Monday, March 23, 2009

On the Court at a Jazz Game!!!

Shawn got Jazz Basketball tickets from his work at the end of February, so we were excited to go on a date to see them play. My parents watched the kids that night, so we were able to make a whole night of it! First we went to McGraths Fish House in downtown SLC and had a very yummy salmon dinner. After that we walked over to the Energy Solutions Arena to watch the Jazz play. When we tried to go in the main doors they stopped us and said something was wrong with our tickets and we had to go to the season ticket holder office. When we got there they told us that someone had already come from Shawn's work and they were using those seats. They said they would get us different seats but they had to check with their manager. We waited a good 15 minutes until a man came and told us it was our lucky day. He told us that Greg Miller one of the owners of the Jazz wasn't using two of his tickets and we could use them. We didn't exactly know what that meant until he lead us to our seats and they were right behind the Jazz team. I mean it was The Jazz and then us. We were also sitting right next to Greg Miller! Wow! It was so amazing. I would totally buy season tickets all of the time if we could sit there, but of course that would be too much money. The price value on our new ticket said $600 each. Can you believe it. We felt so cool, and so lame sitting there at the same time. Obviously we were surrounded by some pretty rich people and we felt that we didn't quite belong in those seats, but at the same time we felt soooo cool. It was awesome to sit that close! It was totally amazing- Thank you Greg Miller for letting us experience the rich high life for about 2 hours!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dinosaur Bones

The other day Shawn was eating leftover ribs for lunch and as he was taking a bite off of one of the rib bones Will comes up and very seriously asks "Dada are those Dinosaur Bones?". It was quite comical! Will is fascinated with Dino's lately and we've been reading a lot of Dino books so this seemed like a natural question :) Shawn of course said yes he was eating dinosaur bones, and so now Will thinks we eat Dinosaur.

Open House

We were able to go to the Draper Temple open house a couple of weeks ago in February! It was so great to be able to do this with the kids! It was so beautiful! The temple within walking distance to our home (The Oquirrh Mountain Temple) will be opening this summer. We can't wait to walk through that one! Here is a picture of the kids in front of the Draper Temple!

Third Times A Charm

Claire started her third kindergarten class at the end of January. All of this moving has been difficult on all of us. Three kindergarten classes within 5 months is quite a lot, but she has done very well. She has been an alligator (Glennwood Elementary), a bear (Granite Elementary), and now hopefully for all of elementary she will be a Dragon at Eastlake Elementary. We've been impressed with the school so far and her teacher Ms. Smith is great! The main difference with this school compared to the others is that it is Year Round school. We will have to get used to this. One great thing about this school is how close it is to our home! We can see it from our home and it only takes 10 minutes to walk to through the neighborhood!Here is a picture of Claire on her first day of her third time starting a new Kindergarten class. What a cute brave Claire bear. And hopefully third time is the charm!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sick or Lazy....

Maybe it's a little bit of both. I don't want to admit to being lazy, but that is just how I feel lately. Granted, I am pregnant and totally sick because of this little one inside of me, and we just moved and have been trying to get the house organized, and I in the past month have had the flu, food poisoning, and a bad cold. So, maybe I'm not lazy... but all I do lately is sit on the couch and watch TV. As soon as the kids are asleep Shawn and I just veg. There's plenty to get done too, but it will wait for another day I suppose. I haven't blogged for almost two months now, but I have thought about it. I wrote an entire entry in my mind one night about how men don't even know the meaning of selflessness. I was grouchy at the time thinking how unfair it is that I have to suffer with being sick and pregnant while Shawn never has to change his body. I had whole sections outlined on the inequality of this suffering. Don't get me wrong, the baby part = blessing, but the pregnant first trimester part = curse. Anyway, I must be feeling a little better now because I don't think I will write that entry (you're welcome Shawn). I do want to catch up on my blog though. I will catch up, but not now.... maybe when I'm not sick and lazy.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Baby #3!!!!!!!!!!

Well here's the newest news. It maybe a little early, but I am the worst at keeping a secret so I'm spilling the beans that I am pregnant with baby 3!!!! I found out last week and that's about as long as I can keep a secret so there you go! We are excited, although Claire wasn't thrilled at first. She needed sometime to think about it. She cried when I told her and she said "I'm just used to two". Poor girl. She has to get used to a lot of change lately. I guess all of us do. We are doing everything at once. New job, new state to live in, and now a new baby. Luckily, babies take 9 months to get here, so maybe we can get things a little more in order.
Will keeps saying "No Baby". I really don't think he understands. I think he thinks we are calling him a baby and he is telling us he is not a baby.
So, the baby will be due the end of July- see I told you I just barely found out. I'm about 5 weeks along. I'm feeling great right now, but I'm sure that will change in the weeks to come.
As I said, I found out last week, so to tell Shawn I went and bought Will and Claire Big Brother, Big Sister shirts and had them wear them on a day when we could take him to lunch. We met him for lunch and he noticed the shirts but didn't notice what was written on them for a few minutes. Will's shirt was the give away, so I specifically pointed out Will's shirt? He finally realized that it said Big Brother and turned to me with a big question mark on his face, and then realized what was happening. He was thrilled! We had been trying awhile, so we were both very excited!
Here are some pictures of the kids in their shirts!


We have been having fun in my parents backyard this year! They have huge trees that drop tonz and tonz of leaves each fall. This would be a pain for anyone else, but for kids this is just built in free fun. We've had dry weather too, so the leaves are nice and crunchy. We spent an afternoon raking up leaves and jumping into them! The kids and Lilly had a blast. I had fun too and I think Grandma didn't mind the leaves as much this year! And afterward they didn't even mind helping to put some of those leaves in garbage bags.