I'll be taking my Christmas-break from next week on. I'll be back on January 7th or so. I might or might not post stuff in the meantime. It's likely that I wont, though, since I really need some time off.
However, I am looking forward to seeing you again in the new year.
Man, I cant believe Ken shut down "hallowed ground"! This was such a great blog. Now there's one provider of 'visual catholicism' less on the block. All the more work for me, Carolina, J.P. and the rest. I'll try and do my part to keep you happy, entertained and up to your earlobes in cappe magne.
Alright, since this is the last posting for three weeks or so, I'll open up the "Spellman"-drawer and post (or re-post - since some of the pics already appeared on the old blog) a vast number of my best Francis Cardinal Spellman photos.

[Update: A reader sent in this information: The bishop in this photo is Monseigneur Pierre-Marie Théas, bishop of Montauban 1940-1947, bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes 1947-1970.]

Alright! That's it for 2008. Please come back next year (and bring family and friends)!
Have a blessed Christmas! (Wait... Am I still allowed to say 'Christmas' in public?)