Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Out takes

The season isn't official until we go to the school parade.

The best costume this year went to H1N1, and he happened to be Drew's parade partner :) It was so appropriate, since we had it just a week earlier and Drew was our initial carrier!

Sammie Lou was in heaven with all the princesses there.

Lou-lou had come straight from ballet, or she would of dressed up too.

Then on to the doughnut eating contest for the kindergartners.

Drew was one of the first ones done. He was so proud of himself:) So was his mama:)

Best buddies.

Photo with Miss Hall, Cole had her as a teacher too.

Later at home, the boys carved some pumpkins!

and Lou-lou got dressed up!

This is what her "Pink Sparkly Unicorn" did every time it neighed! Which it did OFTEN:) I don't think her toes are on the ground, but she normally came up about a foot high.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


We've been hit!! Drew tested positive, it's assumed Sammie Lou and Wes have it too. We were ALL put on tamiflu, for preventative measures. Should be good as new by Sat. Whew!!

Lou-lou liked her mask so much, she even wore it in the car, watching her movie, as we waited at the pharmacy to fill the prescriptions.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

We loaded up the kids and hopped on the freeway for our big adveture to Joan's Pumpkin Patch. It's quite a drive, but it's all inclusive, with rides, corn mazes, ponies, ect. . . as we looked out our car window just a few exits from our house we saw this!

and these,

So we pulled off and made it a 1 hour trip instead of 3. It was great, we told the kids they could each pick 2 activities to do. The boys made up their minds and handed the worker their tickets and loved it. Sammie Lou, didn't quite understand the concept and just decided to run under the fences and jump lines and do everything. Every time I turned around she was on some sort of different ride or bounce house or slide.

The workers all thought she was so cute they didn't even charge us. The boys thought it was unfair. I feel this it just the begining of Lou-lou's sweet talking her way into get whatever she wants (scary).

This goat took an unusual liking to Drew.

Lou-lou loved to hug the animal through the fence. It was a little to tight and by the end of the trip all the animal cowered in the back of the cage to avoid her.

It was a great day, we went home with pumpkins and great memories of our day at the pumpkin patch. Maybe next year we'll make it to Joan's.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Sparkly Pumpkins!"

Thanks to a recent neighborhood mom's group meeting, I learned of this easy, fun, MESSY Halloween Craft. We invited some of the family over and (for the most part) had a great time decorating.

It took some intense concentration.

Even Wes wanted in on the action.

There were sparkles EVERYWHERE!

Even a few tears,

but the out come was well worth it.

Sammie Lou found her calling as a "decorator" as she arranged and rearranged the Pumpkin display.


Big Boy!

I walked into my room the other day and found this!

I can't believe how FAST he is growing.

Don't tell Lou-lou, he was ransacking her farm and chewing on her ponies!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Halloween Magic

Oh the Joy of kids in costumes on sugar high's, or in this case sugar low's.

More Halloween info to come.