"Throughout our lives, we must deal with change. Some changes are welcome; some are not. There are changes in our lives which are sudden, such as the unexpected passing of a loved one, an unforeseen illness, the loss of a possession we treasure. But most of the changes take place subtly and slowly. Day by day, minute by minute, second by second we went from where we were to where we are now. The lives of all of us, of course, go through similar alterations and changes. The difference between the changes in my life and the changes in yours is only in the details. Time never stands still; it must steadily march on, and with the marching come the changes. This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not. I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead, find joy in the journey—now. Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrows. " Thomas S. Monson

December 27, 2010

Kiptin's First Birthday Party...

Kiptin had his very first little birthday party! He actually got spoiled and had two of them since daddy was gone working on the day of his birthday so we had one tiny one then with just mommy, kaylin, grandpa & grandma haslem. I just got kiptin a little cake and we sang to him on the 20th and then on the 23rd when daddy was home we had a bigger party for him, he got his very own little cake and cup cakes made into a number 1 shape to share with everyone!

He LOVED his cake(s) at first he didnt know if he could actually eat the cake and just kept looking at me to see if it really was ok for him to dig in and once he was sure of the "ok" he didnt waste anytime digging in!! He ate the entire cake all but a few crumbs! He got some cute little toys and LOTS and LOTS of hugs and kisses!
We sure love this little kid, he brings so much love and joy and laughter to our house every day!


Christmas, of course was so much fun!
Its funny, now we have kids presents for us just are not the same, we would rather get them lots and watch them open theirs and see the excitement on their face!! We decided this year to finally get kaylin a power wheel for his big gift, and he loves it! Kiptin loves it just as much, he sits in it with kaylin and they just played and played. Kiptin got two little ride one cars and he loved those, bouncy turtle, train, cars, and much more. Kaylin got LOTS of mario stuff (of course!) curtains for his mario room, mario blanket, mario DS case, mario Wii game, toothless the dragon stuff, popcorn (he loves popcorn) and a ton more, Santa was more then good to him!
We enjoyed just playing for the day and building all the kids toys, we took a trip down to stg to see all the grandparents down that way for a bit!
Kiptin didnt really care about opening all his toys, he got a broom cause he LOVES to sweep and once he found that it was all over he just played with that while kaylin finished opening all the rest of the presents! Santa took really good care of them and kaylin said "Santa thought i was so good so he brought me everything on my list"
I love Christmas so much with my boys and would never want it any other way!

I tried to get a good Christmas picture of all four of us but you know how it is with kids..this is the best one I got (at least I got one right!!!)
Merry Christmas 2010

December 20, 2010

Happy FIRST Birthday Kiptin....

This time one year ago (at 11:07) my precious baby boy kiptin nicholas allen haslem joined our family! This year has been amazing with you in our lives! We have so much love for you, you are one little
Boy that I would have waited forever for if I had too. You are so loved and adored!
Our lives have been blessed so much from having you in our family!

Kiptin at 12 months old:

He LOVES blue berry waffles..I make them and pack them around in the diaper bag for him cause he loves the so much.
He is a picky eater.
He loves everything that is a no no...if we can't hear him we have to go find him cause he will be into something that's not so good.
He is a very happy boy (most of the time).
He loves his own bed and does not sleep well being snuggled (sad for me).
He doent like toys very much unless it is a bouncy ball or has a steeringwheel.
He loves to hug me...I kneel down and he runs to me with the biggest hugs (love it).
He loves to be tickled.
He loves his daddy and is always calling out for him while he walks around the house.
he says a few words...mama (of course that was his first word), daddy, what's that (more sound like "sat" when he says it)
Loves bath time of course.
We love him so much!

Happy 1st Birthday Kiptin!
We love you FOREVER....love mom, dad and kaylin

December 19, 2010

No words can describe....

