Tuesday, April 12, 2011


We had planned on celebrating Wesley's birthday on Sunday up at Nana's. Since we still have no oven, stove top or way to bake anything, Martha kindly offered to make his birthday cake. Then we got the barfs and other disgusting sicknesses, so some of us couldn't make it, so the party was canceled. But the cake was already made and was bigger than Wesley's whole body - SO cute - he loved having dessert all to himself! Happy Birthday my baby! We will have a re-do on your party:) I love you.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Cleaning Lou-lous teeth - that is:) and a spring party at preschool. They made those cute hats themselves, drew, colored, cut and pasted - pretty impressive!

Concert Pianists

Grandpa's Hank 80th!

Our wonderfully talented, amazing grandparents.

For his birthday gift, Uncle Brad (not Donald B.) put together a photo/journal over all his life. Everybody contributed and it turned out to be a spectacular, priceless treasure:)

Grandpa Hank and his harem!

In true Taylor fashion, this was no regular party, it was an amazing musical preformance by dear friends and amazing talent. It told the history of Hanks life in music, it encompassed his faith, his heritage, his missionary experiences and even a few pieces from his stay in the south. Dueling pianos, stunning vocal solos, strings, a sweet poem by Grandma Colette, and an amazing choir. Luckily the choir backed up the one family song. Here we are trying to look like we are singing.

Here is Megan telling us to pull it together and sing a little louder:) So funny!

After was dessert and on all the tables were some recent and classic photos of Hank. This one is on of my favorite. I think it's on a beach in Rio - can you spot him? Can you guess who I inherited my flammable white skin from?

Bad lighting and and taken on an iphone didn't help:)

We love you Grandpa Hank - you truly inspire us to become better people. Happy Birthday!

Basket Ball

It was our first season of basket ball. Cole had some serious talent - #12 made some awesome baskets and we all had a great time watching him improve each game. By the end he was the start of the team.

Drew & Hoppy

Drew is lucky enough to get the class pet, Hoppy, for another year - because he is in the k/1 split. So here he is in all his glory for another weekend! I have to say he came home pretty ratty, he went immediately into the washer - along with all his clothes.
My cute boy

Happy Birthday Brad!

Brad's birthday was on a Sunday, so I was forced to have to cook (I actually ordered 1/2 baked pizza's from Zachery's the day before). As I was rushing around cleaning and getting things ready for guests Brad comments "this is the WORST birthday present EVER! Having to get the house and meal ready on your birthday!" I had to laugh - I was actually thinking the same thing:) So next year we will go out - with no kids! We had a great time, my sisters were in town, Martha made his favorite pie - and my mom added a Drew foot print just for memories (because last time, Drew stepped in this RED pie IN the car and got it all over the seats and carpet). Tom and Valle added a whole new level of music to our party with several different birthday serenades to Brad and then at the end in the pouring rain - the kids all went out to jump on the tramp! It was awesome. We were all wiped out by the end.

This photo is cute, my Grandpa Hank must of said something really funny:)