Sunday, May 25, 2008

it's been a few days...

hey! so i have really not been very good at blogging. i think that this is due partly because i have been cleaning my house to get ready to move, and partly because i am not getting on the internet every day! (: really... what do you expect? no it is all good... let me see if i can fill you in a bit. so, i was the only one from my house home for a few days, so my days were spent staying up until 2, 3, or 4 in the morning, getting up at noon and then cleaning my house gradually room by room. so far i have done the laundry room, the garage, the lovey room (for all of you who don't know my house well, the lovey room is the TV room with the lovesacs), i've cleanded under the stairs... and well, the rest has been done little by little, i am not really wanting to move and so i am rebelling from the kitchen and the bathroom... but i will have to do that this week seeing how we have to be out by the first. it looks like i am going to be really busy i think! it will be fun... i am starting my job on the 2nd of june. i am not sure how many of you know, but i have a phone interview for a school in kansas... i will also be setting up an interview in the Jordan School District as soon as i get all of my paperwork done! i am really excied to start a job that is actually somthing to do with my degree...speech pathology! i will keep you all updated.
this weekend i am in boise with my family, staying with dave, echo, shae, and kayla. it is a lot of fun... we went to the park yesterday.. i'll be posting a couple of pics... i will get some more later! hope you are all great!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008



so there you have it! i have a bachelors degree in speech pathology! i cannot tell you how much i have prayed for this day to come, and now it has come and gone! wow! so many things have happened this past was crazy with finals, and then getting the house ready to move, and all of that jazz... it is all happening so fast! i have made some new friends, and we have had a lot of get togethers to say goodbye and what not! it has really been a lot of fun. it is hard to think that this part of my life is over for now, and that i will be moving on. i am applying for jobs in various places, and i think that things are just going to work out! my car got fixed, i roadtripped to utah to go through the temple with a friend (and to go on a blind date)... it really has been a great week! well, the pic is of me and my roomie- it will be weird living someplace else. i have come to love the people here in pocatello! (: welll.. i am sure that i will post more soon... LOVEY!

Friday, May 2, 2008


Hey all! this is a bit about how spencer is doing in Argentina!!! holy crap! it makes me so excited to hear about how he is doing, and just to feel his testimony as i read his words. missionary work is so important. i cannot believe that i was in Australia so long ago... this is the Lords work. i know that we can help so many people just by who we are and the way we conduct ourselves. spence is such an example to me... THANKS BUD!!! anyway, if you guys want to send him an email he would love to hear from you! happy reading! -jenn

Q: How much time do you spend tracting?
A: Well lets see we leave the pension at 10:30 every morning. And we go home at 9:30 at night. You would have to take off an hour for lunch and another hour for water. So we have nine hours in the day to really crack down some days more some days less. But really like how much time is srent knocking doors. Well it depends. What we do is just walk in the street. We never go door to door. We just walk an dask the spirit to take us to the house that we need to go to. And it takes us there and we usually teach a good lesson. Now whether the person or family listens to the spirit is there choise but i know that the spirit guide us every day.

Q: What do the members do for there member missionary work?
A: Well we are woking really hard to get the members more involved with the work. Whenever we give talks of anything we always bring up missionary work. It is a good thing. Members are starting to help us out more and more but we are really just trying to get them animated. We just had the first week in this area with a lunch every day. It was great i think that that helped the members.

Q:What did i learn in sacrament meeting this last sunday?
A: I learned that we as members have a huge responsibility. With the church not being really big here they really jsut focused this week on the family. In how the parents need to be watching after there children. The speaker Hermano Cruz said that are we as parents teaching our children? Are we helping them go to church every sunday? Do we have family home evening? Do we read the scriptures as a family? How is your personal relationship with your spouse and children? And you know that made me think. Are we as children helping our parents? Do we call them just to talk and get to knoe them. So we tell them that we want to have scripture study when we are home? Are we doing the things that they have taught us throughout our lives? I mean not everyone can relate to being a parent but everyone can relate to being a son or daughter. And then it made me relize. We are Gods children. Are we following him? Are we doing what he has taught us? Are we truely remembering our promises that we made with him? So yeah that is what i learned. You know, how i have to be a better son to become a better parent. And i have to live a good life so one day i can be a creator of world. For “this life is the time for men to prepare to meet god...the day for men to preform their labors.” alma 34:32. i like what it says though right before in verse 31. “for behold NOW is the time and the day of your salvation; and therefore if ye will repent and harden not your hearts, IMMEDIATELY shall the freat plan of redemtion be brought about unto you.” So yeah that is what i learned this last sunday and well kinda last week.

Q: What is a regular sacrament meeting like?
A: Well everyone shows up just before the sacrament. I lead the music and me and my companion sing loud to teach the hymns to the members. And yeah then we have the sacrament, there are some speakers and “ya esta”(that's it). Well i could also tell you what sacrament was like two weeks ago. Our president was giving a talk and there was this member who was obviously a less active, because she was sceaming things in the middle of his talk. He would say something about how we meed to be better fathers and she would yell..”and mothers. Amen”.. so yeah sacrament is crazy sometimes.

Q: How has your testimony grown this last week?
A: This is where i can share the story i have been telling to everyone. Well here it goes. It is because of the lord that we found the girl we jsut baptised. It was great. Last saturday we were walking in the street. We stopped on the corner to rest a second and decide where we had to go. Little did we know there was a girl that was looking at us. This girl asked her mom what she thought about being mormon. When the girl looked back we were not there. We were not on the corner. We had knocked this fruit stand to buy some bananas. Yeah the fruit stand house was the house of this girl that wanted to know about the mormons. We bought bananas and then we asked if we could share the gospel. We taught her and she said that she would get baptised. This girl, Dalinda, was the girl that we just baptised. She had been looking for the church and we were guided to her by the spirit. So yeah after we asked her to be baptised we told her that she had to go to church. She went to church the next day by herself and loved it. She said that she knew that is where she should be. Then on thursday she came to the church and watched the testaments. She cried and felt the spirit so strong. We both had the impression to ask her, after the movie, if she wanted to be baptised this saturday. We didn't ask her. The next morning we were really far away from her house and we decided that we needed to go to her house. Well the spirit told us to go there. We were talking to her and my companion asked her if she wanted to be baptised tomorrow (saturday). She said yes and was really happy. So that is what we did. We taught her everything and she was baptised. She was confirmed in church and now is a great member of the church of jesus christ. So yeah that is the story for the week. So what do you think of that? I know that that was the longest answer of your life. But i hope you understand how much my testimony really grew. I am now closer to the lord than i have been in my whole life.

Q: What keeps you going everyday?
A: Easy question has an easy answer. One quote. “Forget yourself and go to work!” president Gordon B. Hinckley's Father.