Sunday, January 31, 2021

Lessons On Photography

I''ll get to that later.  

It seems I always start with "Its been a week."
Well it was....Bob's mom fell on Monday and broke her pelvis in two places, one was the socket part of the joint.  She is going to be 92 in two weeks and not a good surgical candidate.  She is at a nursing home for rehab and doing okay at this time.  She prefers pajamas and not exactly easy with the injury.  The only place in town to get night gowns is Walmart on short notice.  I had to go there last Wednesday and haven't been there since August 2019.  It is the only major retailer for 50 miles and they know it.  The place was a disaster, tags and debris all over the floor and there weren't many night gowns had to get cheesy cheap night shirts that probably won't hold up past a couple of washings there.  It was disgusting.  Shame on Walmart and the store manager for allowing this to happen. It was revolting.  

I have been working on Martha Dawson and finished the verse this week over one and 40 count.  I think this is a huge accomplishment.  I have lots of fun stuff to do now.  This is very enjoyable.   
I did finish a pair of socks for Bob this week.  Just in time.  He has worn holes in two pairs.  I may see if I can try and fix them.  I fixed a pair for Ed once but, the hole wasn't in the heel.  It may just be darning.  It might not be worth the effort.  I should learn how to knit them form the toe up.  I hear you can re-knit the heel if done that way.  
So the next pair goes to Katy and she picked out some self striping yarn from what I pulled from my stash.  These are going to be gorgeous.  I am trying a new pattern I saw on Flosstube.  You don't turn the heel.  The heel is knit in ribbing.  The pattern is one Ravelry called Magic Heel Socks.  Going to try and see how it goes.  It's not a fancy pattern.  I want it mindless.  
Now Lessons in Photography.  I was talking to Katy and she saw the socks because I posted it on Instagram along with a picture of White Chicken Chili and Homemade Corn Muffins.  She explained to me that soup really doesn't ever photograph well.  I guess it doesn't photograph well.  But it tasted really good.  I have lunch for the week.  

What sums up the week.  
I did get my second Covid vaccine since I'm considered an essential healthcare worker.  
I had the Pfizer and minimal issues.  I had a little sore arm and a headache until bedtime. 
 Don't be afraid to get it.  

Wear your mask, wash your hands and social distance.  
Keep Stitching 


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Eight by Eight Pans

I usually bake on Saturday mornings for breakfast, muffins or something.  
This weekend broke out the vintage Betty Crocker and went back to the standard Coffee Cake recipe and decided to experiment with it.  There are several variations but, I had another idea.  
I had a can of cherry pie filling in the cabinet for cheesecake as needed.  
That required my first 8x8 pan.  It took alot longer to bake the Coffee Cake.  The basic recipe takes 
25-30 minutes.  It took nearly an hour to bake it.  Lot more to bake and I used a streusal recipe from the Blueberry Buckle variation.  
Let me tell you this was amazing.  I also added about 3/4 tsp of almond extract to bump up the cherry flavor.  

It was almost more like a dessert.  I would definately do this 

I used two more 8x8 foil pans for deep dish pizza.  It turned out a little dark, but, still delicious.  Normally I make this in a 9x13 pan however since it was just Bob and I, I got some 8x8 pans so I could freeze one.  I didn't  bake the second one, just parbaked the crust for 4 minutes.  I used the oven temperature recommended on the package of crust mix.  I won't be doing that when I bake the frozen one.  This is the way my mom made pizza when we were growing up.    She got the recipe from the Chicago Trib early in my parents marriage.  It was a cheap dinner to make when they had friends for dinner.  I continue to make pizza this way because I and the family love it.  It was even good with nearly burnt cheese.  I had some leftover for lunch today.   
I got my first tree finished on Pet All the Dogs by Teresa Kogut.  This was my Christmas start and I've been working on this since I finished the Red and Green Carnation Sampler.  Time to change to my New Year Start, Martha Dawson from HATS and a SAL.  I have a really hard time doing this.  I should just work on one because I'm kind of a monogomous stitcher.  If that is the case why, haven't I finished Sarah Braizear.....Satin Stitches.  
Once I take a break from Martha, I'll do a day or two of satin stitching.  

