This week I was able to go to lunch with some friends I've known since 4th grade. I used to call them my BFF's. It's surreal to say we've known each other for over 20 years. Rachael was my best friend for along time even after she moved out of state, and Julie and I seemed to follow each other everywhere through Elementary, Jr. High, High School and College. I'm so happy I know such great people and that they have been in my life for so long. Of course a ton of time seems to go by before we see each other. Rachael moved a lot and we stayed in contact, but I haven't truly seen her for about 10 years. Thank goodness for email and face book to stay in touch. Anyway, with all of us living in different states for the past decade we didn't see each other, but this past year we found ourselves all in the same state again for a moment. I couldn't pass up seeing them again, and so we met at the glamorous McDonald's, so our kids could play while we caught up on the past 20 years or so. Don't only old people catch up on the last 20 years? Surely we aren't old. Anyway, we won't be able to do this again for awhile because Rachael is moving to Oregon next month. It was so great to get together even if it was just at McDonald's. Of course I don't think it's fair that I haven't seen Rachael in 10 years and when we see each other I'm a bloated 7 months pregnant, but I'll take what I can get.
Thank you girls for being good friends forever!