Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011


Hey guys! I am starting up my own photography business and would love you to check out my new blog. Thanks!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I'm Back!

Ok, so apparently there was some "Suspicious Activity" with our blog account and Blogger deleted our account. But I am here to tell you people, I am back. I probably won't ever post but hey, I got my blog back!

Jake spilled a cup of water on our laptop so we are computerless or I would post some awesome pictures. I am typing this on my mother in laws little HP she is letting me borrow. I would be dying without her so thanks Terri!

Well, glad summer is over. My kids are happier and so am I! Schedules are amazing.

Ok, that's all I got. Peace out.

Friday, February 26, 2010

My husband

Rocks. That's all I can say. Last night he reminded me of why I love this guy so much. I had a "meeting" over here (home) last night with some friends and I that were in a huge fight. Not fun, but something that needed to be done. Anyway, at one point, I started to cry and left the room. Ryan was in the room I walked into and the minute he saw me crying he said "what's wrong, who did it? They need to leave if they've upset you this much." Cute, protective, just what I LOVE. Anyway, the tempest got worse before it got better, but Ryan stayed in the room the whole time to try and assist us emotional women to some place of healing. Healing happened for the most part, and my friends and I decided to go to another friends house and clear the air. We were all outside and Ryan goes inside and gets me this HUGE jacket because he doesn't want me to get cold. Then, he goes back in and comes back with this ridiculous hat because he was worried about my hair being wet. So cute, right? Love him.

He knows me. He gets me. He respects me. He takes me for better and for worse. He takes care of me and our children. He is so responsible. Every morning I BEG him to stay home with us. Although tempted, he always makes the right choice!

Last night, while standing in the circle of crying girls, he touches my tummy and says, "Umm, Can I switch my order to a boy?" He always thought he wanted this baby to be a girl, but realized last night just how dramatic girls can be!

Monday, February 22, 2010

How can I already be so in love with someone I haven't even met?

I am so excited and feel so blessed to be carrying my fourth baby. I already feel so connected with this little bean inside me. I can't wait to have him in our life.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Our final installment......Maybe.

So, a couple days ago Ben is driving with me in the front seat (don't freak out moms, it was just in the tract on the way home from school) and he found a (used) pregnancy test (that I was cleverly hiding). I quickly tried to avert his attention by saying "Oh, Ben, that's gross. Put it down. It's got pee on it." While examining it, he says, "Oh....." He slowly puts it back into the center console. There was silence that was penetrable for about a minute. Then it came. "Well, was it positive mom? are you pregnant?" Well aware that he could read and probably already knew the answer, I answered honestly. "Yes Ben, I am. Isn't it awesome?" He had a huge grin on his face and said "Awesome!" My next words were said with some intensity...."But don't tell ANYONE. Dad doesn't even know yet!"

And so it was. My secret was safe with Ben. Until we told dad and Jake. And now all of you, since he and Jake now tell everybody and anybody they come in contact with.

We were a little taken aback but we are super excited. I always wanted a fourth and we thought about it in the summer, but this is perfect! Can't wait to meet the little man. Yes, I think it's a boy. But we won't find out until October when we deliver! I couldn't be happier to be able to bring another little Harvey into this world. Life is good. Until the morning sickness starts........