Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Free to A Good Home - March 16th 2005

Today I was thinking about this post I did years ago.
It's a little sad now since we lost Casey in 2007 and Toby in 2008.
I really miss them. :(

But this still made me laugh again.

"Anyone interested in two sweet cocker spaniels? Free to a good home (you pay shipping). Toby (black dog with slightly guilty expression) is 10 years old, enjoys biting small children, peeing in the basement & removing & shredding all the garbage out of the kitchen trash can. Casey (white dog), 9 years old, is completely deaf with chronic ear problems that require medication four times daily. She runs away whenever the door opens and helps keep the backyard clean daily by eating her own poop. Any takers?? More pictures available upon request."

We love you guys and will never forget you. :(

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Fall Wardrobe!

The best part about the fact
that I gave away all the girls' old clothes
is that I get to go shopping
for this cute, cute girl...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

School Picture Day

My elementary girls looked so cute today all dressed up for school pictures...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Skye & her 17-cup Hail Collection

We got dumped on yesterday afternoon!
It was so much fun!
We all love the rain and Madi & Skye ran outside to get wet and experience the awesome storm.

We got so much hail that it looked like it had snowed
- which I guess is the reason Madi got into her snowgear
& took out the snow shovel...

Bayli fell asleep in the car on the way home from school (after waking up at 5:00 am), and unbelievably slept in her carseat in the garage for the entire noisy, noisy occasion!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Mountain Lab!

This morning Bayli & I took a 4-hour round-trip drive
to the mountains to drop Ryann & her friends off at a 3-day camp for 8th grade.

I'm sure she'll have fun (even though she wasn't...)
but we miss her already!
Love You Sweet Girl!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Girls' Night

This weekend my hubby offered to help a friend run an Enduro race,
so the girls & I had a fun Girls' Night.
I took them to Fatburger and got them each their own milkshake.
It cost a fortune. :)
But they loved it...

Back home, we had popcorn and watched Earth.
I really, really loved it.
All 4 girls were on the verge of tears over the whole Circle of Life thing.
(It was sad!)
But I think they secretly liked it too because all five of us watched the whole movie.
At one point, I had a girl on each side, one on my lap and one on the floor leaning against my legs.
I couldn't move a muscle
and felt amazingly lucky.

When we got ready for bed, Bayli looked so stinkin' cute in her new pjs,
I just had to take some pictures...

I just love these girls!

Friday, September 4, 2009


I have never been one of those people who freaks out about their age.
I've always felt like I was exactly where I wanted to be in my life, at whatever age I happened to be.
I always look forward to my birthday - when else do you get a whole day to totally do whatever you want? :)

Really, what could be more fun than that?

Last week was my birthday.
I had an awesome, happy, peaceful, fun day with my sweet hubby and our girls.

But 39?
I don't think that's accurate...

Let's be honest - 39 sounds old!

I know I'm not old, so I just don't see how that number could refer to me.
Here's some pics & highlights from my wonderful day...
my Momma baked me a cake!
Mike & the girls took me out to breakfast.Bayli wanted a matching pedicure. My hubby took me to a great movie!

We had my favorite dinner from Heart of Jerusalem.

My handsome hubby made me laugh 'til I cried.

It was a great day and you know what?

I still don't feel old...