Katy texted me a picture of a scarf she is blocking asking me if I made it.  I had no idea.  She had thrown it in a knitting basket when she moved after I asked her to block it.  It sure doesn't look like it did when I knitted it.  It is absolutely gorgeous blocked.  

I found the picture in my blog.  It was a free pattern from Crystal Palace.  They have since gone out of business.  I used Mochi.  
Kind of a big difference  Definately needs to be blocked.  How do you even recognize the piece.  

 So while I was straigthening things out, I found this old beat up dresser cloth.  I'm not sure if my grandmother or great-grandmother made this.  It's cut work with a crocheted lace.  There are stains and a few small holes but, I had a great idea to re-purpose it.  I'm going to use the crochet lace in some finishing when I have something I can use it on.  I plan on salvaging the cut work too because it is so beautiful.  
Click on the picture and then you can get a better idea with a close up.  Its a lovely butterfly.  
I think it will be really special to use the crochet lace on a pin pillow or drum.  Its not doing any good folded up in a drawer.  I never knew that great-grandmother but, from what I have heard she was a real character.  My grandmother was very special to me and taught me how to crochet granny squares, quilt a little and bought me my first embroidery floss starting me down the perilous path of becomeing a floss fiend.  
Finally, my work on Martha Dawson.  I've gotten work done on the rosebuds and leaves.  I'm using 100/3 silks.  They are really nice to work with.  I am enjoying working with them very much!

Not much else to report, not much else going on... work and grocery shop.  
I did get some quality stitching time in this weekend.  
Hope you did too.  
Remember:  wear your mask, wash your hands and social distance.  
I'm doing my best.  
Keep on Stitching

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Weekends Go Too Fast

Weekends go too fast or I just cram too much into them.  
I baked chocolate chip cookies yesterday and video called  with one of my stitchy friends.  
It was great to FaceTime with her!....Better than nothing.  

Had to take this picture of the Boys sleeping on the couch together, closer than ever.  
Been working on Teresa Kogut on Pet All the Dogs.  
This is a fun stitch and I plan on customizing it as I get to the bottom for my dogs. 
More to come.

I got some of the motifs started today.  I have just done the top fo the border and plan to do the sides as I go just to mix things up a bit.  

More revealed.  

I got my BBD Winds of Autumn and  Book of Days 2021 from Needlework Press.  
While waiting for it to get here, I found some nifty washie tape stickers from Amazon.  
These are really beautiful!  It is primarily botanicals, butterflies, and coffee/tea.  Click on the picture to get a close-up 

I recently ordered a few things from Notforgotten Farms.  I have seen  Homeplace for Christmas on people's Instagram and Flosstube and she was having a sale at the time.  

I looked around some more and that is always dangerous.  
I saw this tray made by her husband and I ordered a pattern for it, Rest Thy Scissors.  
Unfortunately, it was not in the box when these came.  
I contacted Lori and she apologized and said it would get out in the mail.  
Mail is still taking a long time.  
Lots of Stash this week.  
Got Christmas Rose and a few skeins of floss for this it that I new I didn't have.  I would have ordered more but, there is a real issue with overydye floss if you didn't know.  

I have so neodynmium magnets, you know, those really strong magnets.  
Since I got the Dreambox, I'm still looking for a few things, including those magnets.  
But, I did fine this little tin box that I got a few years ago as a kit.  Don't ask who or what it is because I don't remember.  It just needed to be put together.  
I took care of that while talking to Katy this afternoon.  
Good to have stash because I had the perfect Pompom from Dames of the Needle.  

The kit came with a wooden needle case with a graphic of the pattern on it and a floss card.  
This was a super fun stitch.  Too bad I have no clue of who its from .  I do know I got it from the Stitching Bee.  
If you haven't seen my Instagram post, I finished Samplers Remembered Red and Green Carnation Sampler  
This was a wonderful Stitch!
I did a little altering on this with the letters and did mine and Bob's initials over one.  
This is truly a stunning piece.  

