Jayna has been pretty nervous to try and ride her bike without training
wheels. We convinced/forced her to try it a few weeks ago, and she was
so nervous and wouldn't even give it a real try. But after we took the
training wheels off her bike, we just never put them back on. She even
went back to riding her strider bike a few times, which was really funny
to watch with her long legs! Jayna is definitely our cautious child and
likes to be sure she can do something before she gives it a chance. So
in true Jayna style she just decided to ride her bike today. She
actually said to me on Sunday "Mom, I have a feeling. I'm going to start
riding a 2 wheeler now!" I didn't really think much of it, but today
when we went outside to ride bikes she did just that! Gibb was SO
disappointed that he wasn't here for it, and so was I! This is not
something I would normally attempt on my own. She did really good and
didn't fall at all. She rode all the way down the street and back. She
was so excited, she kept yelling "Yeehaw!! Look at me! I'm riding a 2
wheeler!!" It's a good thing she decided to do it this week, or I think
Kepler might have learned to ride his bike before her when he gets one
for his birthday next week! :)
I don't know what happened to the video. Somehow when I put it on the computer and rotated it I lost the sound and it became bad quality, but you get the idea.