Saturday, February 16, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentines day is also fancy-tines day at Lucy's school. Everyone dresses up in their fancy clothes. Lucy wanted to accessorize with bracelets and jewelry to make herself fancy. I drew the line at the Mardi gras beads. I helped out with her class valentine party, there were crafts and games and snacks. Then all the kids sat on the rug and looked through there valentines. Then you would hear a "thank you, Luke" and a "thank you Ana, thank you Lucy" followed by another thank you. The kids were all so cute. I crocheted a new hat for Lucy and Brad brought us home a yummy chocolate cake with a pudding like center. Yum! I fixed us pink heart shaped pancakes with homemade jam and a strawberry smoothie for dinner.

Snow Cave

Lucy was able ton play with her friend Ana after school on Thursday. Lucy was thrilled to be able to share her snow cave with someone else. :)

10 miles

I am supposed to run 10 miles today for my half marathon training. I do like running in colder temperatures, but this is ridiculous!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Pet Frog

Last week we caught a frog and Lucy played with it all day. When it was time to go we set it free to be with its family. Lucy was heartbroken, but I'm sure the frog was relieved!

There is an app for that!

I've been meaning to visit the app store to see if there was and app for blogger. Guess what…there is! Maybe it will be easier for me to update my blog now :)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"Today I am Six!"

I don't know if there are words that can express what I feel about my little girl, other than "I love you". I am so glad to be her mother and can't believe how big she is getting. Happy Birthday! 


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Indroducing Club HM

Contact me if you have any questions or visit my website: