Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jayden my cutie pie

I just thought that he looked so cute and big. My baby is growing up. It makes me sad that is so big.

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Aug 23rd

My little brother Cory got his misson call to Uruguay so we were all able to go to the temple with him to take out his endowment. What an amzing exprence it was to have us all there. Cory we are so proud of you and your decion to serve the lord for two years.

After ward we all went back to are house and the kids were all play and having fun. Bailey dosn't like to share her dad.

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Aug 18th Water Park

We got the girls of the bus and decide to go the water park to try and get they tired so that they would take a nap afterwards so may be we could get something done around the house. Like update my blog. Jayden loves the water now.

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Aug 16th Pine Valley Ward Party

So some how we got rope into doing this skit at the party Jeff told me that I would be the one feeding Richard it ended up the other way around. There are some great pictures of me. The kids had a blast we only lost Jordan once. It would be nice if are kids would just stay by us.
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Aug 12th Kayley get off the bus.

Kayley getting off the bus. I was a little nervos to let her ride the bus home on her first day a school, but she did fine and lovedt.
Jordan & Talon waiting for the school bus.
Kayley & Taylee
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Aug 12th

Kayley's ready for her first day of kindergarten. I can't belive that my little girl is old enough to be going to school. Jayden had to be in the picture. Aren't they cute. I wanted a picture of me and Kayley so I had Jordan try taking the picture. They didn't quit turn out. he cut are heads off.
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Kayley with her new guitar that grandma Michele & grandpa Gordan gave her. Dosen't she look cute?
Kayely & Mom
Megan & Kayley they were so cute. Megan would come out and introduce saying now prensting Kayley the great.
Will & Jayden.
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Matt & his friend Adam

Granpa Mike
Will & Dani
Granma Mary Beth, & Amy
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Grandpa Gordan & Grandma Michele
Grandma Eaton
Aunt Evelyn
Dave & Keniz
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Kayley's 5th Birthday With Her Family

Aug 9th we had Kayley's family birthday party at the park. Of course she had to have a High School Musical party. That is what she is into right now. I can't belive that my little girl is getting so old. We love you so much and are very proud of you.
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The Boys Richard, Dave, Will, Mat, & Spencer

The Boys with Amy

The boys thought that it would be fun to hold there sister. She is very brave to put her life in there hands.

The Girls the boys better half. Ashley, Bri, Amy Dani, & Cami.

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Kayley holding Ryan

Keniz, Kayley & Ryan
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Abby eating her birthday cake!

Amy & Ryan.

Abby not quit sure what to do with her cake. What a cutie

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