Monday, November 7, 2011

A New Hat

So our little Deegan is 14 months old now and I can't believe how big he's getting. He is everywhere and into everything! He's so fun right now, goofy, adventurous, and always smiling. Here's a little video of a new "hat" he found:


We had a great Halloween this year. Kira was Rapunzel, Keeleywas Ariel (The Little Mermaid) and Deegan was a puppy. My mother in law was very sweet to help me with their costumes! We did lots of fun Halloween things like Gardner Village to see the witches, Family Halloween party with spooky food, Church party and trunk or treat, and of course Halloween night! The kids had lots of fun and were so excited about all the candy they got! Here are some pictures from October:

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kira Gets Glasses

So at Kira's 6 year Dr appt she didn't do so well on her eye test so the doctor suggested she go to the eye doctors. Turns out she has astigmatism and needs to wear glasses to make sure her eyes develop properly. She was actually pretty excited when she found out she might get glasses. She said, "When I go to the eye doctor if I get everything wrong do I get to have glasses?!" So she was pretty excited to go pick them out, she chose pick with hearts on the side. Her are a few pictures of her glasses:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Deegan's first steps!

About a week after Deegan turned 1 he took his first steps! He's still a little wobbly and nervous but he's getting there. Yea Deeg!

Kira's first day of school & Keeley's first day of preschool

Kira started first grade this year so she is going to school full day and she loves it! She loves her homework, her teacher, eating lunch at school, everything! I love it too because I get some one on one time with Keeley and a little peace and quiet! Keeley also started preschool this year and she was very excited. About a week before she started she would ask me everyday if she was going to preschool. Now that she has started she still asks me everyday if she is going. She want's to go everyday! I'm so thankful both my girls love learning right now, hopefully it sticks! Here are some pictures of their first days.

Deegan turns 1!

Where does the time go? How is it even possible that my baby is 1? This year has gone by so fast it makes me want to cry. In fact I did, a few days before his birthday and right after I weaned him and it hit me. It's gone by way too fast, but it's always exciting to see them get bigger and hit each new milestone. Deegan has been such a fun baby. He is always so happy and patient with his sisters. He is a blessing to our family and we love him very much! I don't think he had a clue what the party was for but he seemed to have a blast. He LOVED his cake. I mean REALLY LOVED his cake. He ate about half of it before I finally took it away for fear he would be totally sick. He was really angry when I took it away! We have a ton of August birthdays in our family so we just celebrated everyones birthday that day. Good times were had by all.
The birthday boy.
Eating half his cake.
Really angry because I took his cake away.
Still really angry because I took his cake away.
Opening presents.
Me and Deeg
All the birthdays we were celebrating!

Kira turns 6!

Wow I'm way behind so here comes a ton of posts. Kira turned 6 at the end of July and had a water party. We had 25 neighbor kids over (what was I thinking?) and set up a water slide, passed out water guns and had a water balloon fight with 200 water balloons! My awesome sister in law made a cute pool cake and we did blue jello with gummy fish in it to eat along with goldfish and swedish fish to snack on. I think all the kids had a great time so it was a success! Here are some pictures of her fun day.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Family Pictures

So in the 9 years that Damien and I have been married we have never taken family pictures. I have been wanting to do it for awhile but I was either pregnant, just had a baby, too busy, etc. I found out my neighbor does photography so we had her do some family pictures for us. We finally have family pictures!!

Kira's Piano Recital

My neighbor teaches piano lessons so I decided to sign Kira up. She's only been playing for a few months and had her first piano recital in June. She had a duet with her teacher and then a solo. I thought she did really well even though she was the youngest student and very nervous!

Kira's Kingergarten Program

At the end of the school year Kira's class did a program called "Nursery Rhyme Time". Each student got up and recited a nursery rhyme. Kira chose "Pussycat Pussycat". The program turned out really cute and Kira had a good time.

Deegan at 9 months

Yikes it's been ages since I have posted so now I am playing catch up. Here is a picture of Deegan at 9 months, he is getting too big too fast!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Family Visit

My dad and family came to visit a few weeks ago and we had a great time together. They rented a condo in Solitude for a few days which was a lot of fun. It was a ski in ski out condo so you just walk right out the door and straight to the ski lift so I got to go snowboarding for the first time since I've had kids! It was a lot of fun but I was wiped when we were done. They also had a swimming pool and hot tub so the girls had a blast swimming. The girls love playing games so we played a lot of games while they were here and I suckered my dad and brother into playing "Pretty Princess" and have the blackmail pictures attached ;)

Off to snowboard

Patti and the kids

My dad, brother Bennett and us

My dad was the pretty princess winner, ha ha!

All of the pretty princesses ;)

Keeley refused to take a nap that day and this was the result