Thursday, February 24, 2011
After 3 years, 122 posts & too many hours spent recording video, taking pictures & sharing it all with you, we're sad to close this chapter of our lives. But, with a new little one comes the need for a larger home with more rooms and versatility. So, it's with fond memories that we announce our blog being moved to a much more suitable home. For the URL, please email either Becky or myself. Thanks! We hope you'll join us at our new home & leave comments as blog-warming gifts!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The Man Child
After a long, yet fairly low-key 45-hour birth, the man child was born! He was so large that the nurses nicknamed him "Hank the Tank." He took the ring weighing in at 9 lbs 3 oz and measuring 22 in. Watch out BYU football - here's your next defensive tackle! Oh, and this was a wonderfully successful VBAC - a pure miracle and blessing to our family!
We named him Ethan Logan. Why didn't anyone suggest that name?! (Maybe because not many people like it - sorry!) I re-read the list several times to make sure I wasn't just missing it. I guess Logan wins the name game since Ethan was his idea. Congrats, husband! And thanks to everyone for all your name suggestions! We're definitely hanging onto that list for next time. There were some adorable names on there!
Thursday, October 28, 2010

It snowed! Hannah was stoked. She yelled and cheered and so we went out to play. She demanded we build a snowman. "He's pretty cute," I said. "No - it's a girl snowman...and her name is Tiana." So, there ya have it. Oh, and her snowsuit is sized for an 18 month old, but she insisted the wedgie didn't bother her.
Silly Pumpkin
-"Hannah, we're going to carve the pumpkin tonight!"
-"Yay! That would be a great idea...but, not a scary face - just a silly face."
The child is scared of EVERYTHING right now, especially these little Halloween books she owns because "there's a boy pretending to be a monster!" Here's an example of how she uses this to her advantage:
-"Hannah, please go use the potty."
-"But, I can't! I'm scared of the scary Halloween books! There's a monster!"
-"Hannah, please come pick up your toys."
-"I'm sorry - I just can't right now because the Halloween books are SO scary!" *squints eyes for enhanced effect*
I don't really see the correlation between potty, cleaning and scary books, but she does. And don't question the child - she's pretty smart. We must be missing something.
Anyway, we did carve the pumpkin &, of course, she wasn't really into getting her hands all slimy. We convinced her to reach in once &, other than that, we pretty much did the job ourselves. And guess what I realized?! I'm mildly allergic to pumpkin. My whole life, I've associated cleaning out pumpkin guts with burning, stinging, red hands. It goes away pretty soon after washing my hands. I thought everyone had that problem. According to Logan, I'm wrong. Good thing I can still eat the stuff - it's my very favorite ever.
So, the child has a happy, silly pumpkin & she loves it. Nothing scary this Halloween.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Halloween Story Time

Today was Halloween Story Time at our library. When I told Hannah she could wear her costume to the library, she laughed and said, "That's silly!" Anyway, Isaac came down to go with Hannah. They walked in holding hands, excited to be in their costumes. Hannah was also really excited to have a little pink heart on her nose. They had a lot of fun pointing out all the other kids' costumes, dancing, listening to stories & even getting a treat at the end.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Smashing Pumpkins

Well, almost. This first pic was taken the moment we got out of the car and Hannah stepped foot in the pumpkin patch. She ran over, picked up this large, heavy pumpkin, held it up for a photo and then threw it to the ground. Logan & I both winced as we imagined the thing breaking open. Good thing she's short and the fall wasn't too far. The pumpkin survived & we walked away quickly hoping no one saw. Whoops!
So, we really thought she'd love picking a pumpkin. She didn't want any of them because "they are dirty!" She actually threw a fit over it. Even after telling her we'd wash it at home, she still wasn't having it and wanted to leave. Next time, I'm just going to Wally World and getting one out of the big cardboard box.

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