Sunday, November 23, 2008

We LOVE Daddy

This was taken last Sunday night at my grandmas! I sure love it!
They don't look alike at all do they?! :) It's times like these that I am so glad I carry my
little camera in my diaper bag!

Honestly, where does the time go? Madeline is almost a YEAR OLD!!! I can't believe it!
They love to play together! Dave was playing "horsey, horsey..." she giggles the whole time!
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Gardens After Dark

While I'm totally blogging backwards I figured that I would put this in too... we went to Red Butte to see
their "Gardens After Dark" They painted Madeline's face for her!
Here is Miyo, Maurea and Brian!
This is Madeline under the black lights!!! Cool huh?!
This was just a fun picture of the gardens and the reflections...
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I'm totally blogging backwards!

This is Madeline's Halloween costume! (minus the glasses... those were grandma geegees)
This is our little white Tiger! We chose it because Madeline LOVES her little stuffed animal that
is a white tiger... We trick or treated at both grandparents' homes then came home to bed! It's amazing how
Halloween changes over the years! It was so fun though!!!

Here is Grandma GeeGee (Gray) and Grandma Barb. We are so grateful to have them both around!
(Dave's grandmas)
This is us at my mom and dad's house! If you look closely you can see the white tiger I was talking about on the
floor by Dave's feet! She was more interested in the monster that Becky gave her that night than her tiger!
Do any of you girls remember this wig? When we dressed up as colors of the rainbow one year?!
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I let Madeline play near my nightstand for a little change of scenery... I had no idea what a mess she could make!!!
AND... all those clothes on the floor are her birthday clothes. (Her birthday is December 16th. I was so proud of myself for getting her shopping done early!) She is getting into all the gifts I had "hidden" under the bed.
Looks like I need to do a better job of hiding next year!
She is looking at the books that I bought her in this picture!
Don't you LOVE those "oops, I got caught" faces!
This is her newest face... She says "oooooooooo"
AND this cheesy face. She may have seen us do this a few hundred times to her... now she does it to us! :)
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Daddy's special Day!

Dave and Todd Gardner took their girls fishing in the freezing cold!! They had sooo much fun!

... and where were their mommies? Oh, at Twilight of course!!! (And yes, I did see it twice within a 24 hour period... free tickets, couldn't pass them up!)
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Twilight Midnight Showing

So, this is my sis... saving seats for the midnight showing
of Twilight! We took all the ladies from Busath!
Me, my sister Courtney, and my mom!!!
Chelsea, Kimberly, Mallorie, Sammy and Maddy...
Chelsea and Kiely... all darling gals from Busath! We had a blast!
I am curious if people like the show or not...
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More from the U GAME!!!

I thought this crowd was unbelievable!
Dave and Creighton
Madeline really wasn't sure what to think of Dave at first...
... but she still gave daddy "kisses"
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Utah vrs. BYU

Can I just say that we have been anxiously awaiting this game all season!!!
We even got to the game 3 hours early!!!
This is us at the tailgate party with Blake Bauman's company!
We didn't have time to paint Dave's head before we got to the game so Creighton did it while we were sitting there.

Here is the "season ticket crew"!
Even Madeline's binkie was U of U colors!!! WHAT A GAME EH?!!!
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Monday, November 3, 2008

Raking Leaves with Daddy

Dave was raking leaves on Saturday so
naturally we just had to go out and take pictures!!!
I had to work early that morning so when
I got home, he already had her dressed in her
U of U outfit... for the game that night! :)

Here are some of the pictures from Saturday!

We love you daddy!!!

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