Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Happenings ...

So it's been about 3 months, and I figured it's about time for another post.  What do you think?  Not too much going on in these parts.  We pretty much go day to day doing our same old routine.  Occasionally we get to do something fun.  So to catch you up on a few things.... 

Fishing in Oregon.

Saturday morning cartoons.

Summer Buzz

Before and After.
(I'm kicking myself for buzzing it.)

Auburn Kid's Day

"My brother got me some cheese!" 
(After he had a few bites himself.)


Monday, April 7, 2008

Too Tired For Bed

Which would you choose?  A forced nap accompanied by whining, complaining and crying ... or ... turning your back and then finding them like this?

Hands Otherwise Occupied

I heard that kids like to stick stuff in their mouths when they're little, but this is just getting ridiculously funny. Pacifier, rubber ducky, sock ... what next?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Just a Sip

Okay so I'm not too good with this blog thing.  So, the other day I was doing some laundry in the other room, and I guess what "they" say is true.  Never leave your toddler alone in a room with their younger sibling.  According to Peyton, Mikey wanted a sip of his Chocolate milk.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Boy Does Time Fly

My last blog post was over 6 months ago. I guess I didn't really get off to a great start. I thought I'd give it another try. So here we go. Let's see, a lot has happened in the past few months. An addition of another little boy in our home (4 1/2 months old now). You'd think that would give me a reason to write on here. His name is Michael Dale. He's named after both of his grandfathers. We call him Mikey, and sometimes "Micky-D". He has reached the milestone of rolling over. Peyton turned 2. What a joy that has been (can you sense the sarcasm?). But seriously it has been a lot of fun, challenging, but fun. It's amazing how fast he has grown up. A few of his favorite phrases are, "This is delicious", "I woke up in the morning", and my favorite,"Hey, what's the big idea?". As for Scott and I, there's really no change. We do the same thing day in and day out, trying to stay sane.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Baseball Player In The Making

Last week we bought Peyton a big plastic baseball bat and ball. It's been nearly five days now and he's been carrying them around almost non-stop. Any chance he gets he wants to play "catch". The other night he climbed into bed with them and fell asleep holding them. (Too cute to resist taking a picture.) Lately it's been so nice out that we've been able to go outside and play quite a bit.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Beginning Of Something New

This is my first attempt to having a blog. We'll see how it goes and how often I end up updating it. It's going to be a learning experience for me, since I'm not too good with learning new things on the computer. After being out of school for a few years, I guess that's to be expected. Wish me luck!