Monday, 30 May 2011

takde mood!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

argghh!!! satu hari ni mmg ak xde mood.
mkn je ade mood.
mak da belanje mkn steambot kn.
xkn xde mood jugak.
tapi kat situ jelah ade mood.
yg len TAKDE!!!

nk ceghite dulu pasal mkn td.
perghh! mmg terbaek!
lame x mkn steambot.
dapat plak kali ni. murah lg!
satu kapla rm15 only.
ade promosi lah kn.
kedai tu tepi tasek buatan.
okelah dr tepi jalan raye yg sesak2 kn.
tenkiu mak sbb bwk ktorg mkn.
luv u mummy.
gmba2 ni ak cilok dr enchek google lah. sape lg.

ni bhgn dalam.

pilih2! sume boleh mkn. kcuali meje cn krusi. uncle douglas ckp.

yg ni ak xtau sape. td knl uncle douglas je. tp yg air mcm traffic lite tu ak nmpk td.

nmpk tu mcm ade air2 sket. 

okeh. back to xde mood.
haish! xtahu lah knpe arini mmg resah gile.
plus ase nk mrh org je.
tmbh2 lg bile member ckp ak xsme kls dgn die.
dahla xde mood nk balek kolej.
die ckp cmni. lg btmbh kmlsn ak.
haih! xfhm btl! ape mslh pn xtau.
xpelah. just wanna let go my emo.

May God Bless us. =)

note : kalo blh ak nk msuk hsptl tnjg rmbtn.

Friday, 27 May 2011

"Sakinah boutique 1st Giveaway"

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hello hello hello! ^^
sejak dftr dgree ni. jarang da bukak belog.
skali bukak tgk ade yg wat giveaway lg. huhu.
suke3! nk try lg lah.
ni dia "Sakinah Boutique 1st Giveaway."
hadiah pn menarik tau.

3 kwn2 ku yg dikehendaki men'join' giveaway ini.

marilah join! kasi meriah! ^^

May God Bless us. :)

note : smge btuah la. huhu~

Monday, 23 May 2011

yang pergi tetap pergi.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

oke. today's mood is upset.
maybe very upset.
bcoz early in this morning.
saye dapat tahu yang one of my asasianz fren.
Bakri a.k.a Baq's Yahaya
tlibat dlm kemalangan n he died.
Innalillahi wainna ilahiraji'un.

I'm totally shocked!
seriously. mmg tkejut!
xtaulah knape mcm gile berbekas dlm ati ni.
wlaupn ak x rpt dgn die.
kehilangan die sgt terase.
ajal mmg x knl usie.
and here. i've got my lesson.
that we must alwys prepare to die.
means that anytime Malaikat Izrail will take us.
kalo nk difikirkn logik la kn.
he is too young to die.
but. kuase Allah kn.
xkan kite nk menidakknnye.
yang boleh kite buat.
just pray for him 
and rmmber that our time will be here soon.
Salam takziah buat keluarge arwah.

"Semoge arwah sntiase dicucuri dn dilimpahkn rahmat serta tergolong dlm kalangan hamba-Nya yang beriman dan beramal soleh. Permudahknlah hisabnya. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin."

note : x penah ade kwn sebaye yg meninggal. =(

Sunday, 22 May 2011

InsyaAllah ini plhn terbaek!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hello hye guys! ^^
today's entry adalah berkenaan dgn dgree lah.
ape lg kn. bdk2 swasta mcm ak ni tgh seboklah.
sebok berceghite psl dgree. huhu. 
swasta kn. cmnilah gaye nye.
masok secare mengejot.
dpt kol dr kolej pg td dlm kerete.
katenye tarikh dftr utk dgree 26 mei nih. 
wah! mmg ekspress gilak!
hadoi. rase tkejot pulak lah.
tp mse dpt kol tu xla tkejot.
sbb rmai gile tny pg tu da dpt kol dr kolej ke blm.
ak bsedie ajelah. huu~
so, dgn ini. saye akn msok dgree pd 26 mei ini.
Alhamdulillah. ak dpt ape yg ak mntk.

haha. ak amek due2! =D

kursus : Sarjana Muda Syariah dengan Undang-undang (Kepujian)
tempoh pengajian : 4 tahun / 8 semester
prospek kerjaya : Peguam Syarie. Pendakwa Syarie, 
Pendaftar di Mahkamah Syariah, 
Penyelidik di Jab. Khkmn Syariah Malaysia,
Pegawai Syariah, Pegawai Sulh, PTD.

ni die subjek utk tahun pertama / smester 1 ni.
 Pengajian Islam
 Bahasa Kebangsaan
 Al-Aqidah wa al-Akhlak al-Islamiah
 Foundation English
 Al-Lughah al-Arabiyyah Li al-Dirasat al-Islamiah
 Fiqh al-Ibadah
 Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi
 Hafazan dan Tajwid
 Ko-Kurikulum (Asas Sukan)

agak banyak ye. tp ade yg dah amek.
kalo blh drop subjek. mmg beronok2 lah! ^^
harap2 dpt tempoh sumenye dgn lancar. Amin~
takat cni dlu lah. mcm byk gile da tulih.
pape pn. tahniah utk sume!