 Watching Miss Scarlet and the Duke on PBS Masterpiece Mystery.  I have been looking forward to this for some time.  Sunday night is often PBS night here.  All Creatures Great and Small is on after.  That started last week and was excellant.  

Hope you have had time to stitch.  
Stay healthy,  
Wear your mask, social distance, wash your hands and get vaccinated if you can.  
I had my first vaccine a little over a week ago.  I had a little bit of a sore arm.  I was a little concerned because I have bad reactions to Tetanus thus don't get them.  Haven't had a problem with Flu vaccine or the Hep B when I got that so I really did figure it would be fine and it was!  Have the second one scheduled a week from this Friday.  

Praying for a peaceful transfer of power this week.  
Keep on Stitching.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

What a Strange Ride It’s Been

What a strange ride it has been this week!  
I'm trying really hard not to be political but, the images and the actions I have seen this week have broken my heart!
I'm feeling disbelief, sadness, confusion, anger and disgust.  
All I'm saying because if I get more specific than that....well you know the drill:  unfriended, ridiculed...etc.  

So, dogs pictures people.  
My little Grandpa Buster after his latest grooming.  
He will be twelve on January 15th.  
We should have cake.  His middle name is Cake.  Who doesn't love Cake!
And then there is Henry.  He was laser focused on something in the backyard...not sure what.  Oh Henroo!
I really thought I was going to finish the Red and Green Carnation Sampler today but, time just got away from me.  It won't be much longer.  
One of the squirrels today was Apple Crisp.  Baking is good for the soul.  Bakery is good for the soul maybe, not the waistline.  

 Thats it.  Thats all I have the heart to do.  Let all hope and pray for clear sight, clear mind and attitudes to move beyond all this crap.  

Have a great week.  Be Nice, Be Kind, Wear Your Mask, Wash Your Hands, Socially Distance.  I know I'm going to try.  

Keep Stitching

Sunday, December 27, 2020

What a Whirlwind It Has Been!

It has been a very busy few weeks.  
Katy was home, having quarantined two weeks before coming home.  She works remotely so she was able to do that.  She even worked a few days while she was home.  It was so good to have her home!
The week flew by way too fast.  
My Aunt Helen is a baking fiend and gifted us:  Cinnamon Rolls, Butterhorns and Cardamon Bread.  
The woman is a 92 year old dynamo!
I sent her a Cranberry Orange bread and made her a scissor fob for a new pair of embroidery scissors, picked up self adhesive silicone circles to put on her quilting rulers to cut fabric and a Swedish Dishcloth that work awesome on ceramic top ranges.  
This is from the winter issue of Prim Stitching and Punch Needle magazine.  Katy made the bit of bling attached on the bottome.  

The latest update on Red and Green Carnartion Sampler from Samplers Remember from Country Sampler Schoolgirl Stitching Group.  The picture really doesn't do it justice.  

Had a Christmas Day Start, Teresa Kogut Pet All the Dogs.  Using the called for thread and Winter's Brew 36 count linen.  I should be working on this more.  But, I have been so busy.  There is just alot I wanted to do.  Last weekend was baking, two batches of cookies I brought to my helpers who got my Dreambox in the house.  Then I made a double batch of Cranberry Orange bread.  

How can you not love this piece?  
Red house, great border and dogs.  (There is an option for cats)

Katy left yesterday thus, I was able to work on the cabinet  I have a lot of stuff to jam into this thing, not just stitchy stuff, fabric and paper craft stuff.  
After the first attempt of organizing, decided I would like it better changing things around.  I had quilt fabric on both sides of the center and thread was on the right hand side, which is just a little difficult to get to.  Subsequently, I decided to switch things around.  

I moved all the paper craft to the right side:  paper, cards, stamps, punches and adhesives.  

