Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First Day of School

Yep! That's no one other than our lovely Michele Williams in the back, trying to line up her kids for a photo too:)

3rd Grade!!

Cole starts school first. The whole family gears up to walk him to his class.

A quick photo of a few of the kids in his class. The teacher was all business and we were lucky to get this one.

*All these kids but one is in his primary class too!

Back at home, getting Drew all ready for his afternoon kindergarten class.

I love this photo - it's so Drew! My big kindergartner, I love you, why are you growing up so fast?

WoW! And another school year begins.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Summer in Tahoe

*** Bec, you can use how ever many pages you need for this post - some photos (with friends, don't need to be to big, but do good size one's with all the cute family ones. Thanks - you are the best, love you***

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Sweet Boys!!

Photos taken by Jessica Stacey this Summer in Tahoe. Thank you!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A New Love

Lou-lou has found a new world, of galloping, neighing, stomping and prancing.

She pretends to be a horse at ALL hours of the day (usually very loudly). She plays with toy horses for hours on end and carries them everywhere with her. Britt was kind enough to let us borrow this wonderful horse head (yes, it neighs when you move up and down - it doesn't leave Sl2's head very often.)

We owe this new world of "horsies" to Spirit the movie (she has watched no less than 100 times). Thank you for the magic.

If your kids haven't see it yet, I highly recommend you watch it, they may fall in love too.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Drew turns 6!

All he wanted was a Spark Scooter! Yes, those are flames coming out the back (and his P.J.'S he has on.)

He was so excited about his big day we opened presents first thing in the morning. I'm sure the neighbors all appreciated Drew's birthday gift at 7:30 am on the weekend :)

All the kids had to get in on the action. Even Brad and I took it for a spin. We were lucky enough to have our cousin Kailee here visiting.

Sammie Lou scooting in her own style:)

A rock in the boot?

Drew was luck enough to have 2 birthdays! A family party at Nana and Papa's.

Where he helped make his own cake. "A Battlefield!"

Those are "crashed lego ships" in case you were wondering.

I couldn't resist this photo, all red cheeked and sweaty, from playing outside.

Then Drew got a swim party at Grandma's with all his friends.

and of course cousin's.

Summer Brithday's are the best!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Goodbye Gordy, Goodbye.

To add to the CRAZY, INSANE week we've had, we say goodbye to our dog tonight. We all shed a tear as Gordy makes his way back to Utah. We love you Gordy, we will miss you. We'll never forget you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What's wrong with this X-Ray?

Can you find what's out of place? *Hint, it's by/above my left hip bone.

Yep! That's my I.U.D. should be down in my uterus, protecting me from becoming pregnant (luckily, I'm not!). So to those of you who don't know, I had emergency surgery to get it out. They got it out, but it didn't come out as easily as expected. With an extra incision (3 total) and some internal pulling and yanking I am now I.U.D. free.

I just want to say THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH to all my family and friends that have been SO helpful the last week. From taking my kids, bringing me flowers, yogurt, treats, magazines, phone calls, e-mails, lunch, dinner and even making me my birthday cake to rushing over to help me change my bandages when I almost passed out in the shower trying to do it my self. It has been a really hard recovery (that I was not expecting) and coming right on the heels of you all already giving so much service when Wes was born. You, my friends and family, are AWESOME!! You went above and beyond this time. I loved you before but I LOVE you now even more. It really has shown be how generous, giving and what loyal friends I have. I hope to repay you many times over. Please let me know ANYTIME any of you need anything - I owe you.

For service I'll never forget - THANK YOU :)