3 excited boys made for a fun FAST present opening....i believe it took 12 minutes to blow through all the presents from santa!
We did so many fun things this Christmas season. We really tried to center our Christmas more around Christ this year, we made a service chain and each night we read the scripture that is written on it. We have done all our family home evenings this month about Christ and his birth. The boys have had such a good time looking at all the lights, expecially khai he has LOVED seeing the houses all lite up...he calls the lights "cools"!!
We made our Christmas cookies for santa. Our elf "rocket" has been surprising us each morning with his new adventure he had that night...i love the magic of Christmas and all the believing our kids get to experience!!
One activity we did this year was so touching to me...their is a little girl who was very sick up north and this may have been her last christmas, all she wanted was christmas cards from all her "friends" to cover all the walls in her house. We made it one of our family nights and went and bought her some christmas cards and we colored pictures in them and mailed them off to her. (we dont know her, just saw it on the news and facebook). it was so awesome to see my boys draw her things she would love!
I love our little family we have and im so thankful for Christ and the atonement and that I am able to have my family forever and not just for this life. I have made it a goal this year to bring Christ into our home and everyday life more!
The boys were nothing but spoiled of course!
Kaylin got:
his gas motorcycle from daddy and mommy a suzuki 70
the new skylanders game
pokemon cards and case
footie pj's
bike ramp
motorcycle ridding gear
new coat
Kiptin got:
Motorcycle ridding gear
dart guns
new coat
lots of monster trucks
a new motorcycle bike
board games
xbox games (motorcycle ones of course)
Khailo got:
his long awaited vacuum, once he saw that he pretty much didnt care about anything else!
rc truck
monster trucks
Grandma and Grandpas spoiled them too with lots and lots of fun toys.
We really tried to focus more on christ this christmas and doing our family nights and making sure the boys understand that christmas didnt start with presents and what the most importing thing is about Christmas...Christ!
I loved being home this year and waking up to our cute boys so excited to open their gifts and see the fun things they got...I love watching their cute excited faces as they open each one and jump up and down and yell so haply!
(kaylin riding in papa's yard and kippies picture of his awesome riding clothes)