I moved all the overdyes to the center along with sewing machine thread I use all the time:  white, tan and beiges for crosstitch finishing.  Since I took this picture, I put in another shelf under the three drawers and can get two 12x12 bins.  

The left side has the  quilt fabric, more spools of threat, DMC on bobbins.  I'm keeping my DMC on bobbins, scissors and buttons.  I figured what I use  the most often and that would be floss.  I was able to move a few things around in the closet organizer too.  That, has a way to go but, will get better too.  I may see if I can get more shelves to insert if I need it.  

Katy and her boyfriend did a day trip to Spring Green and went to house on the rock and she just so happened to stop at the Country Sampler.  She got some of my Christmas present there.  Some  ribbon for finishing, not sure what it is called.  I think it may be a crushed rayon.  

She got me Stacy Nash House On Pumpkin Hill Pinkeep.  I have Jack's House Pinkeep which is nearly a companion piece.  She also got some fabric, which I really like Dixie Sampler Gertrude's Gray.  I think it will work really well!
It will be another busy three day work week.  New Year's weekend isn't going to be as busy around here.  New  Year's is usually more low key, which I'm all for.  

I hope you had a happy and safe Christmas.  
Mine was just amazing.  Ed came for dinner too.  He also works from home.  
That was it but, it was perfect!

Have a wonderful week!
Wear a mask, wash your hands and social distance.  
Better days are coming.  
Keep on Stitching!

Sunday, December 13, 2020

It Came My Create Room Box, Came!

I was suppose to go on a stitching cruise this past summer with Jean Farish and a group of stitchers.  
Needless to say it was cancelled.  I got all but the deposit back.  I am not so sure I want to go through all the planning and anxiety.  Instead, I decided to use some of the money to get a Dreambox.  

I have a really hard time trying to keep the sewing room tidy.  This is a bit of an exageration, I was in the midst of wrapping Christmas presents however, it often looks close to this.  

I got the noticed last week that the box had shipped.  
It is a really big box and weighs 700 pounds.  
I wanted to get everything I could out of the sewing room.  
The sleeper sofa and an armchair is in there.  The chair moved in the sewing room when the recliner came up from the rec room when Bob had his rotator cuff tear.  I may keep it in there and get a slip cover.  
I moved most of the stuff my self and then Ed came over and helped me get the sliders under the sofa and a cabinet.  

The box came Friday afternoon.  Bob, Ed and the driver got it in the garage.  The heaviest single piece weighed 163#.  I paid extra to have the unit partially assembled.  The three large sections were assembled.  I would just need to connect them and place the innerds in it.  
Did I say it was a really BIG box.  
I'm short 5'3" and chunky.  The box makes me look good. 
Ed and my friend Arttie's husband came to get the parts in the house.  
Everything is on wheels.  Once in the house, we could roll it to the sewing rooms.  
Bob was able to get the parts put together.  

Forty bins came as standard but, I didn't think that was going to be enough.  
You know that as a stitcher, there are a lot of small parts.  
Stacks of bins in the kitchen.  

I have been diligently working on getting the parts inserted and arrange my stash.  
I plan on having more than stitchy stuff in the cabinet.
I have fabric for finishing but, it will be easier to find than on the shelf in the closet  
I plan on getting my scrapbooking paper and other paper projects in there too.  Stuff is all over the house right now and I have to look for it too much.  

Got a way to go but, made a lot of progress.  
I wont' have much time this week since it is going to be a busy, rough week at work. 
We are finally transitioning to the new EMR.  UGH!! 

There is a narrow strip for narrow bins that will be perfect for the Au Ver a Soie 100/3
Each bin should hold 32 spools.  
I also have to get my sewing thread arranged, the two lower 12x12 bins below the fabric.

Buster had to keep an eye on me all afternoon.  
By last night, we were both pooped.  

 My Red and Green Carnation Sampler  
I have made some more progress since this picture was taken just didn't have time to take more pictures.  

Hope you had a wonderful weekend  
Got to go finish dinner.  
Keep stitching!