Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I have been meaning to blog about this for a couple of days. On Sunday we had our HT come over and he was talking about righteous women. How they are everywhere. Our teachers, policewomen, grandmothers, mothers etc. Tyler was somewhat listening and then he blurted out....

"I want to marry a hot righteous women!"

We laughed, and laughed. Where does he get it? He catches us off guard all the time with funny things like that. I don't remember half of them but this one still is making me laugh and it's Wednesday.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Tyler has been saying a lot of funny stuff lately and today when he got home I asked him if he is making friends at school. You know making sure he is not being left out, that sort of thing.

Me:Are you playing with lots of friends at school?
Tyler : Yah.
Me: Do you know their names yet?
Tyler: My favorite friends name is Jenny.
Me: Jenny, huh? Tell me about Jenny.
Tyler: I like to look at her. She is pretty. And she likes to play with cars.
Me: Wow. Do you sit at the same table as Jenny?
Tyler: No, I sit in row 4 and she sits in row 3.

I thought that this conversation was worth remembering. He is such funny kid.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


It's that time again! Soccer! Tyler had his first practice for the fall season! He wasn't as excited to start soccer today as he was in the spring. But by the end of practice he remembered that he loves soccer. We had dinner before his practice but after practice he managed to eat 2 bowls of cereal when he got home. He eats a LOT!

This is just a side note but we are going through 3, THREE gallons of milk a week! Holy cow these boys can eat! I dread how much food is going to disappear when they get closer to the teenage years!