
Hoppy Easter




pictures from St. George

We just got back from St. George. It was an awesome getaway. We went and stayed with my folks who were renting a house for a week. They went down for an ATV jamboree, (they are loving their Razor!!) so we went riding with them one day. We swam and hiked on the other day. Super fun, but all too short Vacation...



honest opinions please...


Todd says Yay. Reagan says Nay. I say eh?


the dreaded science project...again!


Reagan's Science Project this year was called Thirsty Flowers. I wanted to call it Flowers Suck, but she wouldn't let me! Anyhoot Todd was conveniently out of town the entire time Reagan was conducting her experiment, so guess who got to put on the lab coat again this year? Yup that's me...scientist extraordinaire. We kept it simple because last years crystal growing project got way out of hand. We decided to put white flowers in various forms of liquids and see what happened. It actually turned out pretty cool...if I do say so myself!

Look at what Diet Dr. Pepper did to the flower!(above) It is an Awesome drink...I've said it for years! It helped Reagan to win 2nd place!! That's right people we placed!!! Okay I give credit to Reagan she worked her cute little tushy off on this one. She was well prepared to tell the judges all about Capillary Action, stem absorption and all that crap. But I took the pictures and they were sweet!(insert patting myself on the back here). I'm really not sure who was more stoked about taking home the silver...but I do know that I am the one still wearing the medal!



girly get away

Reagan & I hooked up with Kara, Tatym & Maroo for a little shopping adventure in SLC last weekend....much needed girly time!
Red Iguana is an Awesome restaurant in a scary neighborhood. We were a bit nervous to go in but sooo glad we did...yumm!
(Note: I fuzzed out the license plate on my car and the male nipple on the abercrombie KIDS bags! ew!)


beep beep!


An afternoon spent pelting the passing cars with snowballs, is an afternoon well spent. Yeah, our neighbors just LOVE us!



T’was 10 days past Christmas, and at The Housley House,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The stockings were down, and the Tree put away
No gifts to buy or wrap today.

The kids at school and Todd hard at work,
Jenn shouted for joy, and then felt like a jerk! (sorta)

Holidays were great but seem like a fog,
They went so fast there was no time to blog.

Now there’s time to breathe and rest,
Remember the good times, forget the stress.

Christmas was a wonderful time this year,
Good friends and great family added to cheer.

It was beautiful with white snow in flight,
Sleds, Hot Cocoa, and a big snowball fight.

Gingerbread houses, Ornaments, and Carols,
Shopping, Baking, and Elf with Will Ferrell.

Christmas Eve was spent with Todd’s folks making merry,
Nativity, Ham, Cousins, and lots of gifts to carry

Jenn’s Folks spent the night at our house - they had joys,
Watching the kids get spoiled with toys.

Reagan got a doll, and Tanner toys Toys TOYs,
Todd got a book about when he was a Boy.

Jenn got new shoes, and you’ll never guess what!?,
When she walks they say they will shape up her butt!

Our holiday was truly at time to remember,
Our many blessings we count in December.

Our kids are growing-up just too darn fast
Thank goodness for pictures where memories can last…
