much Grandpa Jack!

5 Years Ago-
I married my one and only Prince Charming! Drew surprised me with a trip to New Orleans for our anniversary while my parents took care of little bits!  It was a fast but much needed getaway! Great culture, food, entertainment and music!


The Big 1 Year-
The day that seemed SO far away really snuck up on us!  Really 1 year??? Not possible!!!  She changes more and more every day and continues to make us laugh, make us cry and certainly keep us on our toes!  We have a very independent little girl on our hands... Not that we expected much else! :)

The Cake...
The favors...
The presents...
Time to dig in....
 She LOVED it!!!!
Thank you to everyone who came!  Her first birthday party had as many people as Drew's high school graduating class!! And there were many more who were there in spirit!!

To some this might not seem like a big deal, but for someone who stood on the sideline every Sunday for the worst team in the NFL, seeing the Texans in the playoffs was AMAZING!!!!! Delaney enjoyed it too ;) Many more games to enjoy next season... thanks Mom for getting season tickets!!

 She says "touchdown"... it's great!

Christmas in Houston & New Years in Oklahoma-
Drew did a great job on our house!
 Kemah Boat Parade...
 Dress fitting with Aunt Robyn...
Picture with Santa in Austin...
 Christmas Eve with the cousins, Mamaw & Pappi...

Opening presents at LaLa's with Aunt Danya...
Dinner with Pappy, Nana B and Uncle Davis...
 LaLa taking us to the airport...
 New Years Eve with GREAT friends!

Here are a couple of recent pictures. It is amazing to look through this post at all the different pics and see how much she has changed in 4 months! She is running around like crazy and says SO many words! Her favorite is still "puppy" and Cutter (our lab) is her new BFF! She LOVES being outside and lucky for us the weather in Houston has been amazing! 

Somer & Delaney

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bye Bye Summer... Hello Fall!!!

The Annual River Trip...

Every Labor Day we say goodbye to summer when the Compton side of the family congregates in New Braunfels.   "The Other Place" welcomed 3 new guests this year!! The new cousins had such a great time getting to know all of the crazy family!!

The girls hanging out on the river bank...

We managed to throw Robyn and Justin a surprise engagement party... complete with slide show, champagne, cupcakes and happy tears!!! Everyone is so excited about the big day!!!

 Shopping with Daddy in Gruene...

Hanging out with her Paw Paw on the Comal River...

Brandon, Aunt Beth, Alexander, Whitney, Big Dee and Lil' D...

Kate and Delaney before our morning walk...
(Thanks Mom & Whitney for the Pics)

The New House...

We have so much to do but we are absolutely LOVING our new house!!! It has been a complete lifestyle change.  Drew is able to come home for lunch and he is home at a decent time without the stress of Houston traffic.  We have already met many of our neighbors and can't wait for the neighborhood Halloween parade!  We have painted a total of 6 rooms with at least 4 more to go! Here are some outside pics...

The Oklahoma Trip...

Oh boy did we have a big time in Oklahoma!!!! Talk about a busy and fun filled 10 days... Delaney stayed with her Lala ( Lisa) over night while Drew and I went to the OU game... this was her first time to stay the night with out Drew and I and she did GREAT!!!

The flight...

Before we left for the game...

 Saying "Hello" to her Pappy before the game...

 She got chocolate pudding for breakfast at Lala's house with Great Gandma Joyce and Great Aunt Robyn... they knew to do this while I was 2 hours away!! :)

 Drew and I spent many hours at O'Connells in Norman during our college years...
it was pretty fun to take Delaney!! Many memories!!!

 Her first trip to the zoo in OKC with our friends Heather and Paige!
 The girls played all afternoon... Delaney had SUCH a great time!!!

 Playing in the park with her Aunt Danya! Delaney and I also made our first trip to Hinton with Joe and Danya... We ate dinner with his wonderful family and then went to the circus!  She was soooo exhausted from the day but I am so glad we went.  Joe's nephews are absolutely precious!

This is her favorite book right now... She was sitting in the floor of the hotel watching
Wheel of Fortune... I guess she picked the wrong letter?!?!

She and I went back to Tulsa Wednesday morning... our first stop was at Lisa's school.  She met all the teachers and kiddos! Thursday, Drew and I were able to hang out with Amy and Justin which was LONG over due!!!! Friday, we went to Hominy to the Brown Ranch to finish the trip.  Delaney met her new cousin Tinsley, all the cows, horses and dogs, DROVE the feed truck and went to her first car show!  Her Pappy, Uncle Don and Cousin Jason had a pretty successful day at the show... Delaney just enjoyed playing in all the cars!

This picture pretty much sums up our trip!  It was an absolutely WONDERFUL trip and we feel SOOOO blessed to have such fantastic Oklahoma family and friends!!!!!
 If anyone else has pictures from our trip I would LOVE to have them!!!

When we got home, my Mom met us at the airport to pick up Delaney so Drew and I
could meet some friends at the Texans game!

Another Zoo Trip...

Since Delaney loved the zoo so much in OKC, my Mom and I decided to take her to the Houston Zoo last week.  Of all things, her favorite was the fish! 

The carousel was okay until I wasn't sitting behind her...
we ended up sitting in the carriage instead of on an animal... oh well...

  She was pretty tired so she didn't have much interest in petting the goats...

The FISH!!!!

So, she is not walking yet but will let go, stand by herself, walk holding our hands or walk behind her toys.  I am thinking it can't be too far away! She says Mama, Dada and Pup Pup and unfortunately Pup Pup is her favorite... she will pick out a puppy from miles away... lots of other animals are Pup Pups too! She is pointing at everything, holds her phone (or remote) up to her ear, looks at books and gets into everything!

The funniest thing right now is her fake laugh... If she hears anyone around her laughing, she wants in!!  Then of course you laugh at her for laughing at you and so on! :)

This fall will be busy with Halloween, a 1st birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!

Somer and Delaney