Sunday, April 18, 2010

When it rains it POURS!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Carter Talk

I was getting ready for the day today and Carter comes into my bedroom and says

Carter: I poop

Me: You pooped your pants?

Carter: I had to poop, ma.

It's little snip-it conversations like this that are gross and disgusting but kinda hilarious. I am pretty sure that he is going to be 11 before he is potty trained.

Monday, April 12, 2010


I have gotten so behind on blogging and finally caught up. I back dated on the posts so scroll down and see what we've been up to the last few weeks.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Primary Talent Show

Every year our ward has a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for the cub scouts to help pay for their day camp in the summer. We didn't attend the dinner, none of us really care for spaghetti all that much so we came for the show afterward. Tyler didn't perform a talent like so many of the kids that did. He wanted to show off his interest/hobby of train track building. He had limited space so he couldn't go all out but he was proud none the less of his track he built.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hockey in Texas?? Who would have thought?!

Jamie won tickets to the San Antonio Rampage hockey game. Seriously hockey in Texas? Now that's just crazy! The Rampage played against the Houston team and lost but it was a great game full of fights, that's my kind of hockey!

Yucky picture of me, sorry. Had to document that we were actually there.

I think the best part of the whole night (besides one being out of the house and two being out of the house with no children) was that it was all completely free. The parking was free, tickets and an added bonus....we got tickets to the USAA suit where they had tons of yummy food and drinks. It was fantastic! When we got there we ate our hearts out and then after the first period when back for more! It was a great night out with my man!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


The Easter Bunny is crazy. He got two things of yarn and started in the boys bedroom and wound it around the house until it ended where the boys Easter baskets were. It took Tyler almost 2 hours to get to the end!

The last leg of the "hunt".

Booya! The loot!

After the loot was found they discovered that there were eggs downstairs. More hunting to go!

We had a great Easter weekend! It was also Conference Weekend. It is always so great to hear the words of our prophet and apostles. Jamie and I did a ham and scallop potatoes and had a few families over to enjoy the yummy food! It was a great weekend!