I sit here tonight and there are so many emotions that are flooding me (mostly my eyes, haha)
I LOVE MY FAMILY SO MUCH, my husband is my true best friend my forever partner and means
so much more to me then I could have ever dreamed. Kaylin is my first born son and I look at him
And I can not find words that describe the pure love I have for him, he is amazing beyond belief
He is my everything my whole life, I often wonder if I am a good enough mom for him..I know at times
I fall very short in that area but every day I strive to be better then I was the day before. I want to be the mom
That he is proud of, I want to be his best friend and always be there for him to laugh with and to cry with and all
other things as well. Kaylin I love u FOREVER!
Kiptin is hours away from turning ONE he has brought an overpowering amount of love to my heart
I look at him and can't help but kiss him and tell him I love him over and over again through out the day
I feel like we already have a deep bond with each other and I want to be the best mom to him and show
Him my love everyday. I look at him and wonder what life has in store for him. Kiptin I love u FOREVER!
I do that for both my boys But i feel that for kaylin something big is in his future. I know if he stays close to Heavenly Father something amazing is In store for him, he is honestly the most amazing little boy in the world!
I want them to always have this so they know how much I love them, they are my world, my everything!
Thank you for choosing me as your mom and your wife.....I LOVE YOU FOREVER!
(Kaylin looked up at me one day a couple of months ago and said "mom, I love you forever" so its our family thing now)

December 14, 2010

Conversation with kaylin...

(Kaylin called me in to help him in the bathroom this is our conversation)

Mom: Kaylin why do you stink so bad? What did you eat? sheesh.

Kaylin: Cause I am a boy....DUH mom.

Mom: WOW did you really just say that...you are such a funny boy.

(I could not stop laughing)

December 07, 2010

Kiptin 11 months old...

Seriously 11 months old!! WOW this year has been so fast. I feel like i want to start over and have my little newborn baby back. I love him so much and cant believe that his first birthday is just a few weeks away now!

He has come so far and is already doing so much more then I thought he should be, here are kiptins stats for his 11 month mile stones!....
-He is WALKING he started walking right after he turned 10 months old actually.
-He FINALLY sleeping through the night YAY!!!!
-He loves food still, eats all the time, he loves apples, crackers, gold fish, pears, and mixed food like pears and squash.
-He listens so well and pretty much knows what we are trying to say to him and trys to do it.
-He wears 18 months clothes
-He loves to smash his food all over the floor
-He weights about 24 lbs
-He is in size 4 diapers
-He has 4 teeth that are in, front two top and bottom teeth and 2 more coming in now.
-He LOVES to drive the car with daddy, every time he gets in he grabs the wheel and starts laughing and jumping and throwing his head back and forth!
-He is a BIG mommy's boy, always wants mommy ALWAYS! but i have to admit I LOVE IT.

Happy 11 months old kiptin, I love you forever!


Since I got behind on blogging with all the crazyness going on around here I think I should catch up a bit!

Thanksgiving (no pictures, i forgot)

I just wanted to make sure I write some things that make me thankful for life each and every day:

Iam thankful for my father in heaven, he has blessed my family so much this past year, He is everything to me, he is always there for me, he listens, I can always count on him, I know he knows what is best for me always and I trust in him.

Iam thankful for my husband, he is by far my better half, he is my best friend (even when im steaming mad at him), He hold our family together, he is the best dad any sons could ever ask for, he is the best husband and I dont deserve such a great man!

Iam thankful for Kaylin, he makes me laugh everyday seriously, He is such a big help to me, he is so smart (sometimes too smart), he has the sweetest kindest heat of any boy that i have ever known, He is my first born and the one who made me a big part of who I am today, I love you kaylin boy!

Iam thankful for my little guy Kiptin, he is such a sweet blessing that I thought I would never get, he was well worth all the hard times getting him here, he makes sure everyday that i get lots of hug from him ( i am never in short supply with those), he is just the best!

I am thankful for the trials in my life, without those I would not understand the most important things we have arent THINGS, it is our family and our gospel that get us through everything!

good advice!

Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib, not from his feet to be walked on, not from his head to be superior, but from his side to be equal! Under the arm to be protected, & next to the heart to be loved.

brothers forever

brothers forever

the haslem family