Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hello to the blogger world!

I have been a bit MIA for the last few months so I thought I'd do a reader's digest version of a few things that have happened since SEPTEMBER!!
October was Eliza's 3rd birthday and also Halloween.
Eliza shares her birthday with her cousin Emilie who is exactly 1 year older. Grandma Carol got them matching PJs. Eliza is very happy to be "free" (3)

The kids had so much fun dressing up and trick-or-treating! For our ward party we themed the family (yes, I had the pictures taken at sears and was too lazy to scan them) The kids picked different things to be for school or trick-or-treating as you can see...Scott and I were Pirates for a party we went to.

We got a puppy named Ruger ( a yellow lab)
We all love him. (even though he chewed up some of my chrismtas lights:):))

Sadie turned 8. She was baptized which was a fun time! So many family members traveled so far to share the time with us. She also had a Diva birthday party which turned out super fun!!(thanks to Nicole for helping out with the facepainting and the rest of the party!!)

I realize it is the excuse everyone has but I feel like life is so busy and going by so fast. But Hopefully there will be more soon:)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Olivia is 1!

Olivia shares her birthday, September 11, with my mom. Since we have season tickets to University of Utah football we spent her birthday in Salt Lake with my mom and dad at a football game. We stayed with Scott's sister Amy where we could celebrate not only Olivia's birthday but her oldest son Austins birthday on the 12th.


The birthday girls!

Sleeping in the stadium

A little bit of craziness

a very tired Birthday girl!!

What's going on at the Gilberg's?

Eliza and Sadie are both in dance. Sadie is loving her Jazz class and Eliza LOVES her ballet class. Eliza loves her teacher... "Miss Shelly is my best friend"

Well the kids wrestle alot at our house and they are teaching Olivia early. She totally has Mason pinned! And I can't do that with my tongue, can you?

This is Scott, in HEAVEN, holding down and tickling all four of our little monsters. They love it, too!


This summer I turned 31. It doesn't feel too bad! I had a wonderful day. Here is my lovely Jell-o cake, made by Scott, and all the kids in their jammies having that last dose of suger before bed!

Monday, June 7, 2010

I love Summer!!!

Well Summer is here, and it is really heating up (103' yesterday). The kids are having fun though. Of Course, the kids can't get enough swimming, and if we get out early enough we smend time on bikes, scooters, at the park, and in the yard.

Last Day of School!!

Preschool Graduation Day. Mason, his friend Daniel, and Teacher Mrs. Tacou
Sadie and Mrs. Nelson right before Sadie proudly said"Good Bye First Grade!!"

3 stages to a buzz

We let Mason's hair grow to a cute shag...but with the summer heat we decided to have a summer Buzz...First the Mohawk...
Then the little spike in the back...

I don't have a picture of the final haircut....but I promise we cut it all off!!

Soccer Spring 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Olivia's first tooth

Yes it is official, at 8 months Olivia has worked very hard chewing on anything she could get her hands on, and yes her first little baby tooth has pushed up through those adorable little gums!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kanab 10k

We had a fun weekend in Kanab. I ran the Kanab 10k with sister-in-laws, Amy and Mandy. Ya, they were faster than me, Can I still claim the baby card? Anyway we went on some 4-wheeler rides and went swimming and bbq'd. I'm still tired.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


At least that is what it is supposed to be. There were a few people wearing Garmins that said it was 13.4. Anyway, My sister, Nicole and I ran the Hurricane 1/2 marathon Saturday morning. I can't decide if it was Crazy or Awesome. Maybe crazy to do it, but awesome to actually finish it. It still hurts but it was fun to run it with Nicole, and train together 400 miles apart. Thanks colie.
And no, you won't see any pictures of me doing it!!!!