Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jordan's Party At Jumpin Jacks!

Jordan really wanted to have his friends birthday party at jumpin jacks this year so I said ok. Richard took the day off to help me with all the kids. On Tuesday if you go online you can get a coupon for 2 for 1. That saved me a lot of money. The kids had a lot of fun and so did some of the adults. We played for a couple of hours and then at cupcakes and went home. The best thing of all is that I didn't have a bunch of kids at my house.
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Jordan & Jayden!

Sorry it has taken me so long to post the rest of the pictures. My computer has been having problems. Here the pictures for the family party. We were going to have it at the park but since the weather was going to be bad Jill & Robbie said that we could have it at there house. Thanks! They got lots of presents. It was so cute Jayden knew what to do this year. He wouldn't blow out his candle. He just keep looking down. Of course Jordan took care of it for him. The boys got new bikes from my parents so we took them out side so they could ride them. Jordan got going really fast and couldn't make the turn and went over the top of his bike. Jayden hasn't figured out the peddling thing yet. We will have to keep working on it.
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Monday, February 16, 2009

The Cakes

Rob decorating the dump truck. He did the blue and the yellow. Thanks for all your help Rob.

The finshed cake. I think it turned out good. This was the first year that we made the cakes. It was a lot of work. Now I know why we would always just buy them.

The dragon cake. Richard & Jordan were looking on line for cakes and found this one. This one was all Richard. All I did was bake the cake. We ended up useing 3 bags of powder sugar. So much frosting.
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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feeding The Ducks

So the kids had been bugging me all week to go feed the ducks. If you know me you know how I feel about animals. I am not a big fan. They freek me out. So I told the kids lets wait tell saturday when your dad will be off and we will go then. It just so happend that my parents were in town and meet us. It has been about four year since I took the Kays to feed the ducks. Back then they would come up to your car the minute you got there and you could barley get out. The kids loved it. I spent most of my time following Jayden around making sure that the ducks didn't get him and that he didn't fall in.

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