Sunday, November 30, 2008

Give Thanks

We were so blessed this year to have my sister Rebecca and her family come down for Thanksgiving. They were so excited to come down to the sun, which they did get, but unfortunately it did rain on Thanksgiving Day. We mostly relaxed with them, we did go to a few parks and a movie(quite the experience with Dylon!!), but we didn't overbook their days while here. One reason being is that after they left here they headed down to Southern California to surprise their kids with Disneyland. Their kids were completely clueless. In fact when we talked to my nephew he said he was going to school this week and was really excited. Hopefully he wasn't too disappointed when they end up in the Disneyland parking lot Monday morning!
It was nice to have my sister here to help out with Thanksgiving dinner. I've never cooked Thanksgiving dinner before. I was mostly concerned about the turkey, but it doesn't seem to difficult, just follow the directions on the bag. Next year we'll have to experiment with seasoning it. If anyone wants to go on a vacation next November, just let us know - book your Thanksgiving trip with us now:)
Dylon loved every minute of them being here, it makes us that much more excited to come to Utah for Christmas. He sure loved following his cousin Parker around. Poor guy seems a little bored this week with it just the two of us during the day again. Not only did he have his cousins here, but Dwayne had all of last week off too. What a nice break for all of us.
Here are a few fun pics of the riparian reserve
that we went to on Thanksgiving.
Are these two characters related??

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Holy War

Utes 48 - BYU 24
Enough said!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Last Saturday we decided to go up to Anthem a community just before you come into the Phoenix valley. It definitely had the coolest park I have ever seen. The community was all designed by one planner - they had surveyed a bunch of people asking what they would want in a community and pretty much fit it all in. This park had many different sizes of play equipment for all age groups, a splash pad, train, pond, skate park, roller-hockey rink, basketball courts, and pretty much everything else you would want at a park. The rest of the community had the other things anyone could want. It was amazing, we heard there was a communtiy like that closer to us, so we need to find it so we don't have to drive so far. (click on the picture to enlarge it - also I realize there are two pics the same, I didn't count and I was too lazy to change them. Enjoy anyway!) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 13, 2008

All about Dylon...

He won't wear a hat, but he will wear this cool whip container for hours at a time.
He loves his blue elephant Eddie.
He loves Elmo and Nemo and says them both as "Nelmo".
He loves cars and balls, especially dads racquet ball balls.
He is a good sleeper, he goes down with no problem. (knock on wood it continues)
If we get home at nap time he will not let me feed him, he just wants to go to bed.
He is copying what we say now, one word at a time.
He loves going outside, and loves playing with dad.
He loves to be chased.
He loves to run ahead of you, hide, and jump out and say "Boo"!
He loves playing the piano.
When he wants something he will give you a hug and a kiss to sweetin' you up.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Just Monkeyin' Around

We've anticipated this Halloween since we moved in because we were told that it marks when the weather will start getting cooler. This year may have been an exception, it was extremely warm. Dwayne took Dylon around a block or two, he hadn't gotten down trick-or-treat (even though we practiced it for days in advance), but he was really good at Hi, Thank You, and Bye. We were Zoo Keepers, some of the older couples got a kick out of that. Here a few pics for your viewing pleasure.

Don't Feed the Animals...