Monday, December 7, 2009

End of Semester Program

Last week was the end of Lucy's school. Here are some pictures and a video of one of the songs. She didn't sing much, but she sure put on a show.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

small UPDATE

Well it seems that since I actually posted last, that a lot of time has gone by. We drove across the country, have had a few visitors, a new nephew, a little girl who is potty training (and doing pretty good too), started Lucy in school (playgroup/school, same difference, right?), and now the count down begins for another trip West.

We had a great time this summer. We drove to Colorado and spent a week with Brad's family at his family reunion. Thanks to Nicole and Monica for their hospitality and for all their hard work. It was so good to see everyone. Boys played golf, girls did girl things (brunch/shopping), had family pictures taken, played, and spent a day at Breckenridge.

Then it was off to Utah. I was able to have a whole day with my mom, all by myself! (Thanks Brad) Brad, my Dad, and the McDaniels went to the zoo, we went swimming in American Fork, hiked to Mt Timpanogos Cave, and to top the whole trip off—most of us got the flu.

Lucy was so good in the car, and kept her pants dry most of the time. We saw lots and lots of corn, and we were able to stop at the movie site for the Field of Dreams.

In september, we were visited by my Dad. When he was here we made our first trip to Door County, visited a museum by my house, photography, running, Indian food, and a picnic in the park. In October, my Mommy was able to come. Her original plans were changed due to the early arrival of Ethan Berget. So I had to wait extra long for her to come. We had fun, she is one of my best friends. I love to spend time with her. Even if it is just cleaning the house, or thinking about food storage.

Lucy started preschool in September and LOVES it, and her friends she has made there. I can't even get out of the parking lot before she asks to play with someone. She has learned her colors in spanish, and playing with other, and following rules. Her end of the semester program is this week, it should be fun. Her teachers are great too.

Now we are getting things ready to go to Utah and Montana for Christmas. We set up a small tree at home today and Lucy got her new ornament (annual tradition) and is having so much fun. She is reading her ornament (a fairy) a book right now. I may need to find a more convenient spot for Lucy and the tree.

Here are some photos to go with our ventures. Happy Holidays to all!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Holiday Hits Sale!

Just wanted to share the sale this week with Heritage Makers. If you need Christmas cards, now is the time to buy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More Family Fun!

Here we are golfing with a little bit of "fishing" mixed in. And Daddy and Lucy...batter up!

Family Fun Day!

Brad had Monday off, so we spent some time playing together at Badger Sports Park. We played mini golf, raced go carts, batting cages, and video games. We had a blast, thanks Brad!

Lucy, what are you doing?

"I'm just sticking up my hair"
She was going potty, but it was taking longer than it should have. I thought the toilet paper was all pulled out on the floor. This is what I found instead. She was having fun, until she saw her reflection. Then she wanted it out of her hair. Glad I caught her when I did, she might have used the whole container!

Fun ridding her bike!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 4, 2009

We had a great 4th of July. We started the morning off at our Ward breakfast—Yummy! Later that day we went to the Mangum's house for a BBQ with the missionaries, King's and Upton-Rowley's. We played wiffle ball, ate, and watched the kids run around and play. That night we met up with the Gregory's and watched the fireworks in down town Neenah. Thanks everyone for a great day!

If you couldn't tell, Lucy LOVES watermelon.

Carter and Lucy rode in a wagon down to the park. Lucy still talks about the fireworks when we go over the bridge.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jam! and lots of it.

We made a lot of jam this year. Strawberry and Raspberry. Here is Lucy helping with the strawberry jam. Such a good little helper.


We headed out to Cuff farms again this year to pick strawberries. We had a lot of fun, and got A LOT of berries. Lucy kept saying that we were in Strawberry Land. (Strawberry Shortcake is her favorite right now.)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Oh Crack!

I think these pictures say it all. This was taken on one of our hike/walks while we were in Arches

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What about the car?

He washes his motorcycle, but when will he wash the car? One very warm day 2 weeks ago, Brad came home and took Lucy outside to help wash his bike. Her job was washing the tank. She did a fine job and had lots of fun.

Monday, July 6, 2009

3 Years Old! 06/19/09

I can't believe it, Lucy is 3. She is growing so fast. This year we traveled with Brad to Minnesota (for work) over Lucy's birthday. While Brad was working, Lucy and I spent the day at IKEA and then had her birthday dinner at McDonalds.

No more rocks!

After more than 2 years of storing rocks in our driveway, Kevin Summers came and took them away. Thank you so much! Lucy wanted to help so she grabbed her shovel and went to town.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Mesa Arch 03/09

Here are some of the photos I took after the half marathon in Moab. I figured, why not run 13 miles and then get up for the sunrise the next morning.


Here are the runners after the race.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sturgeon Spawning

Two weeks ago, we took a drive up to Shiocton to see the sturgeon spawning. These fish are ugly and very prehistoric looking. They were around with the dinosaurs 200 million years ago. I'll include some facts about the whole event, but given the circumstances, it's pretty amazing.

• Generally, once a female fish becomes and adult it spawns every year. Not so with the Lake Sturgeon. The female spawns once every 4-5 years and she does not begin to spawn until she is 20-23 years old.

• Anywhere from 50,000-70,000 eggs may be released from a single female.

• Eggs scatter randomly but are sticky and become attached to rocks and other materials.

• Depending on water temperatures it takes about 2 weeks for the eggs to hatch.

• Fewer than 1 in 1,000 will survive long enough to hatch.

• An 82-year-old sturgeon speared in Lake Winnebago (the lake right by our house) is one of the oldest ever caught in Wisconsin.

• By the end of its first year the sturgeon is about 9" long

• By the 3rd year the sturgeon is about 2 feet in length.

• By the 6th year the sturgeon is about 33" long

• By the 15th year the sturgeon is about 46" long. The average Winnebago Sturgeon harvested is about 4.5 feet long and weighs about 40 pounds.

Here is a video from our little venture.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tough Choice!

Hunt for eggs? Or swing? Lucy would much rather swing. She hasn't figured out the whole hunt for things yet. Or, maybe it was because she hadn't been able to swing all winter and that was the first time a swing was staring her in face. Either way, she had fun.