Sunday, July 27, 2008

Random pics!

My Mom, Madeline, me, Cloee and Courtney all swimming

at my aunt Deb's pool!

We were practicing going under the water!

I cannot believe how much I love this picture!

I walked in on them reading before bed and

Madeline was SO HaPPY!

Dave's cute cousin, Lisa, Keith and their little miracle, Parker,
were in town for a few days! They came to visit us on the
24th of July! How fun to see you guys!!!
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Happy Birthday Trevor!

Trevor's birthday, we used to tease, lasts all month long!

So, to celebrate, we went out to dinner with them! :)

We ate at this fun little mexican restaurant!

Then after, we went back to their house to make...
chocolate chip cookies!!!
That is something we LOVE to do with the Ericksons!
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More pictures from our hike!


She LOVES grandpa Dan!

and of course she LOVES to play with Grandma Beck!

Madeline was guzzling water at the top of the hike!
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24th of July Hike

We went with Dave's parents, Becky and Dan,

to hike up Desolation, in Millcreek Canyon.

This was Madeline's first time in this backpack!

She has been to little to fit in it until now!

We just hiked up 2miles to the lookout point... isn't it gorgeous!

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Grandpa Skeen's 80th Birthday

Sunday, July 20th, my Grandpa Skeen turned 80!!!

We are all so happy that his health is back to normal!

(He is the one that passed out at Madeline's baby blessing)

We LOVE YOU Grandpa Skeen!

Four Generations

this is my "mellow Madeline"

She loves to watch everybody!

The whole Skeen crew!
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The Property!

Some of the Grays met up at the Property on Sunday, July 20th.

All of the Mack side was there, (three of the five Mack kids live out of state and had

flown in to visit, except Grant and Stephanie.)

.... but guess who walked up the driveway and nearly gave Debbie (Grant's mom)

a heart attack!!! They had surprised EVERYONE and flew in to see everybody!

It was soooo FUN!

I have a new CRUSH!

This is Grant and Steph's Bronson.

Grandma Geegee was in heaven!

Melissa, Grant and Dave with kids!!!
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Pictures from "the Property"

Dave and cousin Melissa with their little ones!

These are Melissa and Roberts darling kids with Madeline!

( Madeline, Lilly, Ashley, and Matthias- did I spell his name right?)

Madeline with grandma GeeGee!

This is us in front of the little cabin. Dave has been coming here since forever!
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The 1812 Overture in Deer Valley

We got to go with Nate and Cami to the 1812 Overture in Deer Valley

The Utah Symphony was outstanding and played pieces

by Leonard Bernstein, some arrangements of Billy Joel's works, and more!

Then they concluded with Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture while the cannons

blasted as they played!

We just discovered this year how delectable the carrot cake

cupcakes are!!!

And the boys went back for seconds, or was it thirds?!?!?!

Last year, we got poured on, so this year was so pleasant to
have the blue skies. Look how cool it was at night!
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American Idols Live!

Dave and I are totally AMerican Idol junkies!!!

We did not miss a single episode last season, so

we couldn't wait to see them LIVE!

David Archuletta was as adorable and loveable as Ever!

I almost cried because the crowd cheered like crazy for him!

How cool!!!

David Cook was wonderful too!!!

He sang 4 or 5 songs, he is definitely made to perform!

David Cook video-taped the audience for a keepsake!

Look at how many people!

...and there's Dave and me again!
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Family Night with the Palmers

We missed Cam and Danielle so much at Island Park that we

tried to relive the campfire scene!

So, we went up Millcreek Canyon and ate tinfoil dinners!

(Court, Danielle, Cam, my Mom, Cloee, my Dad, Me, Dave and Madeline)

We like to "dance, dance, dance!" That is the only way

she will hold my hand!

(Do you like our hoodies?!)

Like I said, we like to DaNCe!

MAdeline with her daddy!
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The Palmer Girls' favorite holiday...

7-eleven!!! (07-11-08)

We went to 11 different stores to get free 7.11oz slurpees!

My mom doesn't like them so we went to another gas station

to get her Dr.Pepper!

don't worry, this is about as close as Madeline got to one...

Cloee LOVED them! She kept asking when we were
getting another one!
We always listen to Shakira as we drive around town.
There are a ton of 7-elevens on 900 east!
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