It was Ryan's 32nd Birthday on Monday. Poor Ryan had to drive all day back from Idaho and his car almost died in the process. He did get presents though. We decided to celebrate his birthday later. But here are 32 random things about my Husband.
1. His favorite color is orange
2. He now loves Huevos Rancheros (this happened since he has been married to me)
3. Used to be a picky eater when he was younger but is not a picky eater at all. I could pretty much make him anything for dinner and he would be okay with it.
4. Would love to live in Boise someday.
5. Looks so serious but is so NOT serious.
6. Has a concave chest-I can only lay in it. If I touch it in any way besides laying on his chest he freaks out.
7. Can't stand himself or anyone touching his adams apple. Even the thought makes him cringe. The best is when his shirt, or he accidentally touches it and freaks out.
8. He would like to own a miniature horse to take walks with on the beach.
9. He is really good at taking out the trash.
10. I don't like to drive a stick, so he is so nice and drives all the way to Utah and Idaho when we go visit his family. LOVE HIM for that.
11. He is probably the most chill person I know. I have never seen him yell and can't ever imagine him yelling.
12. Does not have a problem farting out loud in front of his family or friends.
13. In San Diego he always had a girlfriend. I think the longest he went was 3 months in between girlfriends.
14. He is a CPA
15. LOVES to watch movies.
16. Likes chick flicks more than his wife likes chick flicks.
17. Occasionally dreams about being a Navy Seal.
18. Ryan is a very generous person. He has a kind heart and is always doing things for people. He usually does it "behind the scenes" because he is not one for that type of attention.
19. Likes the attention where he shocks people. I remember when we were dating there were many "speedo" moments.
20. Can eat the, every flavor of jelly bellies, with the best of them. My old roommate and I fed our then boyfriends (now husbands) the bacon, rotten egg, dirt, etc. jelly bellies and he ate all of them, did not even flinch or spit them out. Just calmly told us how disgusting they were.
21. Is very quietly stubborn.
22. Hates musicals with a passion. (Last year he took me to see Wicked for my birthday. Sat through the entire show without making any comments. That was true love :)
23. Likes to try new places to eat.
24. Loves nice Nordstrom Jeans. In fact he is the one that got me into buying nice expensive jeans (and he looks very good in his jeans).
25. He is a big supporter of me taking time off of work. When I take days off he encourages me to enjoy my day and to not work too hard.
26. He is very logical. I love that about him because I am very emotional. We balance out well.
27. He a wonderful supportive son and brother.
28. Is a great son-in-law. My parents and sister love him.
29. Has a terrific sense of dry humor. Constantly making me laugh.
30. Is and will forever be young at heart.
31. Once wore the same outfit to work for entire year. Just to show his co-workers that he could do it.
32. He is the BEST HUSBAND ever!!!!