May God Bless us. Amin~

note : suke kalo ade member skali dlm kelas tu. =D

Friday, 20 May 2011

re-giveaway dr cik_nana! ^^

Assalamualikum w.b.t

ni hao ma guys! ^^
dengan sokongan seen.
ak dengan rajennye menyertai giveaway.
huhu. good job nisah!
oke. die banggelah tu.

oke2. back to business.
ni satu lg percubaan pertame ak.
dlm memasuki giveaway. haha.
bguslah ak wat tjuk belog cmni.
thefirsttrial. haha! mcm2 ak cube.
yelah. bnde baek kn. mst nk cube. 

okelah. nk bebel pnjg pn tade nk cte ape.
nk masok jugak?!
tgkle syurut2nye di belog cik nana ni.
kasi meriah ramai2 ye! ^^

dengan ini. secara rasminye.
saye mao men'tag' nisah seen. huhu~
Good Luck then! ^^

May God Bless us. Amin~

note : hopefully lucky lah. =)

Thursday, 19 May 2011

cukup bertuah utk terime GIVEAWAY from FAD ALI?!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hello guys!
todays entry khas utk enchek FAD ALI.

haha. x knl pon. =D
but i wanna try my luck.
on his GIVEAWAY. huhu~ 
blm cube blm tau kn?!
hopefully bertuahlah.
this is my first trial utk msuk contest nih.
sesuai lah dgn tjuk belog ak.
hadiah pon interesting lah.

so, to all yg rase diri bertuah tu.
sile2lah join this contest.
gud luck then! ^^

note : tau dr nisah. thx bhai! =)

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

selamat hari chekgu!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

selmt hari chekgu chekgi!
oke. i know its too late to wish hari guru.
but once again.
this is my blog.
do i care?! hehe~
okelah. ttbe ckp omputih pulak kn .
ecece. bkn nk blagak lah!
nk sharpen kn lg jerh. 

ha. nk ceghitelah ni.
tanggal 16 Mei 2011.
tgerak hati plak nk pegi high skool.
nk smbut hari guru a.k.a amek sjil SPM.
haha! bkurun sjil tu kat pejbt skola.
ak tnylah dyana akop.
die kate mao pegi. ak pon ape lg kn. 
da ade member. go on jelah!
pastu kembar plak msj ak. huu~
die amek no ak dri dyana.
ak dgn kemba jiran tp lame gilek x jmpe.
huhu. mmg jiran yg terok! 
oke. i admit that! ^^

mse smpai ktm UKM.
dyana ckp uncle muthu a.k.a teksi yg bwk ktorg pegi skola.
tp smpai2 sne. uncle muthu xde plak.
uncle ganesh pon jdlah.
kesian dyana xdpt jejak kaseh dgn unclu muthu.
poor dyana. huhu~

bile da smpai skola. mmg excitedlah jmpe junior2.
due tahun x jejak skola kn.
mcm2 da brubah. skola da brbh weh.
siap ade astro lg!
aq mncik doe cmni (ckp gaye anwar hadi)
time ktorg. mcm2 xde.
tp bole bjaye jugak. Alhamdulillah.
tp ak bjaye siket jelah. haha!
jeles weh! actually xlah jles sgt.
sbb now i'm in kolej suda. haha!
lg macam2 ada.
yg dtg xrmai pn tp rase meriah gile. haha!
ladies : dyana,suraya,sazura,anne,
boys : ely,zaki,ridwan,syazwan.

ni nye gmbo SAMSMEL da mju.
+ chekgu2 +ust + ustzh.
yg manyak membantu saye dn kwn2.
 sehingge bjaye msok ke mcm2 ipta + ipts + luar negare.

 bilik APD ade astro dah!

 dulu burok je weh, haha. igt lg x?!

 ni ha yg kite dgr2 dlu nk buat.

tmpt yadilmud kite jd cmni da.

 oke. kami dduk ust + chekgu diri.

 ni la nye chekgu2. tp ade yg xde nih.

 ust fadzil yg sgt happening! ^^

 tgk ckgu azlina tu. pregnant lg. tu baby girl kot.

 chekgu high skool pn maen music chair tau!


 terpahat di jiwa raga ku. =)

 raudhah mmg ske jd camerawoman.

 teacher mariam yg cool sntiase. 

 chkegu khaty nk kawen dah!

kami kawan! =)

oke. yg ni khas utk chekgu2 :
tenkiu sgt2 sbb didik saye.
wlaupn saye jht sgt dlu.
chekgu2 tetap redha dgn ilmu2 yg kamu semue beri.
dengan berkat ust + ustzh + chekgu sekalian.
saye berjaye juge masok universiti.
tp saye masok due. 
kolej + universiti = kolej unversiti. =D
time ksh chekgu.
halalkn ape yg tlebih dn tkurg.
doakn kejayaan kami semua.
hingga ajal menjelma. Amin~
[haish! bajet mcm ade chekgu yg bce belog aje]

"Guru Penjana Transformasi Pendidikan Negara"

May God Bless us. Amin~

note : mcm ade entry lagi yg kne buat. =.=

setelah lame menghilang...

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hello guys!
mmg lame ak x msok kn entry. haha.
kemalasan kemelandaan. =)
sangat sangat sangat!
but now. i'm back!

okeh. entry utk kali ni adelah :
2nd reunion 5 siddiq batch '09.

haiya! ceghite lapok la! huhu~
memanglah! tp ni belog ak.
ade aku kesah?! =D
ha. ni nk ceghitelah psl reunion ku. 

tarikh : 14 May 2011
venue : taman warisan, putrajaya
aktiviti : Agro Hunt + Coconut bowling
yang datang 28 org kot.
korg mmg terbaeklah!
bg komitmen baek punye~

ni sedikit sebyk gmba yg ade
kredit to photographer. =D

 ayomat. geset. go!

 in the middle of the way~



 tu dia anak2 dara!

 eh. strike tau!


 ayu2 kucing namenye tu.

 oke. ni je yg bwk kad metrik.

 ape ke namenye menatang nih. lupe!

 korg rawks!

 3 org je lg x mai.

 kami grup KAKI AYAM. no.2 tau!

oke. ak blur kn gmba ak sbb burok! =.=

nk balek dah. tata~

ni lah die. ape yg kami buat.
mmg ke sane utk amek gmba je sbnanye. haha!
btw. mmg sronok wlaupn PANAS!
sumpah enjoy gile! ^^
sayangss korg!
semoge ukhuwah kite bertaut hingga ajal mnjelma.

May God Bless us. Amin~

note : laparnye! =D

Thursday, 12 May 2011

hanya untukmu.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

hye guys! 
entry kali ni untuk enchek win ukhyur.
haha. spesel untok die. =D
slps di tag oleh hajar farah ain.
marah pulak die nt. huhu.
tersuke sgt plak dgn lagu ni.
shweet shangat3!

darl. this is 4 u. ngeh3.

You can be the peanut butter to my jelly
You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly
You can be the captain
And I can be your first mate
You can be the chills that I feel on our first date
You can be the hero
And I can be your sidekick
You can be the tear That I cry if we ever split
You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin'
Or u can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'

Don't know if I could ever be Without you
'Cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause you're the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two
[ Lyrics from: ]
Verse 2
You can be the prince and I can be your princess
You can be the sweet tooth I can be the dentist
You can be the shoes and I can be the laces
You can be the heart that I spill on the pages
You can be the vodka and I can be the chaser
You can be the pencil and I can be the paper
You can be as cold as the winter weather
But I don't care as long as were together

Don't know if I could ever be
Without you 'cause boy you complete me
And in time I know that we'll both see
That we're all we need
Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry

Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for you)
You take the both of us (of us)
And we're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
We're the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two

Verse 3
You know that I'll never doubt ya
And you know that I think about ya
And you know I can't live without ya
I love the way that you smile
And maybe in just a while
I can see me walk down the aisle

Cause you're the apple to my pie
You're the straw to my berry
You're the smoke to my high
And you're the one I wanna marry
Cause your the one for me (for me)
And I'm the one for you (for u)
U take the both of us (of us)
And were the perfect two
Were the perfect two
Were the perfect two
Baby me and you
We're the perfect two(yeah, yeah)

okie dokie. that's it.

May God Bless us. Amin. =)

note : x sbr nk pegi reunion! yuhuu!

Monday, 9 May 2011

rumahku kne pecah keluar!

Assalamulaikum w.b.t

tulun! tulun! tulun!
umah saye kne pcah klua!
aik?! knape pch klua. 
slalunye pch masok!

haish! ckp baek2 siketlah.
mulot. tampo kang. huhu.

actually mksd pch klua tu.
dapor umah ni dipecahkan.
dn dibawa keluarlah. hehe.
sje nk provok sket. =D

umah ni xla major renovate.
sbb tu dok cni je.
just pecah dapo n tuka paga + cat umah.
sbb tula hari2 ak mkn megi.
mlm2 mkn nc bgkus. huu~
pape pn ni gmbanye.
khas utk wan akhyar. haha.

 wah! =D

 kne tutopla. bhabuk!

 peti ais! lapa!

 tu diaa!

 femes pkcik nih!

 kapal karam! 

 jual balek blh kaye nih. haha.

 tgklah. cemane nk msk!

 paga kne cabot!

 ksian rabbit2 tuh.

 tu diaa! sepah!

 takde paga! huu~

 tu diaa! cat baru!

 umahku syurgaku. hehe~

ni die! hbs bgegar umah ni. =P

haha. ble org tu nk pchkn tiles kat tepi tu.
mmg bgegar lah umah ni. keh3.
pape pn. bile da siap nt. kawe tnjuk lg ye. =D

tata sume!
May God Bless us. Amin.  =)

note : bosan mkn megi. =(