Sunday, January 3, 2010

The past 5 months!

Wow. It has been a while since I wrote. A lot of things have happened. The best thing is that Ryan GRADUATED!!!!! I am so excited. On Dec. 23rd I went to his graduation with his Dad, my Mom, Dad and Sister. It was a wonderful graduation. I am so proud of him.

The past 5 months:
  • I finished work at UCSD
  • Packed up the San Diego apartment
  • Moved to my parents house
  • Started sewing on my Mom's new sewing machine
  • Looked long and hard for an apartment and found a great one.
  • Fainted, fell on tile and broke my jaw.
  • Got my mouth wired shut the Sunday before Thanksgiving and flew to see Ryan with a wired mouth.
  • Got some of my wires cut.
  • Moved into the L.A. apartment and set it all up.

It's been a crazy 2009. I am excited for 2010. Here are some pics. I will write more at a later time. (If you see wires on my mouth I still have wires on my gums. Hopefully on Monday they will take them out.)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

LA Baby!

We got our orders today and are going to LA. We don't know where in LA though. I am hoping for Santa Maria but I will be okay with whatever. We will find out in 2-3 weeks. I am just so EXCITED!

More info to come.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

2 weeks

It has been 1 month since Ryan left. A lot has happened but I can't blog about it. Things are good. I feel closer to my husband and the Lord so I am grateful for this experience. I will still be glad when it is over :)

I am nervous however for the news of where we are stationed. I find out on either September 10th or 11th. I am getting butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. Let's just say that on the 10th I will probably be a mess and will be checking my phone every minute.

I keep have these fantasies that we get our first choice and then I can't stop smiling. Then I keep have these fears that we will get stationed in the a horrible place away from our family. Oh well. I guess whatever happens it is where we are supposed to be and things will work out.

I will keep you updated! Wish me luck.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ryan is gone

Ryan left Saturday August 1st for training. His graduation date is supposed to be December 28th but we are hoping it gets moved up. Excited for the new adventure but sad that Ryan is gone. I am actually doing pretty well. My dad gave Ryan and I beautiful blessings so I know that everything will be fine.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

One Year Down

One year ago today we were married in the San Diego Temple. We are no longer newlyweds...Yeah!!! Had an awesome first year so they should just keep getting better and better.

We celebrated are anniversary on Friday and Saturday since we had to be a church on Sunday. The below pictures tell the story.

First Ryan gave be 2 bouquets of flowers:

Then we went downtown and stayed in a Chic hotel. The room was awesome. They had robes for us, slippers, stereo and the shower was so cool.

Ryan sitting in the swanky chair.

Are awesome and comfortable bed

View from our bed

The elevator. It was the first elevator in San Diego and it felt like it. Notice how there is no garage, just a -1 floor.

Ryan in the awesome robe they had for us.

On Saturday we ate breakfast downtown, went to the beach then went to the Wild Animal Park and went on a Photo Caravan Tour. It was awesome because this time we got to feed the Giraffes and Rhinos. LOVE IT!

We had such a fun weekend :)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Ryan

It was Ryan's 32nd Birthday on Monday. Poor Ryan had to drive all day back from Idaho and his car almost died in the process. He did get presents though. We decided to celebrate his birthday later. But here are 32 random things about my Husband.

1. His favorite color is orange
2. He now loves Huevos Rancheros (this happened since he has been married to me)
3. Used to be a picky eater when he was younger but is not a picky eater at all. I could pretty much make him anything for dinner and he would be okay with it.
4. Would love to live in Boise someday.
5. Looks so serious but is so NOT serious.
6. Has a concave chest-I can only lay in it. If I touch it in any way besides laying on his chest he freaks out.
7. Can't stand himself or anyone touching his adams apple. Even the thought makes him cringe. The best is when his shirt, or he accidentally touches it and freaks out.
8. He would like to own a miniature horse to take walks with on the beach.
9. He is really good at taking out the trash.
10. I don't like to drive a stick, so he is so nice and drives all the way to Utah and Idaho when we go visit his family. LOVE HIM for that.
11. He is probably the most chill person I know. I have never seen him yell and can't ever imagine him yelling.
12. Does not have a problem farting out loud in front of his family or friends.
13. In San Diego he always had a girlfriend. I think the longest he went was 3 months in between girlfriends.
14. He is a CPA
15. LOVES to watch movies.
16. Likes chick flicks more than his wife likes chick flicks.
17. Occasionally dreams about being a Navy Seal.
18. Ryan is a very generous person. He has a kind heart and is always doing things for people. He usually does it "behind the scenes" because he is not one for that type of attention.
19. Likes the attention where he shocks people. I remember when we were dating there were many "speedo" moments.
20. Can eat the, every flavor of jelly bellies, with the best of them. My old roommate and I fed our then boyfriends (now husbands) the bacon, rotten egg, dirt, etc. jelly bellies and he ate all of them, did not even flinch or spit them out. Just calmly told us how disgusting they were.
21. Is very quietly stubborn.
22. Hates musicals with a passion. (Last year he took me to see Wicked for my birthday. Sat through the entire show without making any comments. That was true love :)
23. Likes to try new places to eat.
24. Loves nice Nordstrom Jeans. In fact he is the one that got me into buying nice expensive jeans (and he looks very good in his jeans).
25. He is a big supporter of me taking time off of work. When I take days off he encourages me to enjoy my day and to not work too hard.
26. He is very logical. I love that about him because I am very emotional. We balance out well.
27. He a wonderful supportive son and brother.
28. Is a great son-in-law. My parents and sister love him.
29. Has a terrific sense of dry humor. Constantly making me laugh.
30. Is and will forever be young at heart.
31. Once wore the same outfit to work for entire year. Just to show his co-workers that he could do it.
32. He is the BEST HUSBAND ever!!!!

Rupert Idaho Trip

For the 4th of July Ryan and I went to see his family in Rupert Idaho, a small farming community. His sister and Brother in Law live there. We enjoyed good food, Fireworks, riding in the local parade and good times with family.

There was one problem though. Ever since Ryan and I have been dating there is always something that goes wrong when we go up to Idaho. Ryan has told me that he has never had any problems until I started going with him. I am starting to think that I am bad luck. Here is a list of the evidence:

  • First Thanksgiving - Got stuck in traffic. What should have taken us 3 hours took us 6. We were both getting sick so besides sitting in the very, very slow moving traffic we could not talk to each other because it hurt to talk.
  • Vegas Trip(not Idaho but still to see his family) right before we got married we left San Diego at 9pm thinking we would miss traffic. Nope, we were at a complete stop on the freeway for 2 hours because a tire truck had caught on fire. Finally got to Vegas at 5am in the morning. Should have been there at 1am.
  • Second Thanksgiving - We thought that since we had a bad experience driving the first Thanksgiving to his parents we would fly. On the way back San Diego airport had too much fog to land. We had to land at LAX. The airline said they would get a bus for us. Over an hour later there was no bus (it was midnight by now), and they told us that we could go to a hotel, be back at the airport by 5am and they might be able to get us on a flight to San Diego at 7am. My Dad eventually came and drove us to San Diego.
  • New Year's visit - Got stuck in traffic around Vegas again so had to spend the night in Primm. The line for the hotel took so long that we were standing in the sad looking, smoke filled casino for an hour.
  • Recent Trip for 4th of July- thought we were smart coming back on a Monday. Nope, Ryan's car's mass air flow filter starting to die right after Vegas. We had to turn off the air- conditioning from Vegas to Barstow at 3pm in the afternoon, and we could only go 30-40 miles an hour up the hills. 40 miles if we were lucky. We made it to Rancho, changed the part and the rest of the trip was smooth sailing.
All that said it was a good trip and we had fun. Here are some pictures of the experience.

Ryan at the damn.

Most of us that went to the damn.

Ryan and I got to ride with his Brother in law in the parade because he is the Sheriff. Ryan is in the Sheriff car.

Me in the back, like a criminal.

His family took us to a place called the City of Rocks. It was really pretty and had beautiful rock formations.