Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Spike Blooms

So far he seems to flower once a year, at the end of summer. It's always very exciting time around here. After almost 2 years, Drew still does an excellent job of taking care of Spike. He waters him, rotates him to the sun and moves him around to make sure he gets varying types of light and views of all the family happenings:). Yesterday I saw Spike out back "watching them jump on the trampoline."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My Big Helper

Mommies big helper:) Now Sl2 goes to school everyday (for NOT long enough:) Wes gets some time alone with me. We have been pretty busy packing and unpacking lately, but he' always right there with me, helping me out whenever he can. He LOVED to help me tape up the boxes when I was packing up the house. This day I caught him helping me label some boxes (look at that concentration).

Then later "working" on his "Monster Truck" with the best tool ever:) egg beaters. O how I LOVE that kid.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Demolition - week 2

10 days of demo!! Concrete is ready to be poured, framing is going to start, it's CRAZY! Of course our house is wide open and it poured rain today! 2 weeks of 90 plus weather and it rains out of no where - arghhh!! O well, it will rain again - hopefully we will be better prepared next time. On a side note - it's so cute, I keep getting photo text of our neighboors and friends walking through it - I'm glad they are enjoying the process too:)

Soccer Weekend!

Our weekends for the next 10 weeks:) Longer if we go into playoffs. After coaching several consecutive seasons Brad decided that he was going to take this year off. We have a lot to do on the house and with work extra busy it seemed like a good idea. UNTIL. . . the emails kept coming about how desperately Mustang needed coaches. SOOOO, this season he is not coach of 1 team, or 2 teams, but 3!!!! So our week is packed with shin guards, cleats, practices and soccer balls. Our weekend is filled with all that and finding matching red socks, finding the goal padlock keys, soccer line ups and COACHING:)) 3 games every Saturday - photos and other mustang events the rest of the weekend - it all revolves around red & white. Poor Wes just gets dragged around the entire day. Here's glimpse into 1 day of our fall - I'm sure I'll do another post, I didn't get enough photos of Cole.


Monday, September 19, 2011

In 1 Week!

WOW!! 5 decades of standing, 6 years of us living there, 3 years of debating a make-over, 6 months of planning and it only takes 1 week to GUT it!! Here's the progress of our house after 6 days of work. It makes me a little sad, but mostly excited. The decision making has started, I'm not a fan, but with every decision made we get closer to moving back in. Home sweet home. Although seeing it torn down like this, really does make you see - it's just a bunch of sticks!!

This is from out back looking into what was our bedroom all the way to our bathroom.

This is standing at the other end of our bedroom looking into (through) Wes's room and into the kids bathroom.

This is standing in our kitchen looking into what was once a family room, laundry/toilet room all the way into the office.

From front entry into kitchen.


Monday, September 12, 2011

Horse Love

Britt was scouting out a new place to take photos. We had just met the Callaways for a hike and had returned some very fun, borrowed horse heads to Kiera. In one of the photos you can tell Sl2 was making an awesome horse sound. Who knew that VERY happy girls, playing horse on a hill with a talented photographer = priceless.