Thursday, February 26, 2009

Glen Beck

I am not big on politics really or at all. Actually this year was my first year voting. In past years I would often ask Colton if we are Republicans or Democrats that's how much I cared. Colton listens and watches this man Glen Beck. Now he even records his show everyday at 3:00 therefore some days I am forced to watch it weather I like it or not. Now I don't mind so much. I like to watch it cause he tells it like it is and I don't like to watch it cause he tells it like it is. I watch him and I think the whole world is done for some times. Anyways today on Glen Beck he has this little graph of home prices since before the Great Depresion. I just look at his graph and think two things:

1. How on earth did some people (mainly the banks) let it get this bad. Didn't someone think this might not be good.

2. Those people that bought or even refied at the peek basically will never recover. Seriously! If we never had a peek in the first place things wouldn't be bad at all.

I know everyone all ready knows and is saying the same thing but I thought the graph says it all.

Click on the graph to see the whole thing.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Anyone Who Sew's

So I have been looking for double sided, fuse able interfacing. Anyone know if there is such a thing??? Like if I wanted to iron two pieces of ribbon together before sewing or attempt to sew together. Someone, anyone???

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I Can't Believe I Survived Two Years!!!

Today is Brinley and Ashton's 2nd Birthday!!! I truly honestly thought I wouldn't live to see this day. Looking back at all the pictures I just don't know how we survived. We have had wonderful help for the first six week that came and went when I really think I needed at full time nanny, chef, and housekeeper. But we all know that would never happen. They are such a joy to have around but boy was it rough.

It all started when I went to the doctors to get some medicine because I probably hadn't eaten in a few days when I walked out of the office with this one month after Mason's first birthday.......

Colton was at work and didn't believe me. My first thought was this might be fun.

Then I started looking like this. And just looking at it my stomach just hurts.

A non pregnant Andrea on the left and big huge me on the right. Good comparison.

Then they sliced me open and what do we have? baby A(girl) 5lbs 2oz and baby b(boy) 5lbs 11oz

I am smiling because we had around the clock nurses! And I wasn't pregnant anymore!!!

First day home from the hospital.

Just some old pics.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Big 5-0

Yesterday was Colton's Dads 50th B-Day!!!!! He is the best grandpa the kids could ever ask for. Seriously! Example A Mason called grandpa to say happy birthday. I could only hear what Mason was saying so I am guessing it went a little like this:

Mason: Happy Birthday Grandpa.

G-Pa: Thanks.

Mason: Are you having a party?

G-Pa: No but you can still come over. What kind of cake do you want?

Mason: Grave Digger

G-Pa: Ok maybe I will make you one.

Then Colton gets home from work and lets Mason call to say we are one our way.

Mason: Hi Grandpa we are on our way did you make my grave digger cake?

G-Pa: Uh No.

Mason: But you said you were going to make me one

G-Pa: Ok Mason I will make you one.

When we get to Grandpa's house he is not there......He is at the store buying frosting to make Mason's cake!!! Mason never forgets anything. What a great grandpa. Happy Birthday!

Entertaining the kids.

Grandpa hard at work.

Mason so excited

Finished product. Grave digger to a T.

The candles of course.