Saturday, January 2, 2010

a few things to fix! (:

thanks everyone for helping out in getting me all of the calander info so quickly.

i will appologize for being human...and let you know that there are a few mistakes.
jerry, sharla, and ranells birthdays are May 3rd... not the 2nd.
heidi has a new address...i will be sending that out soon (i just have to get it)
and cortneys name is spelled wrong! (sorry for the typo girlie)

since i am making changes...would you each please look to see if your infe is correct... if i have made a mistake i am so sorry... i will fix it asap! (:

thanks again for all of your help! (: - jenn

Saturday, November 14, 2009

2010 updates!!!!

hey all! i sent a message on facebook- but i know that not everyone has a facebook so i am posting here as well!
i am helping bonnie do the family calendar this year and i am needing updates! so... check the old calendar to make sure your info is correct!

this is the info we need:
names (spelling)
phone numbers

thanks so much for helping us out! (:
it would be good to be able to get the calendars done by the christmas party! (:
you can post your info here on my blog-
or email me at
love ya!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

the fray, meese, & jack's mannequin

this past weekend i went with a friend to one of the best concerts i have ever been to! it was amazing! it was at the USANA ampetheater in are some pics!




it really was quite good. i didn't take these pics...our seats were not this close! (i didn't bring my camera...sorry) i was very impressed...the talent was incredible! at one point the lead guy from jack's mannequin was playing the piano with his right hand, holding the mike with his left..and jumping around! he still sounded fab! wow!
(the music on my blog is from these 3 bands...LOVE IT)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

quilt pix!!!

hey guys...sorry it took me so long to get these posted... what do you think???

the quilt is folded in half and then in half again! i love it...its so soft and comfy!

Friday, March 27, 2009

hey all...i guess it has been awhile since i posted...over 2 months!!! GEEZ! i had better get on the ball! things have been going really great! i cant believe it has been so long since spencer has come home. it has been so good to have him home...i love getting random texts and just knowing i can call him whenever! it has also been fun to listen to him talk about the people in argentina and the things that he was able to experience there.
i have kept pretty busy lately. i have am the FHE coordinator in my ward and am always looking for new ideas. i really have a great ward. it is your typical singles ward so it is a bit quirky...but there are always some great laughs. i have been able to make some really great friends, and it is so nice to have a good bunch of people to hang out with. i have also been working on and am almost finished with another levi quilt. i will have to say that i have complained the most making this quilt then with any other quilt i have made...i also cannot take all of the credit. aunt bonnie was nice enough to let me use her house a couple weeks ago to finnish cutting and begin sewing all of the peices together...i was pinning forever, and she started the time i was done pinning, she had lots i started ironing...bonnie ended up doing all of the first part of the sewing....what a champ!!!! she is so amazing! i was probably driving her crazy, and i made a huge mess! LOVE YOU BONNIE!!! after leaving bonnies house i still had to finish cutting all of the sewed strips into squares. then i had to wait a week or so until i went up to my moms. in that week i kept myself busy with work, my calling, and with friends...i have learned how to make peanut butter ice cream that is to die for (and i dont really care for peanut butter, so that is saying a lot) spencer came to visit me and stay a couple nights at my house. i sure loved spending that time with him. aside from the boring part of him having to stay at my house while i was at work, we went bowling, and we also went to institute, and he was able to meet a ton of my friends while we played basketball and games at a friends house. thanks spence for coming to see me. eli and sydnie came to pick spence up and it was so so so good to see them! it has been too long! we chatted forever and then they had to go. i picked up spencer in SLC the next friday and headed for home. we picked up erin in poky and headed right to the middle school to see matt play "friar tuck" in robin hood! he did amazing! lil nate loved it as well...he kept saying "MATT" every time matt was on stage! that kid has got some talkent! we love you matthew! after the play we headed to moms and i got to work again on my quilt! i used her sewing maching to put teal zig-zags in every square (just for character)...erin was a champ and helped me lay out all of the peices so that i could see how big this sucker was going to be, and how much material and batting i would need....we peiced and sewed big strips and peiced some more...finally it was time to sew the fleece, batting, and tie it! erin stayed up with me until 4 in the morning just to get it this far. we were so tired we had to get some rest. sunday morning i was bummed cause i really wanted to finish my quilt....i only had the edging left to do, but no good scissors lisa saved the day and had some great ones. grandpa, lisa and i cut and folded and finished the edging...and i got to sewing! i am practicallyl done!!! i ran out of time to put the finishing touches around the outside....but that will happen soon enough!!! (: i am pretty excited about it. it looks great! it is all pinned and ready to go! i am not sure that i will make another on of those any time soon! ugh! i do love love love the way it turned out, and i have to say a huge THANK YOU!!!!! to everyone that helped me with this, for the jeans....the time...the laughs...for putting up with my complaining..ha ha! you guys are great!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

spencer is home pics...

hey all! spencer spoke today and it was so so so good!!! he really did a great job, it was so neat to listen to all that he had to share with us 9even though he kept having to think about talking in english!) here are some pics of the fun afterwards! thanks everyone for coming and supporting spencer today. it really means a lot to him, and to our family! the pics are not in any order, but enjoy! we have a great family! (: (p.s. sarah and shane...i was bummed to not have a pic of your was so good to see you!)