Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!

We took the boys for a quick weekend in Vegas for the Nascar Race. We took them a few years ago and they were so excited to go again. They were pretty funny how they remembered and looked forward to all the things they had done last time.

Drew's favorite part was the bath tub at the hotel with his own personal kid's products, the foam letters that spell his name and kids size robe.

Cole loved the tigers, lions and aquariums.

I loved the shows, we saw Le Reve at the Wynn. It was amazing!!

Both boys loved using their cameras, they were constantly making sure they had batteries and waiting for them to finish with their photos shoots an video footage. I'm sure they got almost every square inch on film:)

Brad loved the car museums and the frozen hot chocolate. Of course we all LOVED the race.

The boys got to race mini cars before the game started.

#48, Jimmy Johnson won - AGAIN!! Jeff Gordon (Cole's favorite) was in first the whole time, until the last few laps. Cole was a little bummed, until Jimmy did his "smokey burn-outs! They were AWESOME, then he even went around the whole track backwards! It was very entertaining. We were all smiling when we left.

Until next time. . .

Monday, March 8, 2010

Lou - lou funnies

I hate those stamps people give out for prizes. They think they are being all helpful by not giving her candy, it sounds good in theory. But seriously, no matter how many I throw away she always find another one. I don't know she has it until I find her looking like this. The only reason she's not covered from head to toe (it's happened before) is because this particular incident happened on our 4 min drive home and she had long sleeves and pants on.

So as many of you know Sammie got a big horse from Santa. She had been asking for it for a while, but we didn't realize HOW much she would love it. She spends hours on it. It's common to walk into the family room and find her doing "horsey ballet"

One day I decided to get a photo of it, she was all geared up in her leotard from gymnastics. I told her to do another move for me.

It took me a second, but then I realized something was amiss. "Sammie Lou, what is in your shirt?" She replied "boobies."

I promise, I didn't teach her that. Where did she come from?

On a later date, she and ballerina watching a movie. No boobies this time:)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Hello World!

Wow it is a big wonderful world to explore out there. My name is Wesley or Wes, also know as Wes - wes, "my baby" or my grandma calls me "Danger Boy!" I've actually been part of the family for about 11 months now, but lately I have decided to really show them my personality. I am a happy, funny SMART baby. I used to be fussy and cry all the time, but recently I decided that was a waste of time and now have moved on to bigger and better activities.

I LOVE to get in to everything (especially the toilet paper and the laundry detergent!). I open every drawer, cupboard and trash can and make sure every last thing is out. Why mom keeps putting it all back in is unknown to me. I'm a really fast crawler so I can empty another spot before she even finishes the last one - its AWESOME! I also ROCK at the stairs - just going up, I'm still working on the down part. I can walk along anything if I can hold on to it, I'm so close to taking my first step, my mom keeps telling me to slow down. She seems really tired most the time, I don't know why.

I LOVE my siblings I laugh and smile when they pay attention to me. I'm not even scared of my big sister Sammie Lou - everyone tells me I should be. I love to be tickled. I also love all my family that lives around me, grandparents, aunts and uncles. I love to go on stroller rides. I love to pretend to talk on the phone. I love to eat. I love to poop my pants right after mom puts me down for a nap :) I love to stare other shoppers down when I'm in the shopping cart. Then when they finally look at me, I smile with by big 3 tooth smile, wave and pretty much put on the cutest show they've seen all day. The public loves me:)

My biggest tricks are showing everyone how big I am, clapping, dancing and waving. When my highchair is facing the window I love to wave to people walking by my house. I especially like it when they bring their dogs. My dad is trying to teach me what a doggie says - I usually respond in some way, but a bark is harder than you'd think.

Here I am waiting for someone to walk by.

I see someone!! I must wave, even though they never respond to me.

I love this place!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sammie Lou tuns 4!

She could not commit what kind of party she wanted. Deciding between her two favorite things - pony's and princesses proved to be impossible. So we made it a pony and princess parade, what could be better?

I was a little concerned she would not let anyone actually hit the pinata. Since we had brought home the pink and purple horse a few days earlier, she had slept with it every night! She loved it so, and made sure to show anyone who came over her NEW pinata!

How WRONG I was, she was all to willing to be the first one to get a WACK at it:)

Sammie and Nana, feeding Wes his first pink cupcake!

After some beautify of the girls, Michelle did make-up while Sammie and Nana did nails, the girls were ready for the parade!

While we were busy at the beauty parlor the big kids decorated Sl2's horse for her to ride in the parade! It was an entertaining surprise for everyone.

It was all fun and games until it was time for the guests to go home, she was especially freaking out when the big brothers were leaving? "But I wanted a BALL!" Sammie Lou kept repeating!

It took me a while to figure out - but she wanted a princess "ball" - "with princes!" Big brothers Cole and Drew were sweet enough to step in had have a dance with her.

Thank goodness for prince charming! Let's hope she always picks boys as awesome as her big bros! Happy Birthday my princess, I can't believe you're already 4. We love more than you'll ever know.