Friday, October 31, 2008


Saturday night was the Church Halloween Carnival. The kids were so excited to put their costumes on for the first time of the season. I went as the tired pregnant mommy (but I did have cute prego jeans, thanks to my friend Britney - love you!) and Brad went as himself. I know, not very exciting - maybe we'll be up for costumes next year.

This was the first year my boys wanted to be something" scary". I have to admit, their costume ideas may have come from them overhearing one of my MANY discussions about vampires and werewolves! (FYI, I've always been on team Edward.)

Drew: "What's more scary, mommy, a vampire or a werewolf?"
Me: "Um, a vampire, I think."
Drew: "Then that's what I want to be!"
In my mind I pictured a much cuter and lovable looking werewolf. He turned out pretty scary too!

Lou-lou had a tough time deciding between Ariel & Tinkerbell, but finally went with the Little Mermaid every time.

The Taylor Clan, looking "SCARY" before heading off to the Trunk or Treat.

HALLOWEEN DAY was busy, fun and spooky! Our first activity was the school parade.

Lou-lou thought the marching band was a little too loud. Drew (the vampire in the bottom right corner, was amazed by all the teenage costumes!)

Cole (knowing how much I like a good photo) stopped the whole line so I could get a good shot of him. He stayed posed until the kids behind him started yelling and passing him up. What a good boy!

After the parade we stopped by the class party and got a great shot of Ms. Alves - she's such a wonderful teacher. Bec, does this bring back 2 different VIVID memories? :)

On the way home we got a photo with Ms. Georgia, one of our favorite people. She is the school crossing guard and is always so happy and friendly. Ms. Georgia is a lifesaver in keeping all our kids safe.

Later Nana and Papa came by to say Happy Halloween.

Being the best Nana EVER she gave the kids FULL size candy.

My kids were very excited about that.

So to begin the night we first were off to the annual Carver pot-luck dinner (where the kids eat nothing because they just fill up on candy and the adults stuff their faces with all the yummy food and discuss who had to take the kids out tonight :) We LOVE it. Next to grandma's to pick Sl2 up and start the trick-or treating.

Michelle was sufficiently surprised to see us there!

We had a great night of trick or treating! Both Brad and I decided to go with the kids, they were so funny. We didn't realize how tight Sammie Lou's costume was around her ankles until we saw how she had to run (waddle) to keep up with her brothers from door to door. Needless to say, she kept up.

There were a couple of AMAZING houses, Sl2 usually lead the way to the door - NO fear.

Towards the end of the night there was one that pushed her over the edge and she opted to stay with dad.

We brought the wagon thinking Sammie Lou may get tired of walking. I don't think she got in it once! We stayed out until the rain was falling to hard and we were soaked. It was the perfect way to end a great Halloween season.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

We had a GREAT night of pumpkin carving. Michelle and Porter had some designs they had downloaded - they were our best pumpkins EVER. Pizza and pumpkins - does it get better then that.

We had 4 total, Drew and Grandpa's

Michelle and Lou=lou's

She thought is smelled a little stinky!

Brad and Cole's

They were quite the pair. Neither of them wanted to put their hand in and scoop it out - "too slimy and gross!"

The finally decided to do it together!

Bad photo of the people, good photo of the pumpkins. Porter's is the full Jack Skellington, his solo photos didn't turn out so well :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Bec!

Better Late Then Never?

To my wonderful, loving, funny, extremely organized sister. (she already has us working on our Christmas presents, although so does my mom). I LOVE you sista, sorry I'm such a loser and can't get a card in the mail on time. Here's next best.

. . . when we used to sleep together and I'd only give you an 8th of the bed for your share? Or when we used to dress Michelle up and do her hair and make-up crazy?

Remember when we used to play with all those boys in the court. Or when I rode you to school everyday on the back of my banana seat bike.  Then you would ditch me at the bike rack so you wouldn't be late?

Remember when we would jump off the balcony when mom and dad left me to babysit, or how we would try to stay up all night, waiting for Santa Claus?

Remember Lisa?

Remember when we would share clothes and then get really mad at each other when we didn't return them in the same condition? Or the secret (not so secret) fort in the back yard in Redwood City?

Remember when we went to Malaysia together and I got to make fun of you and your boyfriend (Jimmy)? Or when I visited you at Ricks and we did our trial run to see if the snow was good enough?

Here's to all those memories and so many more we had and so many more to come. Here's to my sister that can always make us laugh and sometimes cross over the line. Here's to a great mommy, friend and sister. You turned out great.

I love you Bec.


Look what I found last night!

I walked in his room to tuck him in and he was asleep in the pack n play. He said he spent the whole night there.

Last night we also got to go to the Reflections art show. Cole made a movie that was on display. We were very proud parents.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Drew: Your tummy is getting so big and fat. . . how big is the baby now? It must be huge.

Nothing like a child's brutal honesty to make you see how the rest of the world really sees you. It did make me feel a little better when I found this in Cole's backpack. It was an assignment where he was to make the sentence more descriptive.

My mom smelled the flowers.
Cole: My PRETTY mom smelled a red rose flower.

Ok, so pretty wasn't capitalized but it may have well of been in my eyes - what a sweet boy.

Sl2: Mommy, you have baby broter (brother) in your tummy and I have a baby sista (sister) in my tummy.

She may be a little disappointed when we only have one :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

SL2 classic

I was brushing my teeth in my bathroom, Sl2 comes in and asks "where we going mommy?" I reply, "we have to take Cole to school" she runs out.

I finish brushing (I'm not a crazy brusher, it was literally like 30 more seconds). I walk into the kitchen "Ok boys, time to go. Where is your sister?" Boys "I don't know, haven't seen her."

I call for her, and then mothers intuition kicked in and I go outside and yell for her. She doesn't respond, but I hear faint scooter sounds. I run out, down the path, over the bridge and there she is riding her scooter already half way to school. Her hair was down (CRAZY bed-head) and she was still wearing her PJ's! At least she put her shoes on. They were her Sunday sandals, on the wrong feet.

How does she move that FAST? Anyone want to babysit?

I wanted get a re-enacted photo of her on the bike path - but it never happened. So the next best I have to offer are some recent photos Brad took of her on the beach a few weeks ago.

I think it was getting heavy.

So this story actually happened last spring, so keep in mind she was barely 2. I had something like it happen today to jog my memory to this story. Where did she come from? (oh yeah, she's the female clone to my husband:) Love you honey.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Alex B. Party

So Britt just e-mailed me these photos from the birthday party. I couldn't resist not posting them. Thank for the great photos, I love them, and thanks to the Blatters for the awesome party.

Freeze dance.

? ? ?

Some were a little more into it than others :) I know shocking that it is a child of mine.

Can you say trouble? These 3 all go to the same pre-school. Luckily the teacher is a saint.

Drew' hair has been trimmed since this photo. He was sporting the tired, sick pregnant mommy hair-do.

The Pinata

I'm not sure how he made contact with his eyes closed?

John busted out the blower to help with clean up. Drew thought it might help improve his lack of hair-do. Too bad he couldn't open his eyes while it was on him.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

In the past we have driven long distances to some great pumpkin patches. They had mazes, tractor rides, animals and an incredible selection of pumpkins. This year we just stopped by our local Windmill farms and were pleasantly surprised. We got some great pumpkins, feed the animals and got a few photos. Then headed across the street for a little In-n-Out all before the afternoon soccer game. It was perfect.

They loved all the blow up monsters they had there.