Monday, May 23, 2011

Just a Few. . .

The Moon!! It was so bright it would wake us up

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Dive Practice

Swim team is now if full swing. We now have 3 Marlins in the family. We can't wait for summer and hope for a warmer season than last year.

Birthday Road Rash

Poor Wes never got an official birthday party, we had good intentions but as time past, it got busier and more hectic. It eventually turned into a birthday week. On day 2 of the week he went full speed down the drive way in his toy car and did a real number on his sweet little face. A few days later he found his presents in the corner of the garage-an unwrapped scooter and helmet (still waiting for the never to be birthday party). He dragged them out all by himself and was so excited - we just let him have them. The next day a cute Green shirt came in the mail from Aunt Melly and Uncle Porter, another cute outfit was given from Nana. The week ended with Grandma coming over with gifts for all - esepecially Wes. All in all it was a GREAT week - a never ending celebration.

Easter Hike

We were unprepared when a hike on Easter Sunday was suggested - but of course couldn't resisit the beautiful weather and scenery Mt. Diablo offers. So off we went, Lou-lou and I still in our Sunday best.

Sl2 stood on an ant hill for to long and was covered in ants! They stuck in her skirt and it took almost a full hour to get them out!


Same crime, different boys. Seriously!

Sammie Lou was so happy she was not the one in trouble for "overuse" of make-up - for once:)

More Easter

The Easter Bunny came - left lots of candy and a few toys. Wes found his box of cars and went right to the utensil drawer and instead of grabbing the scissors he grabbed the cookie scooper to open them:) We were all laughing and he was so confused as to why this tool wasn't helping him open the box. After church, where Cole sang and signed Beautiful Savior with a few other children, we went to Nana and Papa's for an Easter Egg Hunt.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Crazy Boys!!

My Rock Star.

My wanna be swimmer.

My sound sleeper.

I LOVE these boys. They make me smile everyday, does life get better than this?