Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Today was Dave's first Father's Day!!!

We gave him a little hand sculpture of Madeline's hand and a few other things too!

These roses are in my parents' backyard.

Aren't they pretty?

We ate dinner with my parents and siblings, then went

to Dave's parents to join them in the hot tub.

So... this is officially Madeline's first time in

a hot tub! She LOVED it!!!

...and we ALL loved watching her!
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Friday, June 6, 2008

Ruth's Diner

Last Saturday, we went up to Ruth's Diner to hear Dave's brother DJ play out on the patio!
It was gorgeous weather and the music was so much fun and relaxing!
We pretty much took up the entire patio with all of DJ's fans!
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When Dad "babysits"

One sunday afternoon, I left Madeline with Dave while I was cleaning up the kitchen. I heard Madeline in the other room just spitting away... so I went to peek on them and this is what I found.... Madeline was facing the TV completely happy and spitting away like crazy!
I took a few pictures and Dave still didn't wake up!
This was another time he was watching her! He likes to prop her up while he does things and she LOVED this REI catalog. I think she played with it for 5 minutes! We love you daddy!!!
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So Chic'

I was making lunch one day and thought it would be funny to put these glasses on Madeline! To my surprise, she left them on for quite a while!
Isn't she so chic?!
Oops! I got caught!
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More Jone's Hole Pictures

This is in the canyon... isn't it beautiful?
Jesse and Dan
Dave and Jesse
They were trying to see who did the best packing job with their backpacks.
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Jone's Hole with the boys!!!

This has been a tradition for the Gray family since Dave was a little boy! They camp in this wonderful canyon outside of Vernal and fish all weekend!!! Here are some pictures of Dave, Dan (his dad) and Jesse (his brother